The Storm God

Chapter 3742 Invincible at the same level! (Please subscribe!)

There are thousands of worlds, and endless time and space have bred all kinds of different creatures, and human beings are just one of them. Although human beings have unique conditions to a certain extent, compared with some creatures, they are more than a little bit worse.

For example, the gods, demons, and ancient dragons.

According to the rumors of the Dao of the Heavens era that Bai Xiaofei knew, the gods and demons were born with innate divine powers that were unattainable for ordinary creatures. Almost immediately after birth, they could obtain immense power beyond imagination.


Some of the heaven's favored children, when they are born, will also awaken various shocking holy bodies and supernatural powers. As long as the future does not die, their achievements are simply limitless.

On the other hand, looking at other creatures, the difference is not a star and a half in comparison. It may be impossible for him to reach the level of the descendants of the gods and demons when he was just born in his whole life. Such a gap is not an exaggeration to describe it as a world of difference.


Although the two races of gods and demons are uniquely endowed, some other powerful races are not far behind.

For example, creatures such as ancient dragons, unicorns, and phoenixes, their innate genes and abilities, even surpassed the two races of gods and demons in some aspects. ,none of them!

Bai Xiaofei never expected that this Ilus was actually an ancient dragon species.

And it is also a relatively special Chaos Dragon.

This is very troublesome.


Creatures like the Chaos Dragon have a special innate ability of bugs that other creatures do not have—the power of chaos. At critical moments, this power can be used to offset all attacks and fatal injuries. It is unreasonable to be overbearing. speak!

Of course, this does not mean that the Chaos Dragon is invincible because of this. According to Dao Dao’s explanation, the power of Chaos is a very rare and special power, which cannot be possessed and controlled by ordinary people, not even the Chaos Dragon. exception.

It's just that in comparison, the Chaos Dragon can control the power of Chaos more easily than other creatures.

Thanks to the innate ability of the Chaos Dragon, they can bring their own Chaos Power, but this thing is not static. As the Chaos Dragon cultivates and grows, this power will also increase, or weak.

What the specific situation is, it counts.

There may be some chaotic dragons who are unlucky. When they go out casually, they encounter an opponent that is difficult to match. In order to save their lives, they have to use this power, and then this power of chaos will decay accordingly. is exhausted.

Once the power of chaos is exhausted too much, it will not be so easy to recover it through practice.

after all……

This is the mighty force before the birth of the universe.

If the level of strength has not reached a certain level, it is impossible to comprehend the mystery, let alone recover and improve, even if the Chaos Dragon has a unique talent in this regard.

To know.

Great way.

No matter who it is, while gaining certain benefits, it will also make it lose something.

What the protoss lost was humanity, what the demons lost was sanity, and the chaotic dragons of the ancient dragon species, while gaining the talent of chaos, also lost part of their potential for future growth. At a certain stage, it encountered a natural barrier, and then completely stagnated.

Unless a great opportunity comes, all living beings cannot break through.

This has led to the fact that although the chaotic dragon race is powerful, it still does not have much top-level combat power, let alone maintain the overall strength of the group stably, thus being squeezed by other creatures to survive, and even reduced to other dragon species, or A vassal of powerful creatures.

According to anecdotal records.

The strongest chaotic dragons that have ever appeared before are almost at the middle level of the Venerable Realm, and stop at the high end, and the number is extremely rare. Most of them failed to break through the Venerable Realm, stopped at the God Emperor Realm, or God.

Ilus, the female chaotic dragon, can have the level of the God Emperor Realm, which is enough to show that her growth path is definitely not easy, especially seeing that she can compete with a top God Emperor Realm boss like Morpheus, the Dream God. With a firm and unyielding appearance, Bai Xiaofei guessed that Iluth's future achievements will definitely not stop there.

That is.

As long as this female tyrannosaurus does not die young, she may even break through the bottleneck of the Venerable Realm and successfully advance.

And once the realm of strength enters the realm of the venerable, the innate abilities of the chaotic dragons will also usher in a qualitative leap, which can be regarded as the compensation given to them by the Dao. As for how much it will be improved, there is no detailed record on this.


There are some experiences in the records that have been handed down.

To sum it up in one sentence, apart from the top-level innate gods and demons, and some giant dragons of the same ancient dragon species, there is no other creature or race that can fortify the chaotic giant dragon in the realm of the venerable.

Unless the level strength exceeds the opponent too much.

This is awesome!


Invincible at the same level.

It can even be challenged to a certain extent, it is simply a template for the protagonist.

You know, it's not an ordinary level, but the realm of the Venerable Realm. Not to mention the difference in level, even a slight difference in comprehension, as well as the strength of magic weapons and weapons, can completely influence the relationship between the two sides. battle situation.

In the realm of this boss level, those who can defeat the strong with the weak are the peerless talents, the talents of the sky, and the ability to surpass the same level. As a result, the Chaos Dragon was so good that no one would accept it, and it was directly invincible at the same level!

Even leapfrog challenges!


Just ask if you agree?

When he learned about this, Bai Xiaofei finally understood why the number of Chaos dragons became less and less. In addition to the growth restriction set by the avenue, I am afraid it is more due to the exclusion of other biological races!

after all……

No one wants to be surpassed, or even completely crushed.

As long as the chaotic giant dragon that was crazy about cheating was killed, the remaining competitors would have almost the same conditions, or not very different competitors. Compared with the chaotic giant dragon, the pressure was not a little bit easier.

Compare your heart with your heart.

If Bai Xiaofei is a competitor of the Chaos Dragon, then for his own benefit, he may also exclude, or even entrap the Chaos Dragon family, otherwise he will never succeed.

Closer to home.

Ilus in front of him is an extremely rare Chaos Dragon.

The opponent's ability to survive in the cruel environment of the reincarnation space, where the weak are preyed upon by the strong, and still have the strength of the god emperor realm, is enough to show how rich and powerful this little girl is in combat experience and talent.

The Oneiroi Morpheus, who is just an incarnation, can't be the opponent of Ilus at all.

Even Bai Xiaofei probably has no hope of winning, after all, the opponent is a chaotic dragon, born with cheats, if you come at a critical moment, even Bai Xiaofei can't handle it.


Nothing is absolute.

It is not impossible for Bai Xiaofei to win, but the cost must be expensive and huge.

That's why he said that things were troublesome.

In the beginning, Bai Xiaofei's plan was to take advantage of the inextricable fight between the two of them, preferably when both sides were hurt, and then jump out to reap the benefits. Now it seems that this goal is basically hopeless and impossible.

Because Ilus is a Chaos Dragon.

The result of the battle between her and the incarnation of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus is almost a certainty. The winner will definitely be Ilus, and her consumption is almost negligible. So what if Bai Xiaofei has exhausted his tricks? It's useless if you can't beat them.


Turning his eyes, Bai Xiaofei, who was quite depressed, suddenly had a whimsical idea: "Try to win over, see if you can recruit this female tyrannosaurus to your camp, then all problems will be solved!"

"But the key is, what should I use to persuade the other party to cooperate with me?"

"Don't make a mistake and put yourself in it again!"


Someone is thinking.


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