The Storm God

Chapter 3758 Farewell! (Please subscribe!)


Shirahoshi is not a bitch, either.

She is just kind, not stupid. She understood what her father Bai Xiaofei meant, so after pondering for a while, she nodded and said, "I will think about it when necessary!"

Seeing his daughter agreeing, Bai Xiaofei immediately smiled with satisfaction.

The plan is explained.

In fact, Bai Xiaofei didn't have anything to say. Originally, according to his plan, he wanted to take his daughter away and go to the next universe to have a decisive battle with Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

As a result, this kind of thing happened.

have no choice.

Bai Xiaofei could only postpone the plan, but his desire for his own strength was more urgent than before.

As for the current development of the DC universe world?

Feel sorry!

Bai Xiaofei was not interested.

It's not that his vision is too high, but that the visual version of the world is too wordy, and now Bai Xiaofei is thinking about how to improve quickly, so it is naturally impossible for him to stay and stay in this world with those so-called protagonists.


What ability do you want.

Bai Xiaofei can directly reproduce through his daughter Bai Xing, whether he is in this world or not, the difference is really not big.


Bai Xing realized Bai Xiaofei's intention to leave, and couldn't help but said, "Are you going to leave now? Or...wait a little longer?"


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

She thought something was wrong with her daughter, but when she looked down, she found that Bai Xing's eyes were full of longing.

He suddenly trembled.

It was only then that I realized that as a father, I spent too little time with my daughter. I had just met and left again...

And this time I leave, I don't know when I can come back.

Compare your heart with your heart.

If it were Shirahoshi himself, what he hopes most at this moment is naturally not the separation and the future, but the company of his relatives.

Even if it is just a moment, it is better than countless!


Bai Xiaofei's heart softened, and he said with a smile: "No matter how anxious you are, you can't wait for a while, even so, then I will stay with you for a while!"

Bai Xing was overjoyed immediately.



Bai Xiaofei, father and daughter, didn't do any business.

I travel almost every day, looking at mountains, water, and scenery, and tasting delicacies from all over the world.

When you are in a good mood, you will punish rape and eliminate evil by the way.

In short.

They don't want results.

but the process.


After more than a week.

The father and daughter almost visited all the scenic spots on the real Shiyuan Earth. When Bai Xiaofei proposed to go to another dimensional world, Bai Xing shook his head and said: "No need."


Bai Xiaofei looked at Bai Xing in surprise.

The daughter said with a smile: "Father, this period of company is enough, and it doesn't make much sense to continue. The only difference lies in the different scenery and the length of time..."


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

He couldn't bear to look at his daughter Bai Xing, and said tremblingly, "Bai Xing, are you sure? Actually, we still have time..."


Shirahoshi nodded affirmatively.

Showing a bright smile, he said to his father, Bai Xiaofei: "Father is the one who does great things, as his daughter, how can she be a burden to you?"

"Father, Bai Xing is far stronger than you think!"

"I really can!"


Having said that.

But in fact, when Bai Xing said this, his voice was indeed trembling, and moisture was also condensing in his big bright eyes.

It's just that she stubbornly kept it in the eye socket, not letting it flow down.

Seeing his daughter's heartbreaking appearance, Bai Xiaofei remained silent, stretched out his hands, and hugged Bai Xing into his arms.

"Bai Xing, trust father!"

"No matter what, I will come back with enough strength to defeat all enemies and rescue you, and I will make the black hand behind the scenes pay the price!"

"I swear!"


The last sentence was uttered word by word in a tone of gritted teeth, which clearly showed Bai Xiaofei's anger.

at the same time.

The vows made by a strong man like him are extraordinary. If it cannot be completed, it will definitely become its demon and shackle.


Bai Xing nodded vigorously, and said with a trembling voice: "I believe! Father is the best, I believe you can do it!"

"Take care of yourself!"

Bai Xiaofei finally spit out two words slowly.

Then he resolutely let go of his daughter Bai Xing, turned and left without looking back, and disappeared in an instant.

Looking at the direction where his father disappeared, the moisture in Bai Xing's eyes finally couldn't hold back anymore, and flowed down.

"Father, take care!"


Singularity universe.

Bai Xiaofei's figure suddenly appeared.

He didn't go back directly to the next-door DC movie universe, but came here. After all, here and the movie version of the DC universe are separate existences of the same origin.

In order to protect his daughter, Bai Xiaofei has to stay behind, and at the same time, it is also to better explore the origin and details of the enemy.

The ghost's power comes from God.

As for God, it is rumored that he is the supreme god of the DC universe, and almost everything is created by him.

including this universe.

on the contrary.

Through an in-depth study of this universe, it may be possible to reverse part of the power and mystery of God.

Of course, this is definitely not a small challenge.

Even with Bai Xiaofei's ability, he definitely won't get any results in a short period of time, but he will never give up no matter what.

Don't have time for yourself?


Then let his avatar do it. Bai Xiaofei is very familiar with this kind of operation and has rich experience.

While the avatar is performing research tasks here, it can also use the development of the singularity universe to understand and improve its own strength.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

The only disadvantage is that the process is relatively long, and there is no benefit in the short term, so after Bai Xiaofei finished it, he left without stopping.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei finally returned to the shadow version of DC Universe.

What happened to his daughter Bai Xing caused some changes in Bai Xiaofei's state of mind, especially his desire for strength.


Just got back.

He held a high-level leadership meeting, and Aya, Sinestro and others were all summoned by Bai Xiaofei.

"How's the situation?"

Bai Xiaofei immediately asked about the situation in the universe.

The time of the two universes is different, although Bai Xiaofei left not long ago, but for this world, it is nearly two years.


There are many things that are different from before Bai Xiaofei left. He must keep abreast of the latest intelligence and information.

Otherwise, how to plan and act?

"Sir, here is the information..."

For the reporting, it is natural that Aya, the artificial intelligence life second only to Baicas, should be in charge.

She directly showed Bai Xiaofei a video file, which recorded in great detail all kinds of major events that happened in the universe during the past two years.


The Black Lantern Corps has expanded aggressively, and its power has grown by leaps and bounds.

Apocalypse was severely damaged, and the high-level combat power was blackened one after another. They had to shrink their forces and concentrate their defenses to deal with the attack of the Black Lantern Corps.

Star Kruga returned to normal, and the personnel and power even surpassed the previous peak for a time, completely replacing the former OA star and becoming the light of justice in the universe.

Although the situation of the three pillars has not changed much, the strength of the power among the three has changed dramatically.

So far, the Black Lantern is the strongest, and Kruga and Apocalypse are almost evenly matched, and they are even better at dealing with the Black Lantern.

the other side.

The development of Dust Star is also amazing.

Relying on the terror of the Star Dou Great Formation and countless mechanical legions as the foundation, it seems that it has completely ruled that area of ​​the universe.

Everyone in the universe calls it the mechanical field, which means that the universe area is completely ruled by machinery.

at the same time.

The mechanical field is also the only area in the entire universe that has not been involved and infected by the Black Lantern Legion.

After all, machines don't have souls.

Even if there is, it is different from the conventional ones, and the ability of the Black Lantern is deadly. No matter how strong the Black Lantern Legion is, they do not have enough confidence and benefits. As long as the leadership is not an idiot, under normal circumstances, they will not easily attack the mechanical field .

Because the gains outweigh the losses.

Even if they really win, the Black Lantern Legion will get nothing but a useless star field, and even suffer heavy losses because of it.

It's a loss-making business, who would do it?


And at the end of the video material.

Aya suddenly frowned, pointed to one of the messages, and said, "Whether it is Apocalypse or the Black Lantern Corps, they have recently set their sights on an inconspicuous planet in the universe..."


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