The Storm God

Chapter 3753 Jade Jane! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He wasn't surprised that Ilus would ask this question, but what made him curious was, how did the female Tyrannosaurus see it?

Could it be...

What's wrong with him? Or is it for some other reason?

After all, Ilus and Murphys are also old acquaintances in the reincarnation space, and they are quite familiar with each other.

Bai Xiaofei absorbed the nightmare power of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and it was not surprising that Ilus could sense it.


It doesn't have to be so obvious, does it?

One must know that Bai Xiaofei did not simply absorb the nightmare power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, but completely refined it and integrated it into his own power.

Follow the wisdom of picking up people's teeth, don't understand changes and innovations, and follow the scriptures, but they are completely two concepts.

So Illus can see it at a glance?


The female tyrannosaurus seemed to see Bai Xiaofei's doubts, she grinned at the corner of her mouth, raised her neck slightly, and said with a smile: "It's true, you really have a lot of brushes, and you can actually get the origin of that guy of the Oneiroi Murphys strength, there is almost no trace of it being tempered and refined..."

"If you were an ordinary strong man, you might not be able to notice your changes, but I am different!"


Speaking of which.

This female tyrannosaurus actually played tricks, paused on purpose, looked at Bai Xiaofei with her eyes, and seemed to be saying:

"Want to hear the follow-up?"

"If you want to, then show some benefits!"

"I'm fine with it!"


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, he smiled wryly and sighed, shook his head and said, "You really deserve to be a Dragon Clan. I'm completely convinced by the level of a money fan!"


He's not stingy either.

Directly from his collection, he took out a crystal of pure law power and threw it to Ilus.

"Is it okay to say it now?"


Ilus, who got the benefits, suddenly nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice. While looking at the law power crystal in his hand with bright eyes, he explained:

"Actually, the reason is very simple. Although you have refined the power of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, so thoroughly that no one can detect any abnormalities, no matter how deeply you hide it, there is still a clue that you haven't hidden it well..."

"Unfortunately, I am very familiar with the power of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, so naturally I can see something is wrong at a glance!"

"If it were someone else, at an average level, you might not find anything, but if you are stronger than you, or have special sensory abilities, such as the magic pupil technique, the secrets in you can't be hidden at all! "

"Especially for Oneiroi Morpheus!"


The last sentence had a particularly huge impact on Bai Xiaofei, as if it meant that you are almost an oversized guiding light to Morpheus, the God of Dreams!

The kind that you can't hide even if you want to hide it!


Bai Xiaofei immediately became depressed.

Damn, I thought that with the increase in strength and the fusion of the power of nightmares, I would be able to strengthen the dream god Murphys, but it didn't work out, but because of this, I lost my ability to hide...

After careful calculation, it was a bit of a loss.

What is this called!

"Good lady..."

Bai Xiaofei quickly calmed down, then frowned and asked Ilus: "Is there any way to remedy this clue?"

Although he has many means, but Naihe really knows very little about Murphys, the God of Ones.

on the contrary.

Illus is very familiar with it.

This is not only because both of them are members of the reincarnation space, but also in a relationship of competition and confrontation.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is often not yourself or your friend, but your enemy!

Since Ilus saw something wrong, there is likely to be a solution, so Bai Xiaofei naturally wanted to ask for advice humbly.


Just asking empty words is not enough.

Bai Xiaofei, who is well aware of the money-lovers personality of the female tyrannosaurus Ilus, asked at the same time, and directly took out more law power crystals.

as expected.

Ilus, who was a bit reluctant to open her mouth at first, immediately turned into flattery after seeing Bai Xiaofei's full sincerity, and threw a jade slip to Bai Xiaofei without saying a word.


Looking at the jade slip that Ilus threw over, Bai Xiaofei suddenly became confused: "What kind of thing is this? Could it be that the solution is hidden in the jade slip?"


He will separate out his consciousness, sense and communicate with jade slips.

At this time, Ilus suddenly said: "Of course not! This jade slip is just a simple collection tool, which seals some of my chaotic power, and if you keep it on your body, you can suppress and hide the power of chaos on your body." Part of it comes from the power breath of Morpheus, the Oneiroi."


Bai Xiaofei immediately opened his mouth wide, dumbfounded, and said in disbelief: "It's, it's that simple?"


Ilus looked at Bai Xiaofei teasingly, and said with a smile: "Otherwise, what do you think? Of course, it's up to anyone. For me, it's naturally an easy and simple thing. But if it's someone else, it's probably just a matter of time." That's enough!"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized.

The female tyrannosaurus Ilus is an ancient dragon species, a chaotic giant dragon, born with part of the power of chaos.

And the power of chaos is extremely special, it can almost suppress most of the power, and the power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys is no exception.

If it were someone else, where would they get the power of chaos?

Even Bai Xiaofei was a bit choked up, not because he couldn't get it, but because it was too expensive!

If you think so.

On the contrary, Bai Xiaofei felt a lot more balanced in his heart, and exchanged some crystallization of law power for Iluth's power of chaos.

Think about it.

A certain person looked at Ilus, and suddenly became more pleasing to the eye, thinking: "This female Tyrannosaurus doesn't seem to be so mercenary..."


I haven't finished thinking about it yet.

Then I heard the female tyrannosaurus Ilus say: "By the way, Mr. Bai, I almost forgot to tell you that the chaotic power of this jade slip can only last for about a month. When the time comes, you must get it." Replenish the power of chaos, otherwise it will be an empty shell and will have no effect..."


Bai Xiaofei's expression froze instantly.


Only for a month?

I rely on!

What's the situation? The so-called incomparable power of chaos, is this capable? Liar!

In other words, the power of chaos in the jade slips contains almost negligible, or even almost none!

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei's mind also spun rapidly.

He suddenly remembered the information about the Chaos Dragon. The power of Chaos seemed to be very important to the Chaos Dragon.

The female tyrannosaurus Ilus will use her own power of chaos in order to help herself hide the power of Morpheus, the god of dreams, and a little crystallization of law power?

Depend on!

I was really too naive.

This female tyrannosaurus Ilus is a typical money-obsessed dragon, and she took out the jade slip, which is clearly a hole dug for me!

It is estimated that the so-called power of chaos in it is basically fake, and the purpose is to obtain benefits from oneself for a long time.

The key is that I really jumped down foolishly!

Wang Defa!

Bai Xiaofei, who came back to his senses, his face darkened immediately, his eyes were full of anger and flames, he stared at Ilus and was about to speak, but the other party took the lead and said: "Mr. Bai, I didn't lie to you, There is indeed the power of chaos in the jade slips, but it has been diluted."

"Presumably you should have heard how important the power of chaos is to us. In order to help you, I can take out a part of the power of chaos. Even if it is diluted, it is quite large for me. If you lose, you can't beat me up and say that I cheated on you!"


What he said was reasonable, coupled with Iluth's pitiful and very aggrieved look.

Good guy!

Bai Xiaofei was so stunned that he didn't know what to say.


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