The Storm God

Chapter 3743 Chips! (Please subscribe!)

It is not an easy task to lure a dragon, especially when the strength of the other party is still higher than his own.


The opponent is still the legendary Chaos Dragon.

This is even more difficult.

after all.

The chaotic dragon's needs are very special, and the most extreme pursuit is to break through its own bottleneck.

Let's take Ilus in front of me as an example.

Her biggest wish now is probably to absorb all available resources, and then allow herself to break through the God Emperor Realm and successfully step into the Venerable Realm.


Any conditions are basically meaningless to her.

The most direct and effective way for Bai Xiaofei to win over Ilus and make this female Tyrannosaurus her own is undoubtedly to give her all kinds of very important and beneficial precious resources.


The landlord's family has no surplus food.

Bai Xiaofei himself is still in the God Emperor Realm, and has not been promoted to the Venerable Realm, and even his overall strength may not be as good as others.

What did he use to attract Ilus? You can't be an empty-handed white wolf, can you? Although it is not impossible, but the success rate...

It's very touching!

after all.

The two sides are not familiar with each other.

Even in a hostile relationship.

If Bai Xiaofei's strength is stronger than the female tyrannosaurus, it's more convincing, but at most he is on par with the opponent.

It's hard to convince people.

Compare your heart with your heart.

If someone who was weaker than him, or someone who was similar to him, came to win him over, Bai Xiaofei would definitely be skeptical.


The opponent can come up with a reassurance pill with enough weight.

Otherwise, why trust the other party? Just because he looks good, or something else? Please, under the premise that it is about personal freedom and future avenues, those are all nonsense!


Thinking of these kinds of problems, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but feel a headache: "To put it bluntly, my own strength is too low, otherwise I need to consider so much, just ask the other party if he is convinced, or not? Then let's talk after he is completely convinced!"


Tucao belongs to Tucao.

What should be done must be done, no matter how difficult it is, this female tyrannosaurus Ilus, Bai Xiaofei will win no matter what.

Because according to the information provided by Long Zhan and others, there is an essential difference between this Ilus and other members of the reincarnation space.

She was not summoned by the reincarnation space to become a slave employee after her death, but Ilus voluntarily joined in order to obtain more resources.

That is.

Compared with those members who joined passively, Ilus is more active, and also in terms of contracts, it is far easier to change than others.

In turn, this also eased some difficulty for Bai Xiaofei, as long as he can come up with enough attractive chips, he will not worry about Ilus not jumping over.


Such an employee's loyalty is lower than that of others. If the other party can betray the reincarnation space, he can also betray Bai Xiaofei. The key depends on whether the stake is high enough.

Of course.

Regarding his own charm, Bai Xiaofei is quite confident.

Whether he is loyal or not is a question for the future. His biggest problem now is how to dig out Ilus.


Bai Xiaofei thought of an idea.

Doesn't Ilus want to absorb more resources to break the boundaries of her own race?

Coincidentally, Bai Xiaofei currently has a super powerful rare treasure in his hand - the singularity.

This thing is extremely precious to Bai Xiaofei himself, which shows its importance and awesomeness.


He wants to keep it for himself to use for promotion.

But for the super thug Ilus, Bai Xiaofei is going all out, if he can't reach an agreement, then sacrifice the singularity.

Bai Xiaofei believed it.

With the strength and terror of the singularity, the probability of Ilus agreeing is definitely above 80%.

The main reason is that the price is too high.

If it doesn't come out, it's over, once it's sacrificed, it's bound to be a meat bun beating a dog and never returning. If you can't completely tie Ilus into your camp, then Bai Xiaofei will be at a loss no matter what.


Bai Xiaofei had to think of a way to completely subdue Ilus and never betray him, only in this way could he be regarded as making money.

So what if the opponent takes the singularity?

Even her whole body is almost her own, after all, isn't it just the left hand and the right hand.

No matter what, I don't suffer from it.


Having said that, it is easier said than done.

First of all, ordinary contracts are definitely useless, and the other party may not necessarily sign a relatively strong and restrictive contract.

Unless Bai Xiaofei can let Ilus see infinite potential and huge mining value in himself.

It's like working part-time.

It's also work, so naturally it's better to stay where you are. People go to high places, and water flows to low places.

As long as Bai Xiaofei can maintain his mysterious strength and astonishing potential, Illus will always feel that following him, he will always have meat to eat and resources to use, and he will be comfortable and extremely comfortable.


Even if someone offered better conditions than Bai Xiaofei, generally speaking, Ilus would not leave easily.

Because it also involves factors such as the working environment. When you are familiar and comfortable in one place, no matter how good the conditions are in other places, you will not leave easily and change your working environment.

The same reason is the same.

In addition to these, it is the relationship between the boss and the employees. A good boss must not only have strong ability and overall situation, but also have enough charisma.

Only in this way, when the company encounters difficulties, the employees can unswervingly stand in the same camp as you and share the joys and sorrows.

For these, Bai Xiaofei is naturally very clear.

at the same time……

He also has a lot of confidence.

Otherwise, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't easily sacrifice the Singularity, the big killer that he was so fancy.

Of course.

Sometimes it's useless to calculate.

There is a saying that "supernatural powers are no match for the number of days!" If Ilus is determined to mess with the reincarnation space, then even if Bai Xiaofei gives her more singularities, or even better things, it will be useless.

"That's all!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head, put all the messy thoughts behind him, and murmured to himself: "The plan and chips are ready, success or failure depends on how Ilus chooses!"


His gaze sees through the void.

In another cosmic star field, the epic battle between the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus and the God of Dreams, Murphys, has finally come to an end.

as expected.

There are no exceptions, but the incarnation of Oneiroi Morpheus, after persisting for so long, finally lost to the serious female Tyrannosaurus Ilus.

Now he looks very miserable and pitiful.

The whole person almost lost the human form, not to mention the lack of arms and legs, and even the consciousness of the soul was crippled by Ilus.

Of course.

Worse than him is the surrounding star field and void, countless galaxies and stars, and even the newly born dimensional world, because the battle between the two was affected by Chi Yu and completely collapsed.

The star domain space they were in had almost become a dead place, except for the two of them, there was nothing else.

Almost nothing.


it's all over.

With the grinning grin of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus, the remnant soul and divine sense of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus were finally crushed by her own hands.


And just when Ilus was about to absorb the remaining power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, supplement his consumption, and improve a little bit, the figure of Bai Xiaofei suddenly traveled through dimensions and space, and descended in front of Ilus.


As soon as Bai Xiaofei appeared, he greeted Ilus with a smile and said, "We meet again, Miss Ilus~"


Seeing the sudden appearance and resurrection of Bai Xiaofei, the female tyrannosaurus Ilus was taken aback for a moment, followed by a stunned expression, and then quickly began to twist and twist.

She is completely angry!


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