The Storm God

Chapter 3750 The body of evil! (Please subscribe!)

"Some tricks!"

Bai Xiaofei researched and analyzed a wave, and quickly came to some conclusions, and then couldn't help but sneer: "It's really sinister enough to add the power of the worst nightmare to my original power..."

"It's a pity that you met me. Under the eyes of my grand master, there are very few things that can be concealed!"

"Besides, the mere power of nightmares is nothing to me at all. I have to thank you for talking about it!"

"If I hadn't absorbed part of your original power before, I had a deep understanding and benefited a lot. If I encountered this kind of thing for the first time, even if I could see through it, I'm afraid I would be powerless."


Bai Xiaofei was quite emotional.

What is attacking the other's shield with the other's spear?

This is!

If this scene was seen by the main body of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, he would probably be very angry, right?

It's true to say the same thing, this Oneiroi Lord Murphys can't use some dark hands, but he wants to use the power of nightmares!

Although this thing is quite awesome, most people can't bear its erosion and infection at all...


You yourself are its nemesis!

Did the other party never think that he might absorb and comprehend his own power, thus ignoring the power of nightmare?

Or is Morpheus, the God of Dreams, too conceited of his abilities, never thinking that anyone can obtain his power?

never mind!

Why think so much.

Get rid of these nightmare powers first!

Although these things are more disgusting and difficult to deal with, if they can be completely tamed, they can still be regarded as a powerful force.

after all……

Nightmare is also a dream.

Just like light and shadow, black and white, there is no completely independent existence, only the balance of yin and yang is the kingly way.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei seemed to realize something.

He suddenly understood why Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, left such power in the original power of this incarnation.

It is very likely that it is to further enhance his strength, after all, he is the absolute main force used to deal with Bai Xiaofei.

Unlike the previous incarnation, which only had the power to create dreams, but not the power to create nightmares, not only was there a huge difference in strength, but even the levels and realms were completely different.

If this is the case, what about the real body of Morpheus, the God of Dreams? How many kinds of dream powers does he have in his body at the same time?

never mind!

Leave that question alone.

Let's get rid of the troubles in front of us. The power of these nightmares does not seem to be pure power, it is more like the power of dreams manipulated and influenced by pure evil thoughts...


Could this be...!

Bai Xiaofei suddenly had an idea, thought of something, and said frantically, "Meng Shen Jun, Meng Shen Jun, dreams are in front and gods are in the back. All his powers are based on the power of dreams, that is to say, Murphy Si's Tao is also forged by dreams..."

"In this way, the current me has basically mastered some of the abilities of Lord Oneiroi, so can I also use this to build my own way?"

"For example, the body of evil!"


The more Bai Xiaofei thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

Because of the excitement, the action of pulling out the power of nightmares in his hand is also faster and more agile.


Bai Xiaofei separated all the nightmare power from the remaining original power of the Dream God Lord Murphys.

Now, the original power is completely clear.

You can rest assured to inject it into the avatar body, use it as a source of strength to absorb and refine, and continue your great cause of enlightenment.

And this avatar of the avatar directly aimed his idea at the power of nightmares, thinking: "What the avatar absorbs is the clean and dirty dream essence, which is equivalent to a good corpse..."

"If I gather all the power of nightmares into one body and become the worst nightmare, will it be possible for me to advance to become the evil corpse of this deity?"

"Action is worse than heartbeat!"

"Even if there is only one ten-thousandth possibility, I will try. Anyway, I am just a clone of the avatar. Even if the experiment fails, it doesn't matter. At most, I will lose some resources and energy!"

"But if you are lucky enough to succeed, then the benefits obtained by this deity will definitely be heaven-defying!"

"Three corpses beheaded and two corpses removed, the strength level of this deity can definitely be improved to a higher level, directly catching up with or even surpassing the Oneiroi Lord Murphys and Ilus, and becoming a strong man who is infinitely close to the realm of the Venerable Realm!"


As the saying goes, a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier.

Similarly, avatars also have ideals, they are all Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, so they naturally think about the same.

For the deity, for the overall situation, for my own way.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei (the clone of the avatar) stared intently, and already gritted his teeth and made a decision: "Fight it! Starve the timid to death the bold and starve to death. Without the singularity, I have to find another way to improve the strength of this deity!"

"And it is our hope!"


Eyes drop.

As far as the eyes can see, there is a mass of black as ink, like glue and paint. This is the nightmare power that Bai Xiaofei separated from the remaining original power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Although relatively speaking, a lot less, but the quality is very high.

Moreover, the erosion and infection of this thing is very strong, just like ink, even if it is dropped into the water tank, it can quickly pollute the clean water in the entire water tank into a tank of ink.

With such a terrifying infectious power, there is no doubt that the power of nightmare is like a seed with super reproductive ability.

As long as Bai Xiaofei makes good use of it, he will definitely reap huge benefits beyond imagination!


Distribute part of the power of nightmares to the infinite dimensions of the DC universe, allowing it to grow and expand wantonly.

To know.

In this infinite multiverse world, there are a lot of superheroes, and there are also a lot of super villains walking around.

Even if Bai Xiaofei doesn't intervene, these guys will still make troubles everywhere, leaving shadows and nightmares for countless people.

That being the case, why not take a ride.

As long as the intensity is well controlled, generally there won't be too much trouble, even if something unexpected happens...


Someone just doesn't care at all.

After all, there are too many dimensional universes in this world, and there are even more layers of characters. Bai Xiaofei is not the Holy Mother, so naturally he doesn't care too much about the lives and fates of these people.

As long as you can create benefits for yourself, you are a good person!

The rest is bullshit!


After struggling for a while, Bai Xiaofei made a decision very quickly, and then swallowed the core of the power of nightmare into his body, completely merging with it.

Since then.

This clone of Bai Xiaofei has become synonymous with nightmares, and its power attribute has gradually begun to favor the power of nightmares.

Of course, it's just a bias.

Bai Xiaofei is still Bai Xiaofei, he will not let power replace himself, for him, the power of nightmare is just a tool.

Other than that, nothing else.

Want to replace yourself?


Do not make jokes!

I, Bai Xiaofei, am the real master!

It's not that the Power of Nightmare never thought of counterattacking Bai Xiaofei and making the decision, it's just that its power is too weak.

It was almost easily suppressed by Bai Xiaofei.


It's totally a tool.

All the abilities of Nightmare were taken over and controlled by Bai Xiaofei, and even replaced them, completely erasing his consciousness and existence.


Bai Xiaofei is the power of nightmare itself, he can control this power as he likes.

For example, to differentiate a part of the power of nightmares, enter the infinitely diverse world of the DC Universe with your own will, and find a suitable host to nourish and strengthen yourself.

Especially those dimensional worlds that are more inclined to develop in a dark style, it is like a backyard tailor-made for these nightmare brothers of Bai Xiaofei.

As soon as you enter, you will immediately get amazing and rich rewards.

In addition, Bai Xiaofei's nightmare avatar, the level of strength is also rising like a rocket.

this feeling...

It's so cool!


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