The Storm God

Chapter 3746 Tracing the source! (Please subscribe!)

If it was a normal condition, facing such a huge temptation of interests, Ilus would have agreed to it long ago.


It is completely different when it comes to the space of reincarnation.

After all, that is a super colossus, and its power is extremely terrifying, far from being able to compete with some weak bosses.

not to mention.

Bai Xiaofei's level of strength is far from that of a boss, so for his own future, Ilus naturally has to think carefully.

In fact, to put it bluntly.

Or the temptation Bai Xiaofei gave was not strong enough.

Otherwise, Ilus wouldn't care about those messy things, let's talk about growing himself up first.

Even if he was really cheated to death in the future, at least he had been awesome before, instead of always being obedient and relying on others.

Think here.

In Iluth's heart, he basically already had the answer.

She looked at Bai Xiaofei's eyes full of hope, suddenly smiled slightly, and said: "Bai Xiaofei, right? You think it's not inconceivable for me to cooperate with you, but these alone are not enough!"

All right.

This is an obvious bargain.

Bai Xiaofei was not angry about this, he smiled and asked: "Indeed, tell me, what else do you want? As long as it's not too much, I will definitely satisfy you as much as possible!"


hear this.

On the contrary, Ilus was a little surprised.

She looked at Bai Xiaofei who agreed very readily, and said in amazement: "Is that why you agreed?"

"if not?"


Illus was speechless.

Then he began to seriously consider what conditions he needed to be worthy of his betrayal.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that apart from the singularity and the universe in front of her, there is nothing worthy of her attention.


After having these two.

Iluth's strength can achieve a qualitative leap, not to mention that it will definitely help her break through to the realm of the venerable, at least the probability of success must be raised upwards.

in comparison.

Other conditions appear trivial and irrelevant.

After all, once Ilus successfully advances and enters the realm of the venerable, her vision and needs will enter a whole new level with the improvement of her strength.

Those things from before are almost the same as those of elementary school students, and they have no meaning at all to her.

That is.

If you want to take this opportunity to raise conditions, you must consider the future situation, that is to say, the conditions you want should preferably be above the realm of the Venerable Realm.


The possibility of failure in promotion is not ruled out.

But even so, the requirements are extremely strict, and the higher requirements are quite helpful for Ilus's repeated defeats.

Think here.

Immediately, Illus had an idea.

She looked at Bai Xiaofei's smiling expression, and said tentatively, "Can you do the conditions in the Venerable Realm?"

Bai Xiaofei's strength is too weak.

Although the current one is just a doppelgänger, Iluth can somewhat analyze the situation of Bai Xiaofei Bai Xiaofei himself.


She was not sure that Bai Xiaofei could do it.

Ask before you speak.


Then lower the requirements a little bit.

"The conditions of the Venerable Realm?"

Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but he was no exception. He had obviously expected that Iluth would mention something similar.


It is one thing to predict, but it is another thing to actually hear the other party make such a request.

"It seems that you are only preparing for promotion in office? Can you talk about the specific conditions? Analyze the specific situation in detail. I can't give you an affirmative answer directly."

Bai Xiaofei said truthfully.

Although Ilus wasn't very satisfied with this answer, he didn't dislike it, after all, what Bai Xiaofei said was the truth.

If Bai Xiaofei really agreed straight away, she would wonder if the other party was fooling her.

The key is that Bai Xiaofei's strength is too low.

If he was a top boss in the field of the Venerable Realm, such as the Time and Space Supreme, Illus would not have any doubts.

But unfortunately...

Bai Xiaofei was not.

He is only about the same strength as Ilus, and Ilus will inevitably doubt Bai Xiaofei's ability to perform.

"It's nothing more than some resource matters."

In fact, Ilus couldn't say exactly what he wanted, it was just a tentative inquiry just now.

But hearing what Bai Xiaofei said, at least she came to a conclusion, that is, Bai Xiaofei has a certain ability and can get the resources needed for cultivation in the Venerable Realm.

This shocked and disbelieved her.


Iluth couldn't help but began to guess Bai Xiaofei's identity: "This kid must be a son of a certain superpower, right? Otherwise, since he is on the same level as me, why should he be so rich and powerful?"


Bai Xiaofei didn't care what Ilus thought.

Wen Yan pondered: "If this is the case, then I should basically be able to guarantee it, and of course accidents are not ruled out."

at this point.

He didn't fool Ilus.

After all, Bai Xiaofei's current level of economy has not yet reached the realm of the venerable, and his knowledge of that level is very limited.

Even if there is a plug-in of the space shuttle, he does not dare to speak too slowly, otherwise he will find that things are extremely difficult in the future, which seriously exceeds his expectations, and he will suffer a disadvantage?


Bai Xiaofei gave Ilus an answer that was not an answer, which meant that as long as I have something in the future, you will be absolutely indispensable. The premise is that you don't go too far, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do it.

In the same way, if you don't even have me, you can ask for it, and it's useless to force me, unless you go to grab someone else's together.

Illus is no idiot.

She understood the meaning of Bai Xiaofei's words almost instantly.


She fell silent.

It seems to be considering and weighing the pros and cons.

Although Bai Xiaofei didn't give the affirmative answer she wanted, at least Bai Xiaofei showed his attitude.

This is very important.

Moreover, it is far more sincere than the reincarnation space. At the very least, Bai Xiaofei sincerely regards Ilus as a partner, rather than outright employment or even a slave relationship.

If it's just like this, then Ilus must at most think that Bai Xiaofei can make friends.

Cooperation is still a little bit worse.

after all……

The gap between Bai Xiaofei and the reincarnation space is too big after all.

Unless, Bai Xiaofei can show amazing potential and strength that meets Iluth's expectation.

to be honest.

Just to measure Bai Xiaofei's level.

Even if Bai Xiaofei can't do it now, as long as his plate is strong enough, he can become a big boss in the future.

In this way, Ilus will also rise with the tide and gain more benefits and resources.

on the contrary.

No matter what Bai Xiaofei said, Illus would not consider cooperating with him if his foundation is not enough and his face is swollen to make him look fat.

Therefore, Ilus raised a new question.

"Can you tell me about your background?"

"The real one!"


This is to trace the source.

Regarding this, Bai Xiaofei hesitated and remained silent for a while, finally nodded, and replied: "Yes!" Good sister, you should have heard about the origin of the reincarnation space, right? "


Ilus nodded, and said: "It is rumored that the reincarnation space was originally transformed from a top-level artifact of the Time-Space Supreme, and after the continuous enhancement of the Reincarnation Supreme, it formed a new supreme-level artifact..."

After speaking.

She said differently, "Why do you suddenly say this?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled triumphantly, and replied: "To tell you the truth, I also have an artifact, and it has the same origin as the reincarnation space, and it is all created by the time and space supreme!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Ilu was stunned for a moment, her eyes were full of shock and disbelief: "What!? You..."


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