The Storm God

Chapter 3745 Hesitation! (Please subscribe!)

Illus was shocked.

Although what Bai Xiaofei divided was an infinite multiverse that had been destroyed by the Anti-Monitor, it was scary enough.

To know.

Even she couldn't do this.

What's more, Bai Xiaofei did it without anyone noticing, and he grasped the proportion perfectly. If Bai Xiaofei hadn't opened his mouth, Illus wouldn't even know that the universe had been divided.

All of these points to a problem.

The young man in front of him may not be far behind him in strength, but in terms of means and scheming, he is far superior to him.

after all……

The original war.

Others had already discovered her, but she didn't notice anything. Even Bai Xiaofei had already quietly divided the universe, but she was still kept in the dark.

Who is strong and who is weak, can be said to be judged by superiors and inferiors.


The terror of the other party was far beyond his expectations. Even if his current strength may not be as good as his own.

Because that's the way it is.

Just like the chaotic dragon, in front of other creatures, even if the strength is not as good as others, so what?

Relying on the strength and terror of his innate supernatural powers, he can still walk sideways. It's just that in all of this, Ilus is no longer the protagonist.

Instead, it became Bai Xiaofei's background board.

Although a little unbelievable and unwilling, Ilus had to admit that if what Bai Xiaofei said was true, then the other party was really awesome.

Even if this kid's current power may not be as good as the reincarnation space, his potential is infinite.

It is worth dealing with it yourself.


Just calling a friend.

As for other things, such as joining the opponent's camp, betraying the reincarnation space and so on, this is a bit too much.

Anyway, the conditions given by Bai Xiaofei are not enough.


Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything.

He briefly explained how he divided the universe, and finally said: "That's how things are, the singularity is there now, if you want to see it, I'll take you there."


Illus hesitated.

In the end, curiosity and interests prevailed over reason. She nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go with you. I hope everything you said is true, otherwise you will know the consequences!"


Bai Xiaofei was full of confidence.

Afterwards, he directly tore the barrier of the dimensional universe, opened a dark and deep space-time tunnel full of space-time turbulence and storms, and invited him very gentlemanly: "My dear sister, please~"

Ilus is not afraid that Bai Xiaofei will cheat him.

This level of space-time tunnel may be a threat to ordinary strong people, but to her, it is just an ordinary creek, and there is no basis for it.


He raised his neck proudly.

At the invitation of Bai Xiaofei, Ilus proudly walked into the space-time tunnel, and the next moment, she came to the cosmic world where the singularity is located.

There is nothing here.

Almost nothing but darkness and chaos, and an endless supply of dark matter.


The existence of the singularity is the greatest miracle.

It is like a surging and powerful heart, residing in the deepest part of the universe, dormant silently.

And with every rhythm of it, there will be bursts of powerful and terrifying energy tides, wantonly restless in the universe.

There is no doubt that the singularity is at the center of these energy tides.

All energy will pass through its existence.

Just like a black hole.

No matter how many energy tides come, it can absorb them all, and then feed back other special substances.

The nature of the universe has thus been gradually changed.

Although it is still nothingness and chaos, with almost no existence, its characteristics are obviously different from its twin brother.

And there is no doubt that the universe where the singularity is located is more powerful and full of potential, even if it started relatively late.

After Ilus entered this universe, he felt the existence of the singularity and the specialness of this universe almost instantly.


She was suddenly ecstatic and extremely excited.

Because Iluth found that this universe seemed to be tailor-made for him, and the power of chaos was so strong.

And that singularity also fits very well with his natal personality.

If Bai Xiaofei hadn't rushed over afterward, she might have rushed over on the spot and took the Singularity as her own because she was so excited.

"How about it?"

After Bai Xiaofei arrived, he quickly noticed the change in Ilus's expression, and said with a smile: "My singularity, and this universe, dear sister, are you satisfied?"


Illus actually wanted to be arrogant.

But she couldn't help but get excited. Under the excitement, she nodded directly. By the time she woke up, it was already too late.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied.

He smiled and said: "It's good if you like it, I can feel it, it fits you very well, if it wasn't for drawing you into my camp, to be honest, I would really be reluctant to part with such a good singularity!"

The implication is that this is what I prepared for myself.

Now, it's yours.

How about it?

Sincere enough?

Is it a surprise?

If you like it, shouldn't you also express your opinion?


Elliott calmed down instantly.

However, she didn't give Bai Xiaofei an answer immediately, but frowned, staring at Bai Xiaofei, the singularity, and the ever-expanding and developing universe, falling into deep thought.


She is extreme and hesitant.

Before coming here and seeing the singularity and this universe, Ilus originally didn't plan to talk about cooperation with Bai Xiaofei.

But come.

She realized that she was wrong.

This guy Bai Xiaofei is really disgusting, he actually controls himself to death, the key is that the things sent by the other party are too in line with his own appetite, and they are extremely important to his future development.

to be honest.

It's money spent wisely.

Even though Ilus wanted to refuse, she couldn't find enough reasons to convince herself, because they offered too much.

Is it the space of reincarnation?


Not to mention such awesome stuff, even if it's an ordinary stuff, Illus has to work hard to earn, snatch, and snatch it.

But Bai Xiaofei gave it away generously.

The condition is to cooperate with him.

by contrast.

Obviously the latter is more sincere and attractive.

For a while, Ilus really couldn't find any reason to refuse, because she couldn't convince herself to give up such heaven-defying resources and benefits.

What if I lose the opportunity to break through because of this?

At that time, even if the reincarnation space can earn more benefits and benefits, Ilus will definitely regret today's decision.


It may not be able to achieve this effect.

Although Ilus is a bit arrogant, she is an extremely pragmatic person. She deeply knows that instead of focusing on the beauty and longing of the distant future, it is better to grasp all the actual benefits now.

After all, the future is unpredictable.

Your dreams may come true, or you may die prematurely, it all depends on luck and destiny.

in short.

What should be yours is yours, and what is not yours, even if you work hard, you are only contributing to others.

But now it is different.

If you catch it, then it is yours. On the contrary, letting go means losing it. There are not too many changes, it is so cruel and realistic.

That is.

As long as she agrees to Bai Xiaofei's conditions, she can immediately have this shocking gift, laying a solid foundation for her future breakthrough.

on the contrary.

It may be a fierce battle waiting for Ilus.

Even fell here.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei is not a vegetarian either.

If you show such good things to others, but you don't agree to cooperate, then they will naturally have to think about their own future.

To know.

Every man is innocent and conceives his crime.

Even if it were Ilus herself, she would do the same, so it is no wonder that people are cruel and ruthless.

The biggest question she faces now is, should she accept this great gift? What do you need to bear after you choose to agree?

as well as……

Is this deal worthwhile?


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