The Storm God

Chapter 3751 Qualitative change! (Please subscribe!)

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, several months have passed.


These times are nothing to Bai Xiaofei and the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus in the vast universe.


Neither felt the passage of time.

During this period, they did not do other things, they were all busy with cultivation and enlightenment, trying to improve themselves.

Illus needless to say.

With the buff bonus of singularity, the effect is quite remarkable.

Although she absorbed a lot of energy and matter in the universe, which led to the development of the universe, it was affected to a certain extent...


Because her connection with Singularity was established, it also allowed Singularity to conceive and grow and made amazing progress.

Even the benefits of feeding back to this universe with the singularity are also rising. The positive and negative effects are offset in this way, so to speak, this universe has earned money.

Regardless of its overall development, there has not been much change, but in terms of quality, there has been a significant improvement.

It can be described as a win-win situation!

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei is not at a disadvantage here.

The incarnation of Good Corpse has benefited a lot from understanding the evolution of the DC universe next door; coupled with the absorption and refinement of the remaining original power of the incarnation of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, his strength has directly improved by a small stage.

If it is said that the previous Bai Xiaofei was not sure about defeating the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus when he first met...

So now, Bai Xiaofei has 60% certainty.

All of this refers to the premise of pure strength competition without using some trump cards.

It can be seen how domineering Bai Xiaofei's growth is.


in comparison.

It is not him who has improved the most, but the clone of the good corpse, which has now become the evil body represented by the nightmare.

Although the body of evil originated from the corpse of goodness, it was still in the form of a clone, but after absorbing and refining the power of nightmares, everything changed.

The body of evil reconstructed its own body with the power of nightmares. Not only did its strength improve by leaps and bounds, but even its strength attributes underwent earth-shaking changes.

Especially after the time.

In the infinite world of the DC universe, N many people are affected by the power of nightmares and become the incarnation of evil, wantonly spreading Bai Xiaofei's terror and nightmare consciousness. His nightmare power is like locusts, and he has become An unprecedented catastrophe.

According to incomplete statistics.

In the infinite dimensional world of the DC universe next door, there are at least hundreds of worlds, because of Bai Xiaofei's intervention, they have completely entered the dark age.

For example, the evil elements headed by Superman, Laughing Bat, etc., the world they rule and influence provides Bai Xiaofei (the body of evil) with nightmare power beyond imagination.

Not only that.

With the passage of time and the continuous expansion of these characters, the expansion of the power of nightmares is still increasing exponentially!

This is because Bai Xiaofei is kind-hearted and does not wantonly intervene, otherwise, I am afraid that more dimensional worlds will completely usher in darkness and nightmares!

And Bai Xiaofei, the evil body who has tasted the sweetness and huge benefits and benefits, at the same time has a deeper understanding of the power of nightmares.

to be honest.

The power of nightmares is somewhat similar to the emotional power of the lantern ring.

The difference between the two is not very big, and there are many similarities, such as the ability to influence others and gain power from them.


In terms of power and effect, the power of nightmare is definitely more powerful and terrifying. After all, this thing directly affects and affects the soul, far more advanced than the emotional power of the lantern ring!

Not only that.

The power of nightmares also includes a stronger and wider road, which is like a gate to a new world, behind which is an unknown wilderness.

What kind of achievements can be achieved depends entirely on Bai Xiaofei's excavation and development.

Just say it now.

After these three months of continuous research and comprehension, Bai Xiaofei has gradually explored a way of nightmare that is entirely his own.

And its first unique ability to comprehend and create is derived from the variant of the dream power of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord - Dreamcasting!

Dream casting.

These two are easy to say.

But in fact, the fields and functions it contains are very powerful and extensive, because dreams are themselves a kind of existence beyond reality.

If you want to create a dream, you must first have enough strength. Secondly, it is a deep enough comprehension, and the last is hands-on.

And at the same time.

The last step is the most critical.

well known.

Dreams are generally illusory and only exist in people's subconscious mind. Most of them only enter the dreamland when they are sleeping and resting.

And the so-called dream casting.

It is to directly distort reality, and use absolute power to fully realize one's own thoughts, even will and rules, into a real existence within reach.

This ability, to put it bluntly, is to create something out of nothing.

As small as an inconspicuous object, as large as the world and the universe, the rules of heaven and earth, theoretically, can be cast with dreams.

Of course.

The more difficult the scale, the higher the energy consumption.

The two sides are completely proportional.

And now...

Bai Xiaofei has already possessed this ability initially. Although it is only at the initial dream-casting stage, with the assistance of the Hongmeng Dark System, as well as the void and anti-void technology from the super god universe, its actual power is absolutely beyond ordinary Elementary is stronger!

for example.

Generally, players of the same origin as Bai Xiaofei's level can at most build a real existence around a small town.

The basic rules, operating rules, etc. in the town will basically operate according to the will of the dream maker.

But because it is an elementary level, the town created by the dream, whether it is itself, or the rules and laws, will not be too tough and perfect, and it will be easily seen through by people, or even forcibly broken.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

The void and anti-void technology of the super god universe, combined, has a certain ability to create something out of nothing.

Combined with the special powerful effect of the power of nightmare, its effect is definitely 1+1 greater than 2...


At the same elementary level, Bai Xiaofei's dream-casting ability and effect are definitely stronger than ordinary people.

If everything made by others is compared to biscuits or glass, then Bai Xiaofei's is rubber and rocks.

More elastic, but also harder and unbreakable.

This means that Bai Xiaofei's evil body has basically walked out of his own way.

As long as we continue to work hard to develop, we will inevitably walk out of our own broad road in the future.

After feeling all this.

Bai Xiaofei's true self, as well as the body of goodness, were moved in his heart, and each of them also obtained a joint benefit and special insight, and the level of strength was slightly raised again.

at the same time……

These two also smiled slightly, not only marveling at the effect of the clone's efforts, but also fully recognized each other's achievements.

That is.

From now on, that avatar is no longer an avatar, but is officially recognized by Bai Xiaofei's main body and the good corpse as the evil body.

Although he has not yet reached that step at all, but it will be a matter of time.

And in order to help the body of evil and further speed up this process, whether it is Bai Xiaofei's real body or the corpse of goodness, while receiving the benefits of feeding back, they immediately separated a part of the original power and integrated it into the body of the body of evil .


The strength of the evil body, like a balloon connected to a super pump, immediately inflates rapidly.

at the same time.

His essence is also changing step by step.

After all, the evil body was just a clone before, and the clone is different from the incarnation, which is equivalent to an energy aggregate that hosts part of the consciousness, and it cannot be regarded as Bai Xiaofei in essence.

Avatars are different.

Its composition, at the very beginning, was integrated into some constituent substances of the deity, such as DNA, original power, soul fragments, consciousness seeds... and so on.


The destruction of the avatar has almost no effect on the deity, but the incarnation is different. Once the avatar dies, the deity will suffer a certain backlash effect.

And now.

Bai Xiaofei's evil body is changing from a clone to an avatar. Before that, it could only be regarded as a situational change, but this time, it was a complete qualitative change inside and out.


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