The Storm God

Chapter 3747 Draw big cakes! (Please subscribe!)

The female tyrannosaurus was shocked this time, far more enormous and shocking than before, because what Bai Xiaofei said had already involved the realm of the supreme level, so she couldn't help but lose her composure.

To know.

She can also be regarded as a special race in the vast Hongmeng world.

Therefore, for some special things, such as the big bosses in the field of venerables, and power organizations, etc., they know more than ordinary people.

Even Bai Xiaofei couldn't compare.

after all.

He's just mortal.

Accidentally obtained a space-time shuttle, which is very different from an innate dragon species like Ilus.

In Iluth's cognition, ordinary people, even some strong men with insufficient strength and level, cannot get in touch with the supreme boss.

Let alone the supreme level, even in the ordinary realm of the venerable, it is difficult to see.

It's not that they are too cold, but that the bosses at this level generally live in a special domain world.

Few walk in the mortal world.

Even if there are some, it is difficult for ordinary people to find out, let alone have any communication with them, after all, there are too many levels.

It's like corporate bosses and national leaders who are usually busy with major events in their respective fields, and it's generally impossible for ordinary people to have any contact with them.

The two sides seem to live in two completely different worlds.

And the dragon clan that Ilus lived in before, although there are some existences that have reached the realm of the venerable, but they also belong to the dragons who never see the end. She has never seen it a few times since she was a child.

Let alone a higher level.

Although there are many strong men in the space of reincarnation, there are rumors that there are many bigwigs in the realm of the venerable, but they generally don't show up easily.

Because of the existence of the reincarnation space, it is enough to manage and restrain the countless younger brothers under his command, and there is no need for them to come forward in person.

What's more, it's the great generals under his command, as well as the spokesperson, who come forward to manage various things on their behalf.

Just like the various management structures among ordinary people, if there is anything to do, first apply to each township level, and then report to each level.

The chances of facing the top executives are almost slim.

Iluth couldn't figure it out, this guy Bai Xiaofei could actually communicate with a supreme boss.

Could it be...

What kind of super second generation is this kid really?

Otherwise, where did he get so many resources and strong self-confidence, to dare to snatch people from the Samsara space organization!

If all of this is true, then it seems pretty good to hang out with him.


It is much better than struggling in the reincarnation space by yourself.

"Why don't you... test him?"

Although Ilus is arrogant, she is not stupid. Naturally, she will not believe what Bai Xiaofei says.


After forcing himself to calm down, Ilus looked at Bai Xiaofei with suspicious eyes, and asked, "Really?"

"This makes me a little curious. Even an existence like me can't easily get in touch with a boss of that level. How did you, a mortal with ordinary strength, do it?"

The implication is that without proof, it is impossible for me to believe what you say.

Bai Xiaofei instantly understood.

Afterwards, he smiled slightly and said, "How should I say this, I can only say that everything is a coincidence."

"It was only by chance that I came into contact with and got to know those big bosses. I can't even have everything today without their help..."


What Bai Xiaofei said was somewhat ambiguous.

Some are true and some are false, and it is difficult to distinguish between the false and the real. That is to say, it has proved itself, and it has also revealed more content to Ilus.


Also more confusing.

For example, Bai Xiaofei said that he once communicated with the Proud Supreme, the Ice God King, Bai Xuexian, Qingfeng Taoist, Lieyang Palace Master and other bigwigs on the same stage.

This makes Ilus can't help but look sideways in shock, mistakenly thinking that Bai Xiaofei's connections are far beyond his imagination...

In short, they felt that Bai Xiaofei had a great backer, so they unconsciously began to give him extra points.

I don't know.

The real situation is far from what Bai Xiaofei created, and the so-called communication on the same stage is a huge misunderstanding and accident.

In short.

Regardless of the real situation, anyway, Bai Xiaofei's goal has basically been achieved.

Looking at Ilus's expression now, Bai Xiaofei knew that the other party's doubts about his identity had basically been dispelled.

Even more than that, there may have been some kind of bigger misunderstanding about myself, otherwise the other party would not look at me so hotly.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't feel ashamed at all.

After all, negotiations are just like this. They are not fooling around, or showing off their own capital. Otherwise, why would they cooperate with you?


What I said is correct.

It's just a little bit of artistic processing. As for what Ilus thinks, what does that have to do with me?

Anyway, I didn't lie, and I can only blame her for having a problem with her understanding. I'm innocent!

Be upright and confident!

Really put the thick-skinned, eat enough wise words to the extreme.

And the other side.

After hearing what Bai Xiaofei said, Ilus basically believed what Bai Xiaofei said.

no way.

Who made this guy Bai Xiaofei say so well, and it really fits what Iluth knows.

Just like the Silver Wolf King.

This special guy had led countless little wolf cubs to fight with the dragon clan before.

If it weren't for the support of a supreme leader in the dragon clan who resisted the attack of the silver wolf king with great power, I'm afraid the dragon clan would be in trouble.

If Bai Xiaofei was a liar, how could he know the character of the Silver Wolf King, and he would say exactly about his temperament and temperament.

To know.

Even Ilus only heard about these Dragon Clan secrets from some Dragon Clan elders by chance.

Since Bai Xiaofei can know this, it can at least show that his background must be extraordinary.

Think here.

Ilus looked at Bai Xiaofei with eyes that were naturally extraordinarily hot and excited, and felt that this was a lucky moment for him, and he unexpectedly encountered such a great opportunity.


On impulse.

Excited, Ilus directly agreed to Bai Xiaofei's invitation, and decided to turn to the light and join Bai Xiaofei's camp.

And Bai Xiaofei was not ambiguous.

Immediately struck while the iron was hot, told Ilus about the conditions he had thought up, and planned to finalize the matter on the spot.

As for the conditions that Ilus wants?

This is easy.

Bai Xiaofei could tell that even though this Ilus was a chaotic dragon, his family background didn't seem to be very good.

That is to say, they are very poor, otherwise they would not join places like Samsara Space to earn money and resources.

If you want to tie it into your own camp, or even fight against it in the reincarnation space, you must give her sufficient benefits.

Although Bai Xiaofei doesn't have it now, it might be in the future.


The condition given by Bai Xiaofei is that after Ilus advances to the Venerable Realm in the future, he will still try his best to meet the needs of the other party. As for what kind of needs, he did not elaborate.

This is very important.

The implication is that as long as I have what Bai Xiaofei has, I can give you whatever you need!

Under such conditions, Ilus was shocked at that time. Little did she know, someone was just drawing a big cake for her.

Of course.

If Bai Xiaofei really reaches that realm and level in the future, and indeed possesses such capital, he will definitely not be stingy with Ilus.

after all.

After Ilus joins, she can be regarded as the founding partner of Bai Xiaofei's group, and her status is completely different from other younger brothers.

That is.

Ilus is completely worthy of Bai Xiaofei's attention.

This is not only because of the strength of the female tyrannosaurus, which is strong enough and has unlimited potential, but also because, behind Ilus, there is a great dragon identity.


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