The Storm God

Chapter 3761 Death Star! (Please subscribe!)


Aya nodded and said, "I'll arrange it now."

The anti-supervision king's body has now been transformed into a very powerful body, far from the dilapidated appearance it was at the beginning.

at the same time.

It's been a long time since Aya hasn't operated her upper body, and now Bai Xiaofei wants her to fight in person, and it's still the core of the plan...

To be honest, Aya was a little stressed.


Even so.

Aya was also full of confidence in herself.

There is no other reason, it is really that the anti-supervision king's body is too strong, and he is backed by Bai Xiaofei and the Hongmeng dark system.

As long as the enemy's level of strength is not too monstrous, and surpasses her too much, Aya is confident that she can defeat it.

Even if it cannot be defeated, it still has the power to protect itself or escape.


Bai Xiaofei waved his hand and said.

Aiya has not participated in the battle for a long time, and has been sitting behind the scenes to command. Now that she is about to go to the battlefield, it is time to get familiar with it.


Aya turned to leave.

Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, studied the data again.

In the past three years, the situation here has changed greatly, and now the black lights are rampant, almost infecting most of the universe.

Only Apocalypse, Kruga, and the universe controlled by fields such as Dust can remain safe and sound.

Other areas have almost been reduced to a Civic.


The Black Death Emperor is not a fool either.

In the early stage, in order to expand the power and enhance the combat power, he did not hesitate to waste his power and developed a lot of subordinates.


When the power gradually stabilized, he ordered his subordinates to stop expanding, and began to digest internally and feed back to himself.

In fact.

In the star field ruled by the Black Lantern Legion, not all creatures are dead. In order to gain emotional power, the Black Death Emperor only killed some people and transformed them into black lights.

And the rest of them became his long-term meal tickets, and let his subordinates pester him from time to time, so that his strength came.

It can be described as quite a chicken thief, and evil.

To this.

Sinestro and the others were also helpless.

It's not that they don't want to rescue those people, it's just that the universe is too big, and the power of the black lamp is too big and terrifying.

Moreover, some of them have already been domesticated and become lackeys under the command of the black lantern. It is difficult for outsiders to distinguish who is really innocent.

In such a situation, if one is not fully prepared and sure, one will easily fall into the trap and be ambushed by black lights...

Back and forth, Sinestro also organized several rescues, but they all ended in failure and suffered heavy losses.

some of.

Some are traps set by the enemy, some are rescues sought by real refugees, and some are accidental encounters...

But either way, the result doesn't make much difference.


Sinestro learned his lesson.

When encountering similar things again, he directly blamed Aya.

After all, Aya's combat strength is all mechanical soldiers. Even if there is a loss, it will at most damage some machinery and will not kill anyone.

The Color Lantern Corps is different.

To this.

Aya didn't refuse either.

It happened to be used to carry out various combat power tests. Although the effect was not very good, some people were rescued more or less.

Much of the information was learned from these rescued populations. Of course, there are also some undercover agents and spies.

But the men were exposed almost quickly.


Sinestro and Aya also used these spies to deliberately sell some information to the Black Lantern Corps, and they tricked each other a few times.

After several times like this, the Black Lantern Legion completely gave up.

Knowing that Sinestro and Aya are not easy to mess with, the benefits they get far outweigh the losses, so they directly focus on Apocalypse.

after all.

Persimmons should be soft to pinch.

Relatively speaking, in the eyes of the Black Lantern Corps, Apocalypse is the soft persimmon that is easier to bully.

no way.

Who made them mechanically incompetent, and lacked effective means to restrain the members of the Black Lantern, who would they bully if they didn't bully him?

to this end.

But Apocalypse was depressed enough.

As a result, Sinestro and Aya got a considerable part of the bottleneck of time, and took advantage of this opportunity to develop and develop, and achieved remarkable results.

Until Bai Xiaofei came back.


The influence of the Kruga star has completely replaced the former OA star, and even the veritable star of justice.

Numerous civilizational forces in the universe joined in one after another, seeking support, forming alliances and cooperating to deal with the Black Lantern Legion together.


Because of the Black Lantern, Apocalypse has also received some outside forces, but compared to Sinestro, it is only a minority after all.

Who gave Apocalypse a bad name?

That is, those people and forces who are notorious and unable to gain a foothold in the universe will join Apocalypse Star in order to survive.

Although he will be ruled and become a slave, it is better to live than to die.


Also gave Sinestro a chance.

Secretly dispatched a lot of undercover agents, successfully sneaked into the area ruled by Apocalypse, and obtained a lot of important information.


The mechanical fortress that Apocalypse is currently developing and building is a field completely composed of machinery imitating Dust Star.

It is not only a safe area where many Apocalypse high-level executives live for a long time, but also the core of Apocalypse's mechanical warriors used to develop against the Black Lantern Corps.


Bai Xiaofei's gaze was fixed here.

"The location of this mechanical fortress is very special. It almost belongs to the rear of Apocalypse. It is heavily protected. It is not an easy task to take it down..."

"And even if it is taken down, I am afraid that it will be infinitely counterattacked and harassed by the forces of Apocalypse. The only way is to remove it as a whole..."

"Although the movement of the astral area is nothing to me, but for the sake of the overall situation, it is inconvenient for me to show up at this moment..."

"In other words, it can only be done by means of technology, please Sinestro, Aya and others to complete it, this is the key point and difficulty..."

"However, there are ways."


Bai Xiaofei's eyes were burning.

Staring at the distribution map of Apocalypse's forces, dense plans and calculations flashed through his mind, and finally he showed a sinister smile.


After some planning, he has thought of a solution.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei set his sights on the sphere of influence ruled by the Black Lantern Legion, one of the more critical Death Stars.

This planet was originally a densely populated and prosperous planet, and its strength and technological level were almost comparable to those of Krypton.

And now...

It has become another base camp of the Black Lantern Corps, with a large number of Black Lantern members stationed on it, and it is the absolute center of the nearby N-many control areas.

What Bai Xiaofei meant was to target the Death Star.

no way.

If the target is not big enough, the Black Lantern Legion won't take the bait.

Only when they think they are under great threat will they get nervous and lose their footing.

more importantly.

According to the information learned from the Black Lantern spies, it seems that the Death Star has just created Black Lantern energy.

Although it is not the total energy of the black lamp, it is quite powerful.

All the members of the Black Lantern in most of the surrounding star fields have to rely on this Black Lantern energy device for their power source and transmission.

Its importance is self-evident.

Once this place is attacked, the Black Lantern Legion is bound to swarm.

"The Death Star is surrounded by stars, so it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, there are countless Black Lantern members stationed there. If you want to attack it and make the Black Lantern Legion nervous and anxious, the difficulty is quite huge!"

Bai Xiaofei frowned, and murmured to himself: "However, the number of mechanical corps under my command is definitely quite large. I just took this opportunity to let the two sides compete to see whether it is the black lamp or my color lamp." The upgraded Sentinel Hunter is even more powerful!"


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