The Storm God

Chapter 3756 Darkness! (Please subscribe!)

"Depend on!"

After Bai Xiaofei heard this, he was also so angry that he swears: "The old silver coin of the Ghost Green Arrow, are you looking for a substitute for yourself?"

His mind was spinning quickly.

Almost immediately, Get realized that the ghost green arrow's intention was to perceive Shirahoshi's Gaia identity, and then planned to use this original power to completely bind him to this world.

to be honest.

It is because of the identity and ability of Baixing Gaia, the mother of the earth, that it will not do too much harm to the creatures on the earth, and wants to find a powerful nanny for The Flash and others.

Although the power of the ghost is not the green arrow, the green arrow in that state is blessed by the will of the world, and can fully use the power of the ghost.

Since you are human, you must have selfishness.

As for Green Arrow's selfishness, there is a high probability that this is the case. With the power of ghosts, he sees through some things, and then makes some plans without hesitation.

Just like he used his calculations to save the Flash Barry Allen before, but this time, he calculated the target on Bai Xing.

I feel hateful just thinking about it!


Bai Xiaofei was so angry that he wanted to rush out, and pulled Flash and others over to vent his anger.

Fortunately, he finally held back.

After all, venting anger will not help, it will not change anything, and it will even cause the rejection of the will of the entire world.

To know.

Those few people are the protagonists of this world.

One by one is possessed by luck, and the one with the halo is called a big one. Whoever dares to deal with them will definitely find it difficult for themselves.

Especially outsiders like Bai Xiaofei.

Although at this stage, Bai Xiaofei can already partially ignore the influence of the will of the world, but after all, there is no need for that.

The key issue now is to find a way to solve Bai Xing's troubles, and the rest have to stand aside!

"Let me take a look!"

As Bai Xiaofei said, he channeled his divine sense into that special power through Bai Xing's body.

And Bai Xing, very cooperatively, began to try to contact those world seeds that had been spread out.


A vast force descended abruptly.

In an instant, Bai Xing's consciousness induction was blocked, and it was completely sealed within a fixed range, preventing it from being communicated and getting in touch with other world seeds.

Not only that.

Bai Xing's power, also at this moment, revealed a trace of abnormality, as if a collective mutiny, they all obeyed the command of that mighty power, and they all called for money to withdraw their troops, without giving Bai Xing a chance to resist at all.

Bai Xiaofei saw all this in his eyes, and immediately understood the reason, the root of the problem, as expected, lies in that original power.

Because the great power that just appeared is almost exactly the same as the original power!


in comparison.

The achievement and level of that mighty force is undoubtedly higher and stronger!

It is almost the future fully mature body of Dao Foundation and Dao Fruit Seed condensed by Bai Xing!

Bai Xing's power, in front of it, is like a newborn infant, naturally he has no power to fight back.


Because part of Bai Xing's power, even Dao Foundation and Dao Fruit Seeds, were formed with the help of that original power, so it is equivalent to having a certain direct kinship relationship with this completely unfamiliar mighty power.

Under the circumstances that Wei Li does not allow, Bai Xing will not only use his strength to defy the opponent, but even his own actions will be affected to a certain extent.

Although it is not enough to become the puppet of the other party, it is like being installed a Trojan horse virus in the computer, which can monitor and operate you at any time.

It makes people very uncomfortable!


Bai Xiaofei frowned, his face was terrible and ugly.

He tried to search for the existence of that mighty force, but unfortunately, there was no clue at all!

Obviously, the strength of the opponent's realm is likely to be higher than his own.

That is.

At least at this stage, Bai Xiaofei is unable to undo this special binding relationship with his daughter Bai Xing.

It's only possible unless he can break through to a higher level!

"Is it the legendary God?"

"It shouldn't be!"


Bai Xiaofei guessed the identity of that mighty force.

The ghost is the messenger of God, and through the battle between the ghost Green Arrow and the anti-monitor Mobius, Bai Xiaofei felt that the opponent was no different.

If the real culprit behind the scenes was a ghost, then Bai Xiaofei wouldn't be so depressed, because with his power, he could completely unbind Bai Xing's body.

But that's clearly not the case.

Although Oliver Green Arrow's idea of ​​binding Bai Xing was his, but behind all this, it doesn't mean that there is no one playing tricks!

And the Green Arrow Oliver who can control the ghost-possessed state without anyone noticing, I am afraid that there is only a higher level of existence.

Further up, that's God.


Only Bai Xiaofei would have such doubts.

But some places can't explain it, because God's level is too high, and generally he doesn't care about the death of mortals.

Just like ordinary people will never care about the life and death of a group of ants, unless this group of ants have treasures that people have to care about and value!


To put it bluntly.

Although Bai Xing's status is a bit special, it's not worth it. Anyway, if it were Bai Xiaofei, he wouldn't be able to mobilize people and make such a big chess game!


The opponent's purpose was not Shirahoshi at all.

It was Bai Xing's father!

Namely, Bai Xiaofei!

"Depend on!"

Bai Xiaofei, who was terrified of thinking carefully, couldn't help but swear again. At this moment, he deeply felt the darkness and horror of the DC universe, and he felt a creepy feeling.

If there hadn't been the incident of his daughter Bai Xing being bound, with Bai Xiaofei's personality, he might have left him long ago!


I can't afford to provoke or hide?

Feel sorry!

Now he really can't go.


Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about Bai Xing!

But how is this possible, that is his daughter, although it was picked up cheaply, but Bai Xiaofei's feelings are not fake!

And Bai Xiaofei couldn't do such a thing!



Isn't it the DC world, I'm afraid of wool!

I still don't believe it, my buddy is dressed in cheats, sitting in the sky, but he can't beat you, a big boss in a multi-dimensional world?

They are all out to mess around, whoever is afraid of whom!

Not cowardly, just tough!


After exiting Bai Xing's power world.

Bai Xiaofei said with a serious face: "Bai Xing, it seems that you won't be able to leave in a short time, and I suspect that the other party's goal is not really you, but me..."

"Ah? This..."

When Bai Xing heard the words, he understood the meaning in an instant, and then looked at Bai Xiaofei worriedly, and said guiltily: "Father, it's all my fault, I'm the one who dragged you down!"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said: "I have already come to this world long before you were born, and it is very likely that the other party has already set their eyes on me at that time, but I just haven't been able to find the right time. .”

"And your appearance just happened at the right time. As long as I still have thoughts about this world, the other party will never give up, so I can't blame you for this matter!"

"If you want to blame, blame the other party for being too insidious, and blame me for being too indifferent to the enemy. I didn't expect that there might be a terrifying existence far above me in this world!"

"Now the two of us have entered the game. Whether we want to or not, we have to go on with this game, and you are the most critical piece. He and I are both chess players."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei paused for a moment, then sighed: "At this stage, my ability and state are not as good as the other party's, so I can only wrong you to stay in this world for the time being."


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