The Storm God

Chapter 3741 Undercover! (Please subscribe!)

"A mission..."

Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes and muttered: "Speaking of this, I really don't have any plans for the time being, because it's my temporary intention to accept you, so I don't have any thoughts about your arrangements for the time being..."

"..." Everyone.


Hearing this word, they were completely convinced.

The five members of the fantasy team thought that Bai Xiaofei had carefully prepared to subdue them, but it turned out that it was just a temporary idea...

That's embarrassing.


This thought exists only in their minds.

Otherwise, the situation would definitely be several times more embarrassing than the current silence.


at this moment.

Bai Xiaofei seemed to think of something.

His eyes lit up, and he suddenly said: "It was just a temporary idea to get Morpheus, the God of Dreams, by tricks, so I don't know your specific situation in the next universe, which gives me a lot of room for manipulation." ..."


The five members of the fantasy team were stunned when they heard the words.

The universe next door?

What is this all about?

Boss, can you please be a little more straightforward?

They really don't understand!

"That's it..."

Seeing the blank eyes of the Dream Team and the others, Bai Xiaofei realized that they still don't know the details of the whole incident, so he could only briefly explain the ins and outs of the incident to everyone: "Do you understand now?"


Everyone was stunned.

Long Zhan even got the meaning of Bai Xiaofei in an instant, widened his eyes, and said excitedly: "Mr. Bai, you mean, before Darkseid in the next universe knows that we have abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, let us go back to work as an undercover agent." , so as to maximize the benefits?"


Hearing the words, Bai Xiaofei immediately gave Long Zhan a thumbs-up, and praised: "It's absolutely correct! You know, Apocalypse is not easy to mess with, even I don't dare to underestimate it. Now there are a few of you as internal support. My future plans can be described as getting twice the result with half the effort!"

In the cosmic world here, Bai Xiaofei has not yet decided what he wants Team Fantasy to do, but there is a lot of room for manipulation in the next universe, and being an undercover agent on Apocalypse is undoubtedly the best choice.

Although the situation over there is basically settled and Bai Xiaofei doesn't need to worry about it, but if someone can act as an undercover agent inside the enemy and provide the latest news at any time, it will be very helpful to Bai Xiaofei.

At least……

It can save him a lot of detours.

It can also formulate the best strategy according to the movement of Apocalypse, and use resources where they are most needed. After temporarily eliminating the threat of the Apocalypse, only the Black Lantern Corps remained.

The Black Lantern Legion of the Black Death Emperor is definitely not easy to mess with.

To deal with them, even if Bai Xiaofei is familiar with the plot, he can't take too much advantage, because their abilities are too perverted and disgusting. Knowing the plot doesn't actually help much.

Because the development and expansion of Heideng does not rely on external forces.

But people's hearts!

But with the fantasy team on Apocalypse as the internal support, everything is completely different.

First of all, on Bai Xiaofei's side, he can accurately grasp the dynamics of Apocalypse at any time, and then make targeted defenses and strategies; in addition, if conditions permit, maybe the Dream Team can put forward certain opinions, so that Apocalypse can take the lead. Quasi-Black Lantern Corps.

after all……

Before, the Black Lantern Corps took advantage of the fire to loot, and they did not lose the wool of Apocalypse.

Such a shameful thing, if you don’t believe that Apocalypse doesn’t want to retaliate, as long as the conditions are right, the fantasy team doesn’t need to do anything, as long as it’s just a little bit of fire at the right time, there is a high probability that Apocalypse’s decision can be swayed, and they will target the black lamp .

In this way.

The forces under Bai Xiaofei's command can reduce a lot of pressure.

You know, after the last battle, Sinestro's Kruga star was seriously injured, and it won't recover within a certain period of time, including the Color Lantern Corps, which also suffered heavy losses. Have to go through a period of recuperation.

That is.

Now is the recovery period under Bai Xiaofei's command.

For the time being, you can't make too many moves, especially in war, but this kind of thing is not only up to you, but also requires the cooperation of the enemy.

Although Bai Xiaofei couldn't guarantee whether the Black Lantern Legion would launch an attack on his subordinates, at least having the Dream Team as the undercover agent of Apocalypse could reduce friction and conflicts between the two parties to a certain extent.

He could even point his spearhead at the Black Lantern Legion.

As for how to operate, it depends on the ability of Long Zhan and others. Bai Xiaofei only needs to provide a general idea, and he will not care about participating and interfering in the specific way of doing things, so as not to affect the performance of Dream Team and others.

Bai Xiaofei believed that, based on their experience in the reincarnation space, it shouldn't be a problem to be an undercover agent on Apocalypse.

as expected.

After understanding Bai Xiaofei's intentions, the five members of the fantasy team did not refuse, but immediately nodded and said that they accepted this task, and they were all full of expectations, as if they were going to do a big job and repay Bai Xiaofei well.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help smiling, and said with a smile: "There is no need to be too anxious about this matter. After passing the universe over there, I will immediately inform Aya, Sinestro and others of your identity information to cooperate with your actions... "


Everyone nodded in unison to express their understanding.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei explained a few more things, and then expended his strength, tearing down the barrier between the two multiverse worlds again, sending the five members of the fantasy team back to the next-door DC universe world, and at the same time turning Long Zhan and others from darkness to light, As well as being an undercover agent, I informed Aiya and others of everything, lest the flood washes away the Dragon King Temple, and my family does not know my family.

Aya: "..."

She was really surprised.

Although she was mentally prepared for Bai Xiaofei's coquettish operation, when she heard the news that the dream team was completely subdued by Bai Xiaofei and sent back to Apocalypse to act as an undercover agent, Aiya still couldn't help being stunned. Two or three seconds.

what's the situation?

The powerful general under the command of the number one enemy, the Dream God Murphys, the astonishingly powerful fantasy team was instigated like this?

What the hell is going on over there?

How long is this.

Why did things suddenly take such a huge turn?

To this.

Not only Aiya was puzzled.

Sinestro, who was presiding over the restoration work of Star Kruga, was also dazed for a while. After regaining consciousness, their admiration for Bai Xiaofei, the boss, is naturally like a torrent of rivers, continuous and continuous, rising to a higher level.


They didn't suck up to it.

Sinestro and the others understand Bai Xiaofei's temper quite well, so it's better to do things well than to play with these bells and whistles. They said that they would do their best to cooperate with Long Zhan and others of the fantasy team to do a good job, so that Bai Xiaofei didn't have to worry.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

After explaining some things, he ended the contact with Aya and others.

Immediately, he refocused his attention on the epic battle between the female tyrannosaurus Ilus and the god of dreams, Morpheus. He didn't know much about the female tyrannosaurus before. He only knew that this female boss was very powerful. , to be able to suppress the Dream God Lord, I am afraid that even if he is matched, he will not be able to take advantage of it.

After subduing Long Zhan and others from the Dream Team, Bai Xiaofei learned more about the female tyrannosaurus from them, and suddenly realized: "So that's the case, I said why is this beautiful girl so strong?" Well, it turned out to be a chaotic giant dragon of the ancient dragon species, no wonder..."


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