The Storm God

Chapter 3760 The head of the anti-supervision king? (Please subscribe!)

"I see……"

After Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, he hung up the communication.

Then he fell into deep thought, and secretly said: "According to the current situation, the possibility of Lonely Planet being a trap is about 40%. What action should not be so guarding against them..."

"There is also a possibility that there is really some big secret hidden there, and it is still very beneficial to our side."

"Otherwise, the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion would not have such a tacit understanding, approaching the forces under my command..."


Speaking of which.

So here comes the question, what kind of benefit is the most beneficial to yourself, or the Color Lantern Corps?


Not only these, but also Dust Star.

After all, against the power and expansion of the Black Lantern Legion, the Mechanical Legion is the absolute main force, not one of them. Since the Black Lantern Legion cooperates with Apocalypse, this cannot be ruled out.


What kind of things will be of great benefit to the mechanical army?

Bai Xiaofei couldn't figure it out.


some moment.

He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a figure that was almost forgotten by everyone appeared in his mind——

Anti-surveillance king!

"I go!"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened immediately, and he didn't dare to say anything: "It can't be true, right? Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be a related plot in the original animation..."

In the original plot.

The anti-supervision king was defeated by Aya and took possession of his body, but his most important head escaped.

In the end, he lived on a barren planet and became an existence similar to Gaia, and once sent a message to ask Green Lantern for help.


Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

The anti-surveillance king was finally caught by the blackened Aya, crushed its head in one fell swoop, and obtained the most important space-time shuttle device, and wanted to use it to travel to the beginning of the birth of the universe and destroy everything.

Bai Xiaofei originally thought that his arrival would change all of this, but he didn't realize it, and finally took this path.

The so-called Lonely Planet, Bai Xiaofei guessed, is very likely to be a mechanical fortress formed after the head of the anti-supervision king fell there.

Only the anti-surveillance king can have such a powerful mechanical control ability, and at the same time it is of great benefit to Bai Xiaofei.

This also makes sense, why Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion are guarding against Bai Xiaofei, because the body of the anti-supervision king is right here with Bai Xiaofei.

If the treasure hidden there is really the head of the anti-supervision king, if he is the enemy, Bai Xiaofei will definitely do everything possible to prevent the enemy from obtaining all the anti-supervision king components.


All of this was Bai Xiaofei's guess.

Whether this is the case still needs to be investigated and confirmed. Before there is conclusive evidence, Bai Xiaofei will not act rashly.


This gave him an idea.

In the plot of the original book, the anti-surveillance king didn't buy into it, but he only gave a small talk to Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern.

Perhaps, you can use him for a test.

However, there is a problem now, everything that exists has undergone tremendous changes because of Bai Xiaofei's arrival.

Even Star OA was destroyed and became the base camp of the Black Lantern Corps, the head of the anti-surveillance king. I don't know if they know about this situation.

If it knew, would it still trust Hal Jordan like in the original book? If you don't know, how can you explain it?


The person the anti-supervision king hopes to appear to save it is not a green light at all, or Hal Jordan is someone else.

Just like Aya.

At least, they are still half of the same kind.

Is it stronger than other alien species?

"do not care!"

Bai Xiaofei is not an inkblot person.

Now that he guessed a certain possibility, he didn't hesitate, and immediately had a plan in his mind, and immediately called Aya over.


Aya is very strange, the meeting just ended not long ago, why did the husband call himself over again? Haven't you already figured out a countermeasure?

This is too fast!


She asked her own doubts, and Bai Xiaofei didn't hide it, and said: "Yes, I have already guessed some possibilities, and now I am looking for you, just to arrange some people to conduct a test..."


Bai Xiaofei began to explain his plan.

Didn't Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps join forces to resist their own forces? Very good, then let's compete with you guys.

To know.

Everything before, whether it was the Apocalypse or the Black Lantern Corps, did not hurt Bai Xiaofei's side.

It's not too late to take revenge now.


Aya suddenly realized: "Sir, are you trying to distract the enemy's attention so that our people can take advantage of it?"


Bai Xiaofei praised Aya with an appreciative glance, then corrected him: "But it's not us, it's you!"



Bai Xiaofei explained: "If what is hidden there is really the head of the anti-surveillance king, then your appearance, compared to other people, should be the most critical existence for it."

Aya understood immediately.

Who let her snatch the body of the anti-supervision king?

It is no exaggeration to say that if Lonely Planet really evolved from the head of the anti-supervision king, then almost everything he has now is bestowed by Aiya.

Whether it's for the purpose of regaining her own body or for other reasons, Aya's appearance there will be a shock to the anti-supervision king.

As long as the slightest abnormal fluctuation is detected inside Lonely Planet, Bai Xiaofei can confirm the other party's true identity.

on the contrary.

It is very likely that there will be a trap and ambush specially set by Morpheus, the God of Dreams, for Bai Xiaofei.

If this is the case, then Sinestro and the Mechanical Legion, who are in charge of the east and west, will make a fake show and launch a large-scale retaliation against the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion, completely disrupting the enemy's plan.


No matter what the final result is, Bai Xiaofei will not lose money, kill two birds with one stone, kill two birds with one stone, and even kill multiple birds with one stone.

Thinking of the beauty of it, Aya couldn't help a burst of excitement and excitement. After holding back for so long, she could finally have a hearty battle.

Considering the danger of the plan, in order to minimize the chance of failure, Bai Xiaofei also asked about the progress of the anti-surveillance king's body transformation.

Leaving aside the situation of the other two sides for now, Bai Xiaofei must first ensure that there will be no mistakes in the body of the anti-supervision king.

Otherwise, once it is robbed by the enemy, it will be very bad.

To know.

In addition to his powerful anti-matter ability, the anti-surveillance king's most powerful essence is that he can easily control the mechanical hunter.

If this big killer is controlled by the enemy, then Bai Xiaofei will lose not only a high-end combat power, but also countless mechanical hunters.

Whether it was the Apocalypse, the Dark Legion, or the head of the anti-supervision king who snatched it, the result would be very bad for Bai Xiaofei.

Therefore, it is necessary to make complete preparations and defensive measures.

"Basically the upgrade has been completed."

Ai Yahui reported: "Of course, this means that before you propose a new transformation plan, if you want to integrate the two antimatter forces into one, you still need to do a lot of experiments and research..."

In the previous meeting, Bai Xiaofei told Aya about the existence of the anti-monitor Mobius next door.

It means that I want Aya to design a plan to see if the two antimatter existences can be fused into a more powerful and terrifying combat force.

Aya is also interested in this.

After leaving, he immediately started preparations, but was summoned by Bai Xiaofei right after.


The anti-surveillance fusion plan is only in the theoretical stage, and no actual experimental operations have been carried out.

"Then let's do this first!"

Bai Xiaofei frowned and said, "Time is running out. The anti-surveillance king at this stage should be competent enough for this job, provided there are no major accidents."


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