The Storm God

Chapter 3762 King Aiya! (Please subscribe!)

three days later.

Sinestro led a group of elite fighters gathered somewhere.

Following Bai Xiaofei, he suddenly appeared.

"grown ups!"

Everyone salutes.

Bai Xiaofei raised his hand, motioning for everyone to excuse himself.

Sinestro came in front of Bai Xiaofei and reported back: "Sir, these people are all talents I have carefully selected from the alliance. They are all talented and have amazing potential!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Scanning the crowd, the Primordial Eye instantly saw through them: "That's right, it's barely met the requirements."


He took out a box.

The box is ordinary, but the contents inside are not simple at all. They are the crystallization of laws condensed by the purest law power.

And they are all the ones that have been born with crystal essence!

Taking it can instantly comprehend the power of the law, and master it thoroughly, and master it well. Each one is priceless!

In order to get these treasures, Bai Xiaofei spent a lot of money.


It's all worth it for the bigger picture.

"Send it!"

Bai Xiaofei instructed: "One for each person, and then in this small world, let's cultivate and understand, and try to improve our strength as soon as possible!"


Sinestro responded.

Of course he knew Bai Xiaofei's purpose, because before that, Sinestro had already seen the detailed plan made by Bai Xiaofei.

And these people in front of them are the key part of the plan.

It can be described as the strongest killer.


The premise is that these people can meet Bai Xiaofei's requirements.

But with Bai Xiaofei's resource support, unless he is as stupid as a pig, he will basically get a lot of promotion.

As the commander and leader of these people, Sinestro is no exception, but the benefits he obtained are undoubtedly greater.

What Bai Xiaofei gave him was not the crystallization of laws, but a golden wheel of merit and virtue made of a large number of merits mixed with special materials!

With this golden wheel in his body, Sinestro can be said to be invulnerable to all evil, smooth wind and water, and the benefits are beyond imagination.

at the same time.

In order to enhance the strength of Sinestro.

Bai Xiaofei also specially prepared a lot of special resources and materials for him, such as Eternal Spring Water, Innate Gold, Taiyi Divine Water...

Etc., etc.

In short.

With the support of these resources, as long as Van Sinesto gives a little effort and strives for a little energy, he can easily break through the current realm and step into a higher level.

Otherwise, how can you become the leader of this campaign and plan if you don't have enough combat power?


Bai Xiaofei is not the key to this battle.

He is just a big boss behind the scenes, operating everything secretly, and the person who is really responsible for leading and executing everything is Sinestro!

after all.

Up to now, there is still an old ghost than the Dream God, Murphys, who has disappeared, and Bai Xiaofei has to guard against it.

Before the other party has any news, it is inconvenient for Bai Xiaofei to show up and reveal any whereabouts, so as not to startle the snake.

It depends on who is more tolerant on both sides!

As for Apocalypse's Darkseid, Bai Xiaofei is not too worried, because according to Bai Xiaofei's analysis, it is just a clone.

Although the strength is terrifying, it is not invincible.


Sinestro may not be Darkseid's opponent, but after digesting these resources, Bai Xiaofei believes that Sinestro can definitely fight.

not to mention.

War is different from fighting.

Sometimes planning is stronger than personal force.

Even if Sinestro loses to Darkseid, it will not be too dangerous.

Behind the key Sinestro, there is Bai Xiaofei.

If it doesn't work, let's secretly help.

"I must become stronger!"

Sinestro is not an idiot, he naturally knows the importance of Bai Xiaofei's plan, so even if Bai Xiaofei didn't say much, he has set extremely high demands on himself.

After Bai Xiaofei left, Sinestro immediately threw himself into hell-style cultivation.

With the continuous consumption of resources and the passage of time, his strength is also steadily improving, and the bottlenecks are broken one by one...


the other side.

Bai Xiaofei came to Sanddust Star in a flash.

At this moment, Aya has returned to the body of the anti-surveillance king, and is adjusting various data and energy frequencies.

Compared with before, the broken body of the anti-supervisory king who only had a body but no head protection; now the body looks much better, not only bigger and more powerful, but even the vacancy of the head is covered. fixed.

at the same time……

For security reasons.

Aya's control cabin was also changed from the original chest cavity to the head device added later.

In this way, just like the anti-supervision king, if there is any danger, he can directly abandon his body and run away with his head.

In view of this.

The head device added later must undoubtedly be strong enough, and at the same time possess all kinds of awesome technologies, so as not to be captured and destroyed.

As an ordinary person, it may be impossible to complete such a special request creation, but with the support of Bai Xiaofei's resources, everything is not a problem!

in addition.

It is worth mentioning that.

The anti-supervision king's body, overall shape and body have also been overhauled by Aya, directly transforming from a fat and bloated appearance to a posture that is more in line with Aya's feminine characteristics.

in short.

Compared with the previous body, the current anti-supervisory king's body can be said to be a completely different person. Apart from the fact that the source of essential power has not changed much, almost everything outside has changed.

On the premise of not using any force, it is estimated that no one will recognize it when it is driven out. This is the former anti-supervision king.


Aware of Bai Xiaofei's appearance, Aya's mind moved, and the giant anti-surveillance king version of Aiya immediately showed a sweet smile to Bai Xiaofei.

"Are you done with the work over there? My side is almost done, as long as you adjust the final blending mode, you can start."


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he looked at the remodeled anti-surveillance king's body, and at the same time, he was still analyzing in his mind, what part of the body should the captured anti-monitor Mobius of the DC Universe version next door put More appropriate?



Or is it used as an energy material in an energy furnace?

Or create a special energy furnace alone, and connect with the original one to complement each other?

There are also some attack tactics of the anti-surveillance king, which must also be upgraded. It is too monotonous to just destroy the light with anti-matter.


If there is an opportunity in the future, you can try to see if it can be integrated with Tiejiaman's system, so as to create a small army of small anti-monitors in batches.

After all, the main weapon and armor of the Iron Garman system is the antimatter energy destruction particle...

Even if it is only controlled by ordinary people, as long as the number reaches a certain scale, it can pose a great threat to super combat power!

In short.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei thought a lot.

It wasn't until Aya called him several times in a row that Bai Xiaofei came back to his senses: "Oh, I see, you can do what you want, anyway, the anti-surveillance king's body data has been completely backed up, even if this body The body is completely destroyed, we can also create another one, just feel free to come here!"

Aiya proposed to install a self-destruction and self-explosion device on the anti-surveillance king, so as not to be snatched by the enemy if he is not careful, and the enemy will be cheap for nothing.

To this.

Of course Bai Xiaofei would not object.

Isn't it just a mechanical body of the anti-surveillance king? We don't care, as long as there are technical materials and enough resources, he can make another one.

Even mass production is not difficult.

The difficulty lies in that the antimatter energy furnace of the anti-supervision king is not so easy to make.


With Möbius the Anti-Monitor, it's a whole different story, as he is himself a mobile, infinite source of energy.


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