The Storm God

Chapter 3748 Routine! (Please subscribe!)

"Mr. Bai..."

Ilus looked at Bai Xiaofei with a smile, his attitude was different from the previous arrogant one, and said: "Then from now on, we are a family, right?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He naturally understood why Ilus's attitude changed, it was nothing more than his special identity that didn't exist.

He wasn't ready to explain either.

That's fine.

Just continue to let Ilus misunderstand, as long as you can hide it, it won't do you any harm anyway.

Even if the other party knows the truth in the future, Bai Xiaofei is not afraid at all, after all he did not lie.


Bai Xiaofei is also confident.

By the time Ilus discovers the truth, he has become stronger than now, and maybe he really has enough capital.

after all.

The female tyrannosaurus in front of her doesn't seem very shrewd. She is expected to discover the truth by herself, but she doesn't know the year of the monkey.

Anyway, don't worry too much.


What made Bai Xiaofei sad was now.

Because what Ilus said just now has another meaning, that is, in disguise, Guan Bai Xiaofei asks for the promised benefits.

That is the singularity!


This is a good thing that Bai Xiaofei originally planned to use for his promotion, but now he wants to hand it over to others...

Can he not feel bad?


Bai Xiaofei also knew that he couldn't bear the child not to be tied to the wolf.

Although the singularity is precious, it is not something that cannot be discarded and given away. After all, Bai Xiaofei has gained more in comparison.


Without the singularity, he still has this mutated universe.

Coupled with the addition of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus who is even stronger than himself, it also greatly compensates for Bai Xiaofei's loss after losing the singularity.

Even this cannot be said to be a loss, but a disguised replacement of the singularity with a ready-made powerful combat power.

Thinking about it this way, Bai Xiaofei immediately felt his heartache eased a lot, but he still struggled a little.


He smiled and said to Ilus: "My dear sister, I understand what you mean, but..."

"The singularity has not yet fully developed. Instead of handing it over to you immediately, I think it is better to continue to let it grow in this universe, and it will not be too late to integrate it when the right time comes."

"What do you think?"


What he said was reasonable and reasonable, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Even though Ilus had some doubts, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to keep his promise, but he couldn't find any evidence.


She also had to admit that Bai Xiaofei was right.

But it is impossible for her to give up the benefits of getting it. Ilus rolled her eyes wide and then said with a smile: "Well, I think what you said is quite right."

"That's right, since that's the case..."

"I made a decision!"

Before Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, Ilus interrupted with a smirk: "I want to live here, be a full-time mother, and take care of Singularity wholeheartedly until it is fully born!"


Someone's eyes widened suddenly, his face full of confusion.

I rely on!

What's the situation?

Why did this female Tyrannosaurus become so smart all of a sudden? Live in this universe? Wouldn't there be some benefits?


Feelings are real people who don't show their faces.

Everything before co-authoring was all pretended by her, and they are all waiting for me here!

Wang Defa!

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei was so depressed that he wanted to curse!

Originally, he didn't want to give away the Singularity so quickly, let him continue to stay and develop in this universe, not only Bai Xiaofei could come over from time to time to have a look, and take the opportunity to comprehend some truths of the universe.

At the same time, this universe can also obtain huge benefits due to the existence of the singularity.

The current mutation is the best proof.


Bai Xiaofei never expected it.

The female tyrannosaurus Ilus actually came up with such a trick, not only did not refute Bai Xiaofei's proposal, but instead went downhill, and found a loophole for herself to further squeeze Bai Xiaofei's resources.

This is very scheming.

To know.

This universe is in the initial expansion state of chaos. For a chaotic dragon like Ilus, it is simply an excellent training ground.

Under normal circumstances, Bai Xiaofei can definitely use this as a condition to ask Ilus to do something for him, or agree to some small requests.

It's fine now.

The opponent went down the donkey all by himself, so he won it for himself.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't find any faults or reasons to refuse, so it's so fucking fucked up.

Someone always feels as if he has been tricked.

The mood is very bad.


He opened his mouth, and wanted to say something to veto Ilus's proposal, but when he got to his mouth, Bai Xiaofei found that he had nothing to say.

after all.

In theory.

Singularity is now considered someone else's property. Although it is fostered in Bai Xiaofei's chassis, it is someone else's property after all.

Now people want to take care of them, what can you say?

To know.

The other party is also Bai Xiaofei's partner.

As an ordinary person, he might be able to find a reason to prevaricate and refuse, but if the other party is his partner...

This is a little difficult.


Do you still want to save face?


Just because this universe is your territory? But Singularity is still someone's treasure. They don't dislike the benefits of being placed in your foster care. Why do you dislike them eating and drinking here?

No one is an idiot, so everyone can figure out the deal!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei finally sighed helplessly in his heart, and said to himself: "Forget it, anyway, I didn't lose much. After all, the stronger the female tyrannosaurus, the more beneficial it will be for me. It's an investment for the future."

that's all.

After a wry smile, a certain person nodded and agreed to Iluth's request, promising that the other person could enter and leave his own universe as he wished, and even live in it.


Bai Xiaofei also made it clear.

Ilus must not interfere with the development of the universe and the evolution of infinite dimensions, because this is crucial to the future of the universe and even the development of Bai Xiaofei's strength.

If the female Tyrannosaurus cannot do it, or even has a bad influence on it, then Bai Xiaofei will change his mind and take back Ilus's rights.

If the circumstances are serious, Illus will be asked to make up for the loss.

If Ilus can't get it out, it doesn't matter, then it will be directly deducted from the conditions that Bai Xiaofei promised to Ilus!

"do not worry!"

As soon as Bai Xiaofei said it so formally and seriously, Ilus immediately expressed his opinion.

With a solemn and arrogant expression, he said: "I promise not to give you any chance to deprive me of my benefits and benefits!"

That's pretty cute.

at the same time……

It also reveals the Dragon Clan's personality of attaching importance to their own treasures, which is undoubtedly revealed.


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

After waving his hands, a top-notch contract document immediately appeared in front of his eyes, saying: "There is no evidence for what you say, so let's sign a contract, little newcomer and queen!"


Ilus was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't refuse.

And when she saw the specific content of the contract, her eyes widened immediately, and she glanced at Bai Xiaofei incredulously, and said in surprise: "Your contract..."

"What's wrong?"

Bai Xiaofei asked suspiciously: "Is there anything you are not satisfied with? Then tell me and I'll take a look. If it doesn't work, I'll revise it..."

"No, no!"

Ilus shook his head and explained with a smile: "I just think that your contract is too loose and kind compared to the reincarnation space, and the price of breaking the contract is so small..."

"Aren't you afraid?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly when he heard the words, and asked instead: "Why are you afraid? We are all in a cooperative relationship, and what is the purpose of cooperation? Naturally, it is common interests and development."

"During this period, it is human nature for one of the parties to want to terminate the cooperation and seek better development."

"As long as the other party can pay the corresponding price, why can't we get together and leave? After all, there are no permanent friends and enemies in the world, only permanent interests."


Illus was silent for a moment.


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