The Storm God

Chapter 3757 Retaliation! (Please subscribe!)

to be honest.

If he had to, of course Bai Xiaofei would not leave his daughter to survive in the DC universe where darkness and conspiracy can be seen everywhere.

That's not how a father should behave at all.

But it's not impossible.

after all……

Not strong enough.

How to deal with the mastermind behind the scenes?

And if Bai Xiaofei wants to become stronger, he has to leave this world and go to other time and space to hone himself.

This is an endless loop!

To this.

Bai Xiaofei blamed himself and felt guilty, especially since he, the father, had to tell his daughter in person.

He didn't even know what kind of expression he had when he said this, it was just ugly anyway.

Fortunately, her daughter Bai Xing is very sensible.

She was not disappointed in Bai Xiaofei because of this, instead she smiled and hugged Bai Xiaofei, and said: "Father, I and I understand, you don't need to blame yourself for this, I believe you will solve the matter..."

"It just so happens that my current level of strength is a bit embarrassing, and I can't help you too much. Taking advantage of this opportunity to improve in this world is not a bad thing."


Bai Xing was obviously comforting Bai Xiaofei.

But for no reason, the effect was overwhelming. Hearing the words, Bai Xiaofei immediately recovered from his depression and depression.


Bai Xiaofei stared.

Layers of top-level isolation barriers were laid around, and then he said to Bai Xing with the power of spiritual consciousness: "Bai Xing, since this world is unkind to us, then don't blame us for being unrighteous. A special power, called the power of nightmares..."

Bai Xiaofei decided to take revenge on the DC Universe.

Although from the very beginning, he had already experimented with some of these worlds, and had reaped a lot of benefits.

But that was only on a small scale after all.

from beginning to end.

Bai Xiaofei has never touched Siyuan Earth.

But it's different now, since it is suspected that the God of the DC Universe has conspired and kidnapped them, then Bai Xiaofei will naturally not be polite to him anymore.

Don't you want to play?


I will play with you to the end, to see who can't stand it in the end and give up!

And Bai Xiaofei's idea is to use the influence of the power of nightmares to spread to other infinite multiverses through Shiyuan Earth.

after all……

All infinite-dimensional worlds are created and evolved with the original earth as the blueprint.

Therefore, as long as the original earth is polluted, the world that evolves after that will inevitably be affected to some extent.

And these are the bargaining chips that Bai Xiaofei will use to negotiate with the other party in the future, if he dares to disagree, then Bai Xiaofei will fight to the death with the other party.


It is still only a preliminary idea.

How to implement and plan depends on Bai Xing. After all, Bai Xing is the incarnation of Gaia. In this DC universe, he naturally has huge advantages that ordinary people cannot match.

With Bai Xing's help, Bai Xiaofei's nightmare power will be spread and spread more easily. The only problem is that Bai Xing is too kind, and Bai Xiaofei is worried that his daughter will disagree with his plan.


as expected.

After listening to Bai Xiaofei's preliminary plan and follow-up, Bai Xing immediately lowered his face, obviously he didn't like his father's evil plan very much.

Because once the plan is implemented and started, its impact and effect will inevitably lead to the death of many innocent people.

This is what Bai Xing does not want to see.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was also very helpless.

I can only continue to enlighten: "Daughter, in fact, our plan is far less evil than you imagined, because even without our intervention, those villains will still act, just like light and shadow, black and white , as long as there is justice, there must be evil.”

"Our plan is just to use these evil people to seek certain benefits from it, and it won't have much impact on the original ones!"

"Besides, all of this is not compared by the mastermind behind the scenes. Even if it is to blame, it is not our fault, but the other party!"


Bai Xing was silent.

Of course, she also understands her father's difficulties, but as Gaia, the mother of the earth, Bai Xing naturally does not want to see disasters happen.

But Bai Xing also understood.

This plan is of great help to the improvement of father's strength, and it can also weaken the enemy's control and enhance her influence in this world.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Even if Bai Xing doesn't think about himself, he still has to think about Bai Xiaofei and the overall situation.


After pondering over and over again, Bai Xing finally nodded and agreed to Bai Xiaofei's plan, but said: "Father, I hope you can give me part of the control authority..."

"no problem!"

Knowing his daughter Mo's father, Bai Xiaofei naturally knew why his daughter made this request. It was nothing more than wanting to choose some unfriendly worlds as gathering places for the power of nightmares.

If it is a world that is brighter, full of positive energy, and less evil, then try not to influence it.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei naturally supported it.

In order to reassure his daughter, Bai Xiaofei even handed over 60% of the control authority of the whole plan to Bai Xing.

Immediately, Bai Xing was so touched that he felt that his father was too kind, so he immediately offered his own sweet kiss, and kissed Bai Xiaofei hard on the face.

Bai Xiaofei smiled even more happily.


He taught Bai Xing some specific procedures and methods of controlling the power of nightmares.

And said: "If you want, you can also try to understand the power of the power of nightmares. After all, there is no harm in learning more. You can rest assured of this power, and there is absolutely no problem!"

Different from the power of the Dream God Murphys absorbed by Bai Xiaofei, the power of nightmare that Bai Xiaofei radiates is completely Bai Xiaofei's power.

So there are no side effects.

The reason why the nightmare power in Bai Xiaofei's body could not be completely hidden, and could even be easily sensed by Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was because Bai Xiaofei's perception and control of this power had not yet reached perfection.

It's like a person who has just learned the ultimate lightness kung fu is still almost the same as Mengxin in front of a person who has cultivated the extreme lightness kung fu to the level of transformation.

The other party can see the flaws in it at a glance, and even many problems, which belong to the complete crushing and restriction of the realm.


If during the process of cultivation, Bai Xiaofei developed new insights and ideas about this supreme lightness kung fu, even walked out of his own way, and at the same time passed this kung fu to others, then the nature would be completely different.

Because in essence, from the moment Bai Xiaofei integrated his experience of absorbing the ultimate lightness kung fu into his own cultivation system and passed it on to others, this power is no longer the original extreme lightness kung fu.

for example.

Yang Guo learned the Toad Kung Fu from Ouyang Feng, and later integrated this Kung Fu into other martial arts he practiced.

When the two met, Ouyang Feng could easily see that Yang Guo had practiced Ha Toad Kung Fu. But if you meet someone like Yang Guo's disciple who has received the inheritance of Yang Guo's cultivation system, you may not be able to tell.

Because when Yang Guo taught it, it was no longer Ha Toad Kung Fu, but something that belonged entirely to Yang Guo himself. Ouyang Feng might feel familiar, but it was difficult to see the clues at a glance.

the same way.

If Bai Xing had also cultivated and mastered Bai Xiaofei's nightmare power, then the above-mentioned problems that Bai Xiaofei had to face would not exist.

Because the power of this nightmare is not the power of that nightmare.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams met him, at most he would feel familiar, and felt that this power had many similarities with his own, but it would not have the special resonance and influence similar to Bai Xiaofei.

If not.

Bai Xiaofei would not suggest that his daughter Bai Xing try to cultivate the power of nightmares, the reason why he said that he wanted to compensate Bai Xing, and wanted her to get part of the benefits from it, so as to grow faster.

at the same time.

This is also of great benefit to Bai Xing's personality.

After all, it’s not enough to be too kind, just like the Buddha also has the angry-eyed Vajra, what happened to Gaia, the mother of the earth?

Even if you get angry, you can still turn into a terrifying existence that destroys the world!

In short.

For this daughter, Bai Xiaofei has nothing to be reluctant to part with, as long as she wants, Bai Xiaofei can even transfer all the proceeds of the entire plan to Bai Xing.

If he wants to develop, he can just go to another world.

But Shirahoshi was different.


She can't go.

Before releasing the special binding on his body, he can only stay in this dark DC universe world and be taken as a hostage!

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei became angry!


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