The Storm God

Chapter 3740 Impressed! (Please subscribe!)

Ultimately, the Fantasy Team relented.

After all, Bai Xiaofei gave too much, compared to being helpless, being chased and killed, and ending badly, no one can refuse such benefits.


The second item Long Zhan chose surprised Bai Xiaofei.

There is one thing to say, for him, the most beneficial one is undoubtedly the first one, that is, staying in the reincarnation space as an undercover agent.

But Fantasy Team didn't pick this one.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei just smiled.

"very good!"

"Then I will help you cut off the connection with the reincarnation space, stay by my side completely, and work for me."

"But I'm curious, why don't you choose the first one, you know, that kind of benefits are far more than this..."


Facing Bai Xiaofei's doubts.

Long Zhan and the others were silent for a while, and then gave the answer: "Mr. Bai, the competition in the reincarnation space is too cruel. For the sake of promotion and profit, we can do it almost anytime. We have already had enough of that. I dream of getting rid of it!"

"In the past, we had no choice but to struggle in the reincarnation space. Now that we can completely get rid of its control, we naturally wish to leave early!"

"Those so-called benefits are nothing compared to the torture and pain in the reincarnation space!"


The five members of the fantasy team showed expressions of relief.

Bai Xiaofei came to a sudden: "So that's it. It seems that the situation I encountered before is much better than yours. At least they are not as enlightened as you are."

He can understand the choices of Long Zhan and others.

Although this would cause a little loss to his interests, but for the sake of long-term consideration, Bai Xiaofei is not going to reject the fantasy team's choice.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei already has some undercover agents.

It's not bad for the fantasy team at all. In comparison, it's by his side, and now is the time to employ people.

With the addition of the fantasy team, to a certain extent, Bai Xiaofei's troubles can be reduced.


Not too much entanglement.

Bai Xiaofei directly agreed to the fantasy team's choice.

After all five of the opponents signed the cooperation contract willingly, Bai Xiaofei used his astonishing power to cut off the connection between the five of them and the reincarnation space in one fell swoop.

It is worth mentioning that.

When they saw that the contract Bai Xiaofei took out turned out to be a cooperation contract, similar to an employment contract, rather than a slave contract, the five members of the fantasy team were all stunned.

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with their expressions, and explained with a smile: "I am a person who advocates treating people with sincerity. Not only you, but all the people who work with me basically have such a contract. As long as you don't betray me, I will Naturally, I will not restrain you!"


Bai Xiaofei started his solo show.

The inexplicable connection between the fantasy team and the reincarnation space is derived from the soul, and it also involves some great principles.


It is not something that ordinary people can easily cut off.

Even if some bosses can rely on their powerful and peerless cultivation to cut off the soul connection between the dream team and the reincarnation space, they cannot cut off the connection of the great truth.

It's like a person can be killed, or even erase all traces, but his existence cannot be easily completely eliminated from the long river of time.

Unless the opponent's realm has already reached or even surpassed the power of the operating principle of the reincarnation space.


Bai Xiaofei has not attained that realm yet.

But, who let him own the space-time shuttle? The two have the same root and the same origin, and they were completely made by the same master.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei is very clear and understands the principle of the original reincarnation space, as well as where its power lies.


Bai Xiaofei has merged with the space-time shuttle, completely controlling its power and everything.

This also gave Bai Xiaofei the ability to perceive and cut off the connection between the reincarnation space and its members.

in short.

It is considered to have a special plug-in.

For others to achieve this effect, it may take countless painstaking efforts and efforts, even life and strength.

But Bai Xiaofei was just a thought.

It's that simple.

Of course.

In order to show his awesomeness.

As well as hard work and dedication, the necessary acting skills are certain. So Bai Xiaofei put on a show with all his might.

And the effect is also extremely significant, Bai Xiaofei can clearly feel that the fantasy team's favor and trust towards him are rising rapidly.

It's worth it!

In this way, all members of the fantasy team were completely instigated, and directly became Bai Xiaofei's capable generals.

And Bai Xiaofei wasn't stingy either, besides the benefits he promised just now, he also specially prepared a big meeting ceremony for Long Zhan and others.

What Uncle Locke got was a magical costume, which can greatly enhance his auxiliary ability, especially the resurrection magic skill.

Jianxiu Haotian's gift was a fairy sword.

It's called burning silence.

That's right!

It was the legendary ancient sword.

Bai Xiaofei bought this ancient fairy sword with evil spirit and soul power at a high price from Daozhili.

And Haotian also fell in love with this extremely evil fairy sword at a glance, and almost jumped up so excited.

Long Zhan, Goblin, and Mei Niang also received special gifts from Bai Xiaofei, and their strength also improved significantly.

so far.

A group of people were completely convinced by Bai Xiaofei.

At least, after spending so long in the reincarnation space, they really haven't seen any boss Xiang Bai Xiaofei is so forthright and generous.

To know.

They just joined, and they didn't have any combat achievements or performances. In the end, Bai Xiaofei gave away cheats, chances, and magic costumes...


How do you say something?

I'm afraid of comparison in everything, I don't know if I don't compare, this comparison... really compares people to others, and compares goods to throw away.

Compared with the history of struggling in the reincarnation space before, and comparing it with Bai Xiaofei just obtained all this.

Immediately, Long Zhan and others felt infinite emotion, feeling that the previous days were all lived on dogs.

at the same time……

They also deeply understood a truth.

One's own efforts are important, but the more important thing is undoubtedly to follow a wise, wise and tolerant boss.

If they had been messing around with a boss like Bai Xiaofei before, they might not be able to achieve anything now.

To this.

They just want to say.

Fortunately, it's not too late. Such a good boss and happy life were finally met by them.

Then they secretly vowed in their hearts that they must repay Bai Xiaofei's kindness in the future.

after all.

If it wasn't for Bai Xiaofei's magnanimity, accepting them, and giving them such amazing benefits, they might not have a future in the future.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei's wave of operations can be said to have completely convinced the arrogant and desperate five members of the fantasy team, and let them deeply understand what is real cooperation and what is important.

Although he didn't dare to say it, let the five people confide in Bai Xiaofei right away, let's be heartbroken, but he also succeeded in gaining the recognition of the team and the heart of belonging.


It was exactly what Bai Xiaofei needed.

At this moment, the five members of the fantasy team are all very excited and excited, among them the optimist Hao Tian is the most obvious.

While stroking his beloved Fenji Immortal Sword, he couldn't help the excitement in his heart, and said excitedly: "Boss, now that we have joined, we have also gained a lot of benefits, should we let us perform well next? "

As soon as the words came out.

Several other people also immediately became interested.

A pair of eyes looked at Bai Xiaofei, full of anticipation and curiosity. I don't know what tasks the new boss will arrange for them?

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

They know this better than anyone else, but compared to the human-eating reincarnation space, the fantasy team obviously has no objection to the work and tasks that Bai Xiaofei is about to give.

Even very much looking forward to it.

That's the difference!


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