The Storm God

Chapter 3752 Mengtong! (Please subscribe!)


In the vast universe of stars.

Bai Xiaofei, who was sitting cross-legged in the endless dark matter alone, finally finished his work slowly, and at the same time, an indescribable terrifying power flashed away from him.

follow closely.

Bai Xiaofei opened his eyes.

Compared with the clear and innocent eyes before, now there is a trace of evil charm in his eyes that cannot be concealed.

That is evidence that the power of nightmares has been cultivated to a certain level.


This trace of evil charm, not only will not affect Bai Xiaofei's temperament, but it will make him appear to have an indescribable charm.

Even if you don't open the Primordial Eyes, this pair of eyes seems to be able to see through people's heart and soul consciousness, but compared to the penetrating essence of the Primordial Eyes, this kind of seeing is more deeply versed in the essence of cloud and mist.

It may not make people feel that there is anything abnormal at first, but when the other party notices and reacts, it is too late.

Bai Xiaofei experienced it carefully.


He defined his evil eyes as dream pupils, which means that one glance can directly hit the target's heart and pull him into a dream.

The power can't be said to be awesome, but it should not be underestimated.


It can grow.

With the improvement of Bai Xiaofei's strength and his attainment of the power of nightmares, Mengtong's ability will also become stronger.

For now.

Its ability is also quite impressive.

Almost all the abilities of Sharingan for illusion are integrated, and even Izanaki and Izanami ignore me.

Not only that.

Mengtong's ability is still on top of the original technique, it is more refined and terrifying, it can be activated by relying only on the spirit without even consuming the pupil power, it is extremely secretive, it can be said that no one knows it.

And this is just the beginning!

Bai Xiaofei believes that with the passage of time and the continuous improvement of his own strength, Meng Tong's achievements are absolutely limitless.

Speaking of strength.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help laughing.

After absorbing the energy and gifts from the deity and the incarnation of the good corpse, combined with the feedback of the power of nightmares, his current level of strength has been completely turned upside down.

The original him was just a doppelgänger, and his strength was less than one percent of that of the avatar.

Compared to Bai Xiaofei's true self, he is even worse than one ten thousandth, he is really weak.

And now...

He who has achieved the nightmare body has basically reached the level of about one-third of the incarnation.

It can be described as rapid progress!

Of course.

All these achievements are inseparable from the help of the deity and the avatar, as well as the huge gains brought by the villains who are lodged by the power of nightmares in the infinite dimension world of the DC universe.

The combination of the three constitutes the current strength of Bai Xiaofei's evil body, otherwise it would be impossible to reach such a level without any one of them.


If this Bai Xiaofei's real identity is not a clone, but an avatar, then his growth will definitely be more objective.

Because in the process of advancing, most of the energy is used to change the essence of the avatar.

This will lead to a relative weakening of its achievements in strength improvement.

But there is no way.

after all.

Currently, Bai Xiaofei only has one incarnation, the good corpse.

Even if Bai Xiaofei wanted to maximize his benefits, he didn't have the extra effort and energy to create another avatar.


Rather than being so troublesome, it is better to directly turn this avatar into an avatar, anyway, the results are similar.

After the advanced is completed.

The ability, state, and level of Bai Xiaofei in the evil body can be said to have been improved in an all-round way, and it is completely different from the previous clone.

And all of this is due to the nightmare power of Morpheus, the God of Dreams. If it weren't for it, the avatar would not be where it is today.


Bai Xiaofei is very sensible.

Even though the Nightmare Power of Oneiroi Lord Murphys is awesome and powerful, and his future prospects are very good, he did not completely change his cultivation path because of this.

Quite the opposite.

Bai Xiaofei borrowed from the attributes of the Power of Nightmare to be inclusive of all rivers, but he used it as a nutrient to strengthen his cultivation system.

To put it bluntly, Bai Xiaofei's original ability, after incorporating the power of nightmares, has become even more powerful and terrifying.

for example.

Before, when Bai Xiaofei used an illusion with his eyes, the other party was at best caught in a hallucination and charged.

But now it is different, the other party will not only fall into a hallucination, but also be drawn into a dream.

Compared with the original single-layer effect, the current one is undoubtedly more terrifying because it is multi-layered.

As long as Bai Xiaofei is willing, the other party may always be in an infinite dream and illusion, unable to extricate himself.

Like in Inception, do you think you wake up from a dream? Sorry, this is still a dream!


After unremitting efforts, you have woken up from so many dreams? Still sorry, all this is still a dream!

Because everything you experienced before may not be a dream, but just an illusion...

Combination of fantasy and dream, infinite superposition!


Just thinking about it is scary!

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with his newly acquired ability, and murmured to himself: "In this way, I have the capital to be tough and tough, the Dream God Lord Murphys, otherwise I will have to divide it just to deal with the influence of his ability." Use some of your spirit and strength..."


Bai Xiaofei has two incarnations.

The good corpse is the strongest, and the evil body is almost the same. The deity has been in the universe of the deity, and continues to evolve and grow, unable to go out.

That is.

The subsequent action plans, if nothing else happens, will be in charge of the two incarnations of good and evil.

And for now.

The good corpse is still comprehending the mysteries of the evolution of the infinite multiverse, and it is estimated that it will not be able to exit the level in a short time, so all subsequent plans must be managed and executed by the evil body.

So far.

The body of evil couldn't help but wryly smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, after upgrading, I still can't avoid exhaustion!"

"That's all!"

"Anyway, there are no outsiders. I work for myself. It's not a loss. Let me straighten it out now. Where should I start..."

"Ilus the female tyrannosaur, White Star, the influence of nightmares, the universe next door, the real body of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, the Black Death Emperor..."

"There are so many things to do!"


Helplessly shook his head.

Bai Xiaofei, the body of evil, finally decided to go and see the situation of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus, a partner who had just been recruited.

after all……

This is a top combat power.

For many major events in the future, she will need to use her power to keep abreast of Iluth's situation, which will also help Bai Xiaofei arrange plans and actions.

next moment.

He came to the singularity universe.

As soon as he came, Bai Xiaofei, the evil body, felt the specialness and growth of the singularity universe, and his eyes lit up immediately: "My good guy, this change is really big. It seems that the singularity is not buried after following her!"

In a short period of time, the essence of the singularity universe has increased several times. Such an achievement, Bai Xiaofei thinks he can't do it.


All of this is mostly due to Ilus.

Although the other party has gained a lot of benefits because of this, things cannot be discussed in this way, Bai Xiaofei is not that kind of person.

Merit is merit, and meritorious deeds will be rewarded!

Of course.

In view of the strong needs of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus, and Bai Xiaofei's current shyness, someone can only write down the credit for this time, and distribute it together when he has more money in the future.


Bai Xiaofei was feeling emotional.

The female tyrannosaurus Ilus also came to him in an instant, squinted her eyes and looked at Bai Xiaofei back and forth several times, and then asked in doubt: "Have you absorbed and refined the original power of Morpheus, the God of Dreams?"


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