The Storm God

Chapter 3759 Lonely Planet! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested, his eyes shifted, and the video data immediately froze on the intelligence information instructed by Aya.

It was a lonely planet with a diameter of about 100 million kilometers. Without galaxies, there was only one star standing alone in the vast universe.

The only thing that accompanies it is the huge star ring that intersects in the shape of a "ten". However, the composition of the star ring is not natural meteorites or gaseous substances.

"Mechanical creation?"


Aya called up some information about that planet, and explained: "According to my investigation and analysis, that planet was a garbage dump in the universe before, and it was responsible for recycling all kinds of interstellar garbage..."

"I don't know why later, but suddenly my own will was born, and then it became what we saw."

"Afterwards, the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps followed it."


Speaking of which.

Aya called up a video file again.

What is shown in the image is a battle scene. There are two attackers, the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion.

For some reason, the strengths of the two sides are very harmonious. They did not fight without meeting each other, but divided into two areas in a very tacit understanding.

Take charge and attack the Lonely Planet at the same time.


It is unbelievable.

Even in the face of the siege of the two super cosmic forces, this planet is still strong and stable, and it will not fall down.


In the video, Bai Xiaofei saw countless attacks, and before they landed on Lonely Planet, he was blocked by a special energy barrier.

Don't look at the energy barrier that seems to be quite thin, like a thin film, but its defense is extremely amazing.

No matter how Apocalypse and the members of the Black Lantern Corps attack and use powerful means, they can't do anything to it.

In addition to making it present densely packed ribbed ripples, I can't even see a little bit of cracking.

Not only that.

Even the ability of the space system is completely useless against this energy barrier, it seems to isolate all fields to prevent anything from breaking in from the outside.

The most important thing is that the video data shown by Aya actually came from three months ago.

That is.

Up to now, Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps have not stopped even for a moment, and have been attacking it like a storm, but the energy field of Lonely Planet is still firm.

This is a little scary!

As the core of the mechanical field, Dust Star, which has been completely transformed into a mechanical planet, has incredible energy, but it dare not say that it can last for so long under the siege of two super cosmic forces.


Aya guessed that there must be some heaven-defying super baby hidden in the Lonely Planet, otherwise Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion would not be so mobilizing, even persistent.

"Didn't you send someone to the scene?"

Bai Xiaofei asked curiously, with such an obvious matter, logically speaking, Sinestro shouldn't sit idly by.

But the result is that Lonely Planet only has the forces of the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps, and no one of its own participates.

This is very abnormal.


It was Sinestro who opened the mouth, and seeing his continuous depression, he sighed and replied: "But I was beaten back soon..."

"Called back?"

Bai Xiaofei was even more surprised now.

At the same time, my mind turned, and I immediately thought of some possibility, and said in amazement: "Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps did it together?"


Sinestro nodded.

Then he explained: "As soon as we arrived there, before we even got close to Lonely Planet, we encountered a joint attack from two forces. As a last resort, we had to retreat."

"I guess, they must know something, or the hidden treasure on that planet is of great benefit to us, so the two sides will join forces to snipe us and not let us get close!"

"For this reason, I also sent people to investigate, but unfortunately, there are not many people who know about this matter, and they are all very high-level, so nothing was detected in the end."

"Fortunately, whether it is the Apocalypse or the Black Lantern Corps, they have worked hard for so long, but they still haven't gained any benefits. On the contrary, they have lost a lot of resources because of this..."

"Later, we put this matter on hold for the time being, and planned to wait for any movement over there before taking action..."


After hearing Sinestro's words, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning, and he was equally puzzled.

He agrees and approves of Sinestro's analysis.

But the key question is, what is the origin of Lonely Planet? What is hidden inside?

The Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion are fighting independently, but they are fighting against the same enemy, and together reject my forces...

What secret is hidden in this?

Could it be a trap?


No wonder Bai Xiaofei thought so.

After all, in addition to the local forces, there is another big boss in this universe—Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

This guy is cautious and cunning.

Bai Xiaofei swallowed an incarnation again before, so I don't believe that the main body of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can't sense it.

Think in reverse.

If Bai Xiaofei had encountered such a thing, he would definitely mobilize everything and seek revenge.

The results of it.

The other party didn't, not even a sign of revenge.

Immediately afterwards, Lonely Planet popped up suddenly, and then Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps all ran over.

But he was only guarding against Bai Xiaofei's power.

This is very strange.

Bai Xiaofei has reason to suspect that this is very likely to be a terrifying conspiracy set up by Morpheus, the God of Dreams, who couldn't find him.

Just waiting for himself to appear, he will launch a surprise attack.

Just like myself before.


It is not ruled out that Lonely Planet really hides some shocking secret treasures, but this needs to be verified.

So here comes the problem.

How can we verify the authenticity of things?

Sinestro has already said that there are very few people who know about this matter, and most of them are the top-level high-level people.

Such a class cannot be reached by Sinestro and others.

Therefore, there is no way to check.


Bai Xiaofei was not the same.

Although Bai Xiaofei didn't have any undercover or dark lines on the side of the Black Lantern Corps, but there were on Apocalypse's side.

That is the fantasy team that has turned from darkness to light!

With the strength and status of Long Zhan and others, even if they can't reach the top sequence, Bai Xiaofei believes that he must know some details.

Just ask them the ins and outs of the matter, even if they can't know everything, Bai Xiaofei is confident that he can find some clues.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei immediately waved his hand and said, "I'll handle this matter myself. Your main responsibility now is to cultivate high-end combat power, strengthen our military reserves, and prepare for the outbreak of war at any time!"


After a while.

Sinestro and Aya leave.

Bai Xiaofei cast an isolation barrier, then activated the power of the contract, and began to contact the dream team who was in Cao Ying and his heart was in Han.

After a while.

"Mr. Bai..."

Long Zhan finally replied to Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei didn't talk to the other party, and said straight to the point: "What's going on with Lonely Planet? Tell me everything you know!"


Long Zhan dare not neglect.

Hearing the words, he immediately told Bai Xiaofei everything he knew, and finally said: "That's all I know, as for whether it's true or not, we don't know for sure, because we are now in Tianqi Star His identity and status are a bit embarrassing..."

According to what Long Zhan said.

After the five members of the Dream Team came back, they had been waiting for the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus to contact them, but there was no result.

as if...

It was as if Morpheus, the God of Dreams, had completely disappeared.

Without any choice.

They can only return to Apocalypse first.

Afterwards, the five of them received an invitation from Darkseid, and they were going to be the vanguards, responsible for dealing with the Black Lantern Legion.

I really don't have much contact with other aspects.

About Lonely Planet, Long Zhan and others only heard about it because of the long-term battle with the Black Lantern Corps.

As for the specific situation, it is unknown.

After all, information is limited.

Apocalypse doesn't like the fantasy team very much, it seems to be reused, but in fact it is everywhere; the Black Lantern Corps is a hostile force...

How do you ask Long Zhan and others to investigate?

Being able to learn some relevant information under such circumstances is already a pretty good achievement.


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