The Storm God

Chapter 3739 Sincerity! (Please subscribe!)

"Inheritance of the clergy!"

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's conditions, Uncle Locke was shocked.

Not only him.

The same is true for Long Zhan and others.


No one knows better than them what Uncle Locke's clergy inheritance means, and how important it is to their team.

They thought that Bai Xiaofei might offer generous terms to win him and others into the opponent's camp.

But he never expected that Bai Xiaofei would do such a thing.


That is the inheritance that the other party just snatched from Uncle Locke just now, but now it is used as a condition for negotiation...

This is simply an empty glove white wolf!

To this.

They just want to say...

You cow!

But what I have to admit is that Uncle Locke and the others are really a little tempted. Apart from the fact that the inheritance of the clergy is of great significance to them, the more critical reason is their current situation.

It is no exaggeration to say that although Bai Xiaofei's condition was a bit shameless, it hit the nail on the head and hit their throats and vitals directly.

On the one hand, they continue to wander, waiting for all kinds of pursuit and suppression, and the future is gloomy and hopeless.

On the other hand, it is able to recover the previously lost inheritance power and find a stronger backer!

Such a simple choice, I am afraid that a fool would know how to choose.


for its own benefit.

And not wanting to cause more trouble in the future, although Uncle Locke and the others were a little moved by the conditions proposed by Bai Xiaofei, they did not immediately agree.

after all.

Anyone can say good things.

But whether you can show enough sincerity is another matter.

"We want to see sincerity!"

Uncle Locke firmly expressed his intentions.

It means that it is useless to just say it, you must at least let us see your sincerity, otherwise why should we trust you?


Bai Xiaofei was not angry about this either.

Wen Yan nodded with a smile, and said, "Considering our previous hostile relationship, it's normal if you don't believe me."

"In that case, let me show you my sincerity first. I hope you can seriously consider my conditions."

"If you dare to deceive me and take the benefits but don't express your opinion, you should know what the consequences will be?"


The voice did not fall.

In Bai Xiaofei's hand, a ball of light quickly flashed.

It is a special inheritance made up of countless data and information, highly compressed and condensed, similar to WIFI signals, etc., but definitely more advanced and powerful than those things.


This group of light directly divided into 50%, and under the guidance of Bai Xiaofei, it flew towards the five Uncle Locke respectively.

no doubt.

The content of the light cluster flying towards Uncle Locke is naturally the inheritance of the priests that Bai Xiaofei snatched from him.


If that's the case, then at most it can be regarded as returning the property to its original owner, and it can't show Bai Xiaofei's sincerity.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei also added some of his own perceptions and experiences, after Uncle Locke absorbed it, he will definitely be stronger than before.

As for the light group of the other four, it was not simple either.

The content contained in it is also closely related to the personal strength of Long Zhan and others.

Just like Jianxiu Haotian.

What Bai Xiaofei gave him was a copy of the secret book of the Supreme Sword Manual, as well as his own understanding and perception of the way of the sword.

With Haotian's current cultivation base and realm, I'm afraid he still can't fully comprehend and understand the content.

For him, this is definitely a treasure house, enough for Haotian to cultivate all the way to the peak of the God Emperor Realm, Dzogchen, without worrying about lack of sword sense.

Such a great gift.

Immediately, he hit Haotian's weakness, he was so excited that he almost didn't jump up on the spot.

Others, such as Goblin, Mei Niang, Long Zhan, etc., are no exception, and Bai Xiaofei also does not mean to give them benefits.

In short.

This wave of sincerity, Bai Xiaofei can be said to be vividly displayed, so that the five people including Long Zhan can't find any faults.


Here comes the problem.

They have already shown such great sincerity, so they can't show nothing, can they?


I saw Uncle Locke and five people, you looked at me, I looked at you, their eyes were full of shock, disbelief, entanglement and hesitation.


Everyone looked at the captain Long Zhan, meaning, you are the captain, you have the final say, and we all listen to you.

Long Zhan suddenly felt a lot of pressure.


How do you choose this?

To be honest, he was really moved by Bai Xiaofei's sincerity, not to mention their current embarrassing situation, just the benefits they gave were enough to shock him.

Because even if it is placed in the reincarnation space, I am afraid that there is no old conference that is so generous, and it is such a peerless treasure that will be given away as soon as it is made.


After all, Bai Xiaofei is not from the reincarnation space.

And they can't completely leave the space of reincarnation, even if they are tempted, they can't join Bai Xiaofei's camp.

That's pretty fucked up.


Without any choice.

Long Zhan sighed, and decided to confess to Bai Xiaofei the concerns of himself and others, not because they were unwilling, but because they had no choice.

What a dream.

After Bai Xiaofei heard it, he looked indifferent: "If you are worried about the space of reincarnation, then you don't have to worry, because I have a way to help you solve it!"


This time Long Zhan and the others were completely stunned.

My dear!

What did he just say? Does he have a way to help solve the problem of controlling the reincarnation space? How can this be?

You know, that's...


Seeing everyone's suspicious eyes towards him, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and said proudly: "I know you are very confused, and you don't even believe what I said, but I can tell you frankly, I just have this ability!"


A light flashed in his hand.

What was projected turned out to be the situation of some members in the reincarnation space, as well as the distribution of forces.

Although these situations are a little backward, they are definitely confidential, and it is absolutely impossible for senior members of the reincarnation space to know.

Bai Xiaofei's ability to master these things shows a certain problem in itself. After all, the members of the reincarnation space have been banned, and it is easy to be unable to disclose the content related to them.

In the end, not only did Bai Xiaofei get it, but it was also a very advanced one, which made Long Zhan and others feel incredible.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei's impression in their minds became even more mysterious.


Withdrawing the light screen projection, Bai Xiaofei looked at Long Zhan and the others proudly, and said, "These are enough to explain a lot of problems, right? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, you guys are not the first batch of members I contacted and recruited, and definitely not Last Batch……"


Long Zhan and the others were stunned, speechless for a long time.

According to Bai Xiaofei's words, there seem to be many undercover agents in the reincarnation space, and he and others are just one of them.

If everything is true, then Bai Xiaofei's abilities and methods really need to be carefully considered and defined.

At the same time they are curious.

Apart from himself and others, who are the other members of the reincarnation space that Bai Xiaofei can fancy?

But obviously.

For them now, Bai Xiaofei would never tell them these secrets.

Unless Long Zhan and others can completely win Bai Xiaofei's approval.

at last……

Bai Xiaofei kicked the ball to them.

"Now, make a choice!"

"Should I accept my conditions, become my younger brother, and stay in the reincarnation space as an undercover agent; or should I completely get rid of the reincarnation space and stay by my side to work for me?"

"Or refuse to solicit and prepare to meet my wrath?"

"Give me your answer!"


Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes and said.

The five members of the fantasy team, after a period of silence and eye contact with each other, finally converged. Then they all looked at Bai Xiaofei and replied resolutely: "We choose the second one!"


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