The Storm God

Chapter 3763 Seriously! (Please subscribe!)

at the same time.

Apocalypse, in the magnificent and lonely hall.

Darkseid sits high above the throne, and below are several core subordinates who are reporting to their masters.

Everything is fine up front.


When it came to Lonely Planet, Darkseid on the throne couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a faint voice sounded:

"Haven't conquered yet?"

Although the tone was light, the anger and killing intent contained in it caused everyone in the hall to shudder.

"grown ups……"

The leader suddenly hated the soul of the dead, and quickly explained: "The defense cover of that planet is far beyond imagination. It's not that I can't wait, but the other party is too bug..."


Darkseid remained silent.

His expression was as calm as ever, and he couldn't see any emotion or anger, but those eyes were staring down.

Everyone under his command was silent like a cicada, not daring to say a word.

at last……

It was Darkseid himself who broke the silence: "Forget it, I can't blame you for this matter, after all, even the Black Lantern Legion can't do anything about it..."

Hearing this, the subordinates in the hall suddenly heaved a sigh of relief. If your lord said so, then he was not going to hold them accountable.

follow closely.

He also heard Dakside say: "The members of the Dream Team, how are you doing recently? Is there any unusual behavior?"


Another person replied truthfully: "Their performance is not bad, and the tasks assigned to them can basically be successfully completed. So far, they haven't found any tricks. I guess they should be sincere."

"Have you found any clues about Morpheus, the God of Dreams?"

"not yet!"


Darkseid was silent for a moment.

Then I asked about the situation of Kruga Star and Dust Star, but the answer I got was that it was the same as before, and there was not much change.


Darkseid didn't think that there was no danger in this way.

Because that was most likely the calm before the storm. As the Dark Emperor, although he was not afraid of anything, he didn't like trouble.

Darkseid prefers to destroy everything.

Especially the enemies!


He issues entirely new orders.

Let the strongest team members of Apocalypse go to Lonely Planet immediately, break through the defensive cover at all costs, and get the treasure inside.

If the Black Lantern Corps makes a move to stop them, then go all out to fight, and if there is any change in the people of Kruga, they will join forces to deal with them first.


His subordinates took orders and left.

Immediately afterwards, Apocalypse dispatched the most elite and strongest team to Lonely Planet immediately.


It's all done in secret.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just an ordinary-scale troop outing on Apocalypse, and there is nothing unusual about it.

As everyone knows, in this humble fleet, there is hidden the most powerful and terrifying super master of Apocalypse.


And the other side.

Scarface also received new instructions from the Black Death Emperor on the former OA star, the base camp of the Black Lantern Corps.

follow closely.

A large group of powerful Black Lantern members left OA star and went directly to the distant target Lonely Planet.


After this long confrontation and exhaustion, both the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion are a little impatient.

In the past, it was under the pressure of a third party, so neither of them was serious about each other, so as not to be left behind.

But now, seeing that the third party still hadn't made any movement, it seemed that they had completely resigned to their fate, and they finally couldn't help it.

Then one by one started to go all out.

They firmly believe.

As long as they use real combat power, no matter how powerful Lonely Planet's defensive shield is, it will definitely not be able to withstand their attacks.

after all……

Such a long attack and probing was not all in vain. The Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps now have a certain understanding of the Lonely Planet's protective shield. Otherwise, they will not do it easily if they are not sure. , being taken advantage of by others for nothing, that's called hard work.


And on Dust Star.

At the moment, Bai Xiaofei is busy designing the anti-surveillance king's new energy furnace, as well as the research and development of the new Tiejiaman system.

With the support of the computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System, even though Bai Xiaofei's work has just been drafted, he has already achieved great results.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Bai Xiaofei would have already asked Aya to start the actual operation and experiment.

And Aya...

In the past two days, I have been busy installing a self-destruct and self-explosion system for the anti-surveillance king, actively preparing for the upcoming war.

at the same time.

The mechanical field of the entire Dust Star is also in full swing, and they have been working hard to build various versions of the enhanced Sentinel Hunter without stopping.

After all, the enemy they faced was the Black Lantern Legion, an extremely difficult and disgusting existence that could last forever.

Although sentinel hunters can overcome opponents to a certain extent, they have a fatal shortcoming, that is, the battle loss rate.

If the black lamp is damaged, it can still rely on the power of death to repair it, but the mechanical legion is not. If it is broken, it is broken.

In general.

To deal with an ordinary member of the Black Lantern, it often takes three or four, or even more mechanical warriors to succeed.

This requires Aya's mechanical corps to occupy an absolute upper hand in terms of number, otherwise, if there is any accident, the consequences will be disastrous.

If you are facing members of the Black Lantern above the elite level, the combat power you need to pay will be even greater.

Even if it is a Sentinel Hunter, its consumption and battle damage cannot be ignored. After all, no matter how powerful a Sentry Hunter is, it is still a machine, and it cannot be like Wolverine, which can recover by itself, or even be immortal.


With Bai Xiaofei's scientific and technological ability, it is not impossible to achieve this level, but that would involve biotechnology.

And the scope of the biological field will be completely restrained by the abilities of the Black Lantern Corps, and the gains outweigh the losses...


The self-healing Super Sentinel Hunter, which incorporates biotechnology, is basically placed on the Kruga star to deal with the slightly less perverted Apocalypse warriors.

At least the warriors of Apocalypse cannot live forever.

Injured, beheaded, stabbed in the heart, damn or die, facing such an enemy, the super version of Sentinel Hunter has a huge advantage.

Coupled with the assistance and strong support of several major Lantern Ring Legion, it can be described as very abnormal. This is also the main reason why Apocalypse has not dared to attack Keruga easily again for so long.

This persimmon is really too hard.


After completing the self-destruct mechanism.

Aiya came to Bai Xiaofei's side, and showed a piece of intelligence information, saying: "According to the news just received, the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps have new trends almost at the same time..."


Bai Xiaofei looked through the information curiously, then frowned and said, "You mean, these people are going to get serious?"


Aya nodded.

Seriously said: "After all, neither side is a vegetarian. No matter how powerful the Lonely Planet's shield is, it cannot last forever. The Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps have been attacking Lonely Planet for so long, so they should have detected some of its flaws and weaknesses. As long as the firepower is increased, it may not be possible to open a gap..."

"It makes sense!"

Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "This means that we have been silent for so long, and it is time to go out and show our faces, otherwise I am afraid that others will almost forget our existence."

"That's right!"

Aya nodded excitedly.

Her eyes were full of excitement at the moment, and she almost wanted to drive the anti-supervisory king to fight immediately: "My side is fully prepared, and I can act at any time!"


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