The Storm God

Chapter 3749 Dark hands! (Please subscribe!)

After a moment of silence.

Ilus finally signed his name on the contract, and at the same time handed over the remaining original power of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus to Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately.

The depression of losing the singularity just now was swept away almost instantly, replaced by slow anticipation.

His intuition told himself that the original power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys would play a vital role in him.


Bai Xiaofei was not polite to Ilus either.

After getting the original power, he waved his hand at Ilus and said with a smile: "I still have something to do, so I will go to work first, don't you want to stay here? Then I will leave you alone..."

Ilus: "..."

She is not an idiot, how can she not see that Bai Xiaofei is clearly anxious to refine the original power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

It was just now that I had drawn myself over, without even inviting a meal, and without any welcome ceremony, just turned around and left like this...

Illus said it was the first time he had seen such a wonderful guy.

For ordinary people, Ilus would definitely not do it.

But Bai Xiaofei...


She felt a little helpless.

Ilus can be seen that Bai Xiaofei really treats himself as his own family, otherwise he would not be so generous, just let himself stay in the other party's small universe as soon as he joined.

Aren't you afraid that she will cheat, mess around inside, and then pat her ass and leave?

This trust moved Ilus very much.


She can tolerate Bai Xiaofei's a little waywardness, anyway, now we are all partners in the same camp, and there will be opportunities to grab Bai Xiaofei's wool in the future, so don't be in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Illus couldn't help showing a smile.

And when she came back to her senses, Bai Xiaofei had disappeared and left, and in the universe of the main film, only Ilus was left here.


There is also a singularity that belongs to her.

It's just that the current singularity has not yet fully grown, and can only be regarded as a seed full of infinite potential.

Illus can't use it at all.

However, it is also a kind of practice to stay near the singularity, observe and understand its operation and changes.

Especially when the degree of compatibility between the two parties is quite high, this is very helpful to each other.


Why does Ilus want to beg for nothing to stay in this universe?

Apart from wanting to squeeze Bai Xiaofei's wool, he is also planning for his own future.

As for other things?

Feel sorry!

Illus didn't care at all.

For a long time to come, her attention and focus will be on the singularity in front of her eyes.

"It's not too late, I have to start practicing right away."

Ilus used the secret method to use his original power to build a special rune array around the singularity, like protecting the singularity, surrounding it like a ring of stars.

Although she is still unable to fully integrate with the singularity, she can establish a certain degree of superficial connection with it through other methods.

It's like peeling an onion.

With the passage of time, the continuous growth of Singularity, and the unremitting efforts of Ilus, the relationship, tacit understanding, and trust between the two parties will become closer and closer.

Until we fully accept each other.

At that time.

When Ilus merges with it, it will also get twice the result with half the effort, saving a lot of trouble and effort.

The premise is that no one bothered her before that.

If it were someone else, they would basically not have such a good environment, and they could practice and conquer the Singularity with peace of mind like Ilus.

after all.

Singularity is a unique super rare treasure.

It can even help the strong in the God Emperor Realm to break through to a higher level of the Venerable Realm.

Such a good thing will naturally cause countless people to fight and fight for it, so there will not be such a leisurely time for people to establish contact and trust with it.

That's why Bai Xiaofei is awesome.

By chance, an infinite multiverse that was in the process of destruction and rebirth was divided, and there were no powerful superpowers nearby.

This formed a unique cultivation environment, which allowed Ilus to take advantage of it.


She didn't pick it up for nothing.

He used his position and the future as bets on Bai Xiaofei, and only then did he get everything in front of him.

Although it seems that he has made a lot of money in front of him, it is really hard to say what will happen in the future.

In short.

Illus doesn't care too much.

She is a pragmatic person, she only pays attention to the present and the present, and what she gets is her own, any big pie is nonsense.


Illus will stay here and not leave.

Want me to help you work? Impossible, Illus wouldn't foolishly help Bai Xiaofei to do things before he got the singularity, strengthened himself, and obtained the benefits he deserved.

What if you get scammed?

As for the remaining power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, Ilus didn't take it to heart either.

after all.

I can't bear the fact that the child can't catch the wolf.

Without paying, where did all the rich rewards in front of me come from?

Anyway, Ilus felt that he had made a profit, and even if he might lose money in the future, he would definitely not lose too much.

Let's fix the things in front of us first!


With such a mood in mind, Ilus gradually entered the state of cultivation and understanding, and the operation mode of power also began to connect with the singularity, and eventually evolved into the same frequency.

The two parties are like conjoined twins, entering a special state, and the infinite power of the entire universe is the breeding ground for them, providing various rich nutrients.

so on.

I'm afraid it won't be long before Ilus's strength will be improved by leaps and bounds, and her relationship with Singularity will also usher in a breakthrough.


the other side.

Of course Bai Xiaofei wasn't idle either.

Regarding the cosmic world where the singularity is located, Bai Xiaofei is not worried about anything, after all, Ilus is basically considered one of his own now.

Whether it's for the singularity or for himself, Bai Xiaofei believes that Ilus will not mess around.

To know.

The two sides had something to say before.

If Iluth really did something that would have a bad impact on the development of the universe, Bai Xiaofei has the right to deduct her future conditions.

Anyway, no matter how you calculate it, Bai Xiaofei is not at a loss.


He came directly to the avatar himself, ready to hand over the remaining original power of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, to the other party to absorb.

After all, he is just a clone.

limited ability.


The avatar is realizing the mystery of the evolution of this DC infinite multiverse, and it is time for energy replenishment.

At such a critical moment, injecting the remaining original power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys into his body is equivalent to adding wings to a tiger, like a god's help.


before that.

Bai Xiaofei (the clone of the avatar) must first confirm that there is nothing tricky about this original power.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Ilus, but that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is too cautious and cunning.

God knows if the other party will set up any special tricks on other incarnations after being killed by Bai Xiaofei in one incarnation and absorbing the lessons of refining.


If you don't check, you don't know. If you check, you will be shocked. There is really something wrong with this original power.

There is actually a very special virus-like strange power hidden in the original power.

Its situation is similar to an apple with an incomparably perfect appearance, but there is a meat worm growing inside, which is extremely depressing.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei kept an eye on it.

It was discovered in advance, otherwise, it would be disgusting to find the maggot that had part of its body bitten off after taking a bite or half of it!

"Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is indeed treacherous, cunning, despicable and shameless. If it weren't for my prudence, someone else would have fallen for him!"

Bai Xiaofei secretly rejoiced.

Immediately, he began to use the Primordial Eye to analyze the attributes of that strange power to see if he could completely remove it.


If we continue to let it develop and deteriorate, I am afraid that the entire original power will be infected by the other party into a pair of carrion and virus.


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