The Storm God

Chapter 3755 Conspiracy! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei originally thought that with the help of this time's original power, Bai Xing could go one step further, and the way to deeply understand himself would come to an end.

But it didn't happen.

The reality was far beyond his expectations, Bai Xing not only condensed his Dao foundation, but even had Dao fruit.


You must know that Dao Fruit is a higher existence than Dao Ji, and it is impossible for those who are not strong people who have evolved to a certain level on the Dao Road to realize and condense it.

Even Bai Xiaofei has only just come into contact with this level, and has not yet completed the cohesion.

However, his own daughter, Bai Xing, achieved it first.

Such a fact made Bai Xiaofei a little envious, and at the same time more curious and puzzled.


According to common sense, this is impossible.

No matter how talented his daughter Bai Xing is, it is impossible to skip all these reliefs and directly condense the Dao Fruit.

Even if it is opened and hung up, there is no such thing.

This is equivalent to someone taking away the trophy without any competition.

How can other players accept it?

"what happened?"

Bai Xiaofei urged: "Quickly talk to me, you can condense the Dao foundation, although it is somewhat unexpected, it is not unacceptable, but the Dao fruit..."

He seriously suspected that some incidents might have happened to Bai Xing in the half a year or so since he left.

Or, it is directly the pot of the original power.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain it.


Bai Xing naturally didn't have any reservations about Bai Xiaofei as a father, he answered every question, and immediately narrated to Bai Xiaofei the process of his attainment of Taoism.

After a while.

After listening to his daughter Bai Xing's experience, Bai Xiaofei froze in place, his eyes widened, not only did not let go, but became even more puzzled.

Because according to Bai Xing's explanation, in the past six months or so, she did not encounter any major special incidents.

That is.

The Dao fruit achieved by Bai Xing is directly the result of absorbing the original power after refining.

Dao base and Dao fruit are almost integrally formed.


If you really want to subdivide it, in view of the special nature of Dao Fruit, it must be a little later.

Without Dao foundation, there can be no Dao fruit.

Dao base determines Dao fruit.


Bai Xing's Dao Fruit.

It is also completely different from the Dao fruit that Bai Xiaofei understands and recognizes. It is not so much a Dao fruit as a seed of a Dao fruit.

In layman's terms, the so-called Dao fruit is the fruit position of enlightenment, and it is a symbol of status and status.

It is not the existence of real fruit.


This understanding is also correct.

After all, without the hard work and hard work of cultivating the Tao, the present fruit will not be produced, just like planting trees and breeding, harvesting abundant fruits.

The condensation of Dao fruit means success in cultivating Dao.


Bai Xing's road has only just begun.

Dao foundation is not completely stable, but has already obtained a very special dao fruit.

This is very unreasonable.

Even if this Dao fruit is just a seed, it is the same, just like a person who has already obtained the treasure that many cultivators dream of.

Bai Xiaofei's feeling is that he is blessed by nature!

as well as……

Huge conspiracy!

According to the entertainment industry, this is like a contestant who has just been confirmed to be the champion after confirming his participation.

As for the fairness of other people, let's put it aside for now, the first thing Bai Xiaofei needs to figure out is, who is this guy in charge of the appointment?

What is the purpose of the other party doing this?

after all.

There is no love or hate for no reason in the world, except for your father, how can outsiders dedicate themselves to you?

In the final analysis, the vast majority is still dictated by interests.

That is.

The other party has given Bai Xing so many benefits, and it is likely that they are plotting for greater benefits.


Bai Xiaofei personally inspected that source of power back then, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it.

Why is it like this now?

Is it because my strength realm is too low, so I can't see anything tricky?

Or, during the time I was away, some hidden bosses took advantage of it?

Thinking of the possible hidden conspiracy, Bai Xiaofei immediately became anxious, and immediately started researching and analyzing Bai Xing's Dao Foundation and Dao Fruit Seeds.

Bai Xing also seemed to realize that something was wrong, and cooperated very well with Bai Xiaofei's inspection and research, doing whatever he was asked to do.


Bai Xiaofei came to a conclusion.

There is no problem with Dao Ji and Dao Fruit Seed, at least it has no effect on Bai Xing's strength at all.


Their compatibility with Bai Xing is still the top one, which is very in line with Bai Xing's Gaia status, and will make Bai Xing's road to the road in the future smoother and faster.

And to achieve this, even if Bai Xiaofei tried his best, it would be almost the same, not even as good as this.

in short.

No matter how you look at it, the Dao Foundation and Dao Fruit Seeds don't seem to have any negative impact on Bai Xing.

On the contrary, it is more beneficial.


Bai Xing frowned in doubt, unable to think of a reason, then couldn't help but had an idea, and said, "Could it be that we think too much?"


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

Even though this might be negligible, he had to admit that he might be thinking too much.

But it's about the future and safety of his daughter, so of course Bai Xiaofei won't let his guard down, what if something tricky happens?


He came up with a solution that was not a solution.

"leave here!"

Bai Xiaofei resolutely said: "No matter what the possibility is, you pack everything up now and prepare to leave this world!"

That original power was given to Bai Xing by the ghost Green Arrow.

Bai Xiaofei firmly believes that even if the other party really has some conspiracy, as long as he leaves this universe and goes to other universes, the other party's power and conspiracy will naturally be invalidated automatically.

Unless the opponent's ability is far beyond Bai Xiaofei's imagination, he can still track him to other worlds.

But it's almost impossible.


The infinite multiverse will not be completely destroyed, and then undergo restart and fusion, isn't this taking off your pants and farting.

Or the opponent will play another huge game of chess.

Whether it is destruction or restart, they are just one of the pawns. If this is the case, Bai Xing will have to leave even more.

Otherwise, wouldn't he be played to death by the other party?


Bai Xiaofei doesn't want his daughter to become a pawn in the hands of others, arbitrarily arranging her future fate.


Bai Xing is very smart.

She understood Bai Xiaofei's meaning almost instantly, she nodded and said: "I will gather up the seeds of the world that I sent out before, and I will leave when everything returns..."

The words are not finished yet.

Bai Xing's words completely froze there, with a bewildered and unbelievable expression on his face, as if he had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

Bai Xing said blankly: "Father, I know what's wrong. This Dao foundation and Dao fruit seeds are originally bound to this universe. If I stay here, there will be no harm at all, but if If they want to leave, they will get angry and completely strike..."

"In short, there is no way to recover the World Seeds I sent out before, and the connection between us has been cut off by Dao Ji and Dao Fruit Seeds."

"They want to keep me in this world completely!"


In the end.

Bai Xing's tone was already full of resentment and anger.

I thought it was out of good intentions that the Ghost Green Arrow gave him the original power, but now it seems that it's all a routine and a conspiracy!

Simply bad pus!


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