The Storm God

Chapter 3764 Ruthless Sinestro! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei smiled: "Now we are short of Sinestro, but according to my prediction, his breakthrough should be almost there."


A divine thought moved.

Bai Xiaofei's consciousness was directly transferred to the special space.

At the same time, all the situations inside were instantly reflected in Bai Xiaofei's mind, no matter whether it was those carefully selected fighters or Sinestro, none of them escaped Bai Xiaofei's observation.

And Bai Xiaofei also saw the exact situation of everyone at a glance.

These people did not disappoint Bai Xiaofei, quite a few of them have already broken through to the expected level.

A very small number of people have exceeded expectations.

The rest of them, although they haven't reached the standard yet, are almost there, just short of giving birth.

The flow rate of time in that space is different from that of the outside world, and the time ratio is about 10:1, that is to say, one day in the outside world is 10 days there.


It doesn't matter even if some people don't meet the expectations, relying on the difference in the speed of time, by the time the army leaves, it should be almost there.

And the most important among them is undoubtedly Sinestro, who is the general marshal. His achievements and current situation also took Bai Xiaofei by surprise.

Therefore, at this moment, Sinestro has completely turned into a blood man. His flesh and blood, even his bones, are like firecrackers, crackling and shattering all the time.

at the same time.

Because of the extremely strong power contained in itself, Sinestro's body is also rapidly recovering itself, just like Wolverine's self-healing, but it is even more powerful than that.

that's all.

Sinestro is in two superimposed states of destruction and self-healing, and his power realm is also constantly rising.

"It's really ruthless!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being amazed.

In fact, there are many ways to break through, they can be very stable or very fast, and the way Sinestro chooses is undoubtedly the fast version of the fast.

It is precisely because of his recklessness that the soaring power will break through Sinestro's bones and flesh, and at the same time continue to regenerate itself.

This requires an extreme balance.

If there is a surplus on either side, it will lead to the failure of Sinestro's efforts, or even complete destruction.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is completely gambling.

If you win the bet, you will naturally improve rapidly, gaining stronger strength and realm in a very short period of time.

on the contrary.

Then the bamboo basket will fetch water in vain.

Even losing their lives because of this, in view of the high risk, most people would not choose such a method.

But Sinestro chose just like that.

And during the process of destruction and self-healing, he didn't let out a groan of pain during the whole process, but forcibly endured it with extreme endurance.

This led to a huge improvement in his spiritual aspect, and even Bai Xiaofei couldn't help secretly admiring him.

What does it mean to be ruthless to the enemy and even more ruthless to yourself?

This is it!

Cultivation depends entirely on working hard, so I ask you if you are afraid!

Of course, the effect of doing this is also unusually remarkable. At this moment, Sinestro's realm has been raised to a very high level.


He wasn't satisfied with that.

Before the resource power was exhausted, Sinestro had no intention of stopping at all, obviously wanting to completely drain all the power and resources.

But it's a pity.

At this critical moment, Sinestro encountered a bottleneck.

If there is no decisive force strong enough to shackle the conflict as support and supply, then everything he is doing now will be useless.

This is like pouring water into a glass that is already full of water. It is useless to let you have a vast ocean, because the limit of the capacity of that glass is so large, let alone more water, even if it is even a drop. , can't fit it!

Unless the cup completes a qualitative change and directly becomes a container with a larger capacity and volume, only in this way can it hold more water.

That's what Sinestro is now.

His level of strength is equivalent to a water glass filled with water, but he is still pouring water into the glass, intending to rely on quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes.

Little did he know, what he was doing was completely useless.


Bai Xiaofei saw the problem.

Sighed helplessly, and then passed the message to Sinestro, saying: "Sinestro, stop, you have reached a bottleneck now, without enough comprehension and accumulation, it is impossible to break through for the time being, don't worry about it. You tortured yourself in vain!"


Sinestro was slightly shocked when he heard the words, and then he recovered from the self-torture, his face was full of guilt.

"Sorry, I let you down!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "You didn't disappoint me, on the contrary, your hard work and madness made me very satisfied!"

"It's just that your luck is not very good, just in time for this juncture. If it is normal and accumulates slowly, this may not be your bottleneck!"

Bai Xiaofei was not comforting, but stating a fact.

It's like you pour water into a water glass, and when you pour it, you usually find that the water glass is not big enough, and you can change it to another larger glass.

But because I was in a hurry, I lost this opportunity.

That's what Sinestro is.

after all.

The path he is taking now is very extreme.

What is pursued is how to fill the cup in the shortest time. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to measure the size of your own cup.

If it is a normal practice, there will be no such errors, so as to avoid errors and make the bottleneck come later.

But even so, Sinestro's growth is also very astonishing, almost reaching the mid-term level of the God Emperor Realm.

While much of this relies on the emotional power of the Lantern Ring, there's no denying Sinestro's hard work and talent.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei can only say that he is worthy of being a classic super villain character in DC, he really is awesome!

It was really a mistake to choose to use him in the first place!


Bai Xiaofei still explained the plan.

The mechanical corps on Aya's side is ready and can be triggered at any time, and now it's up to Sinestro's side.

Because of the time difference, there is no need for Sinestro to be too anxious. The remaining fighters who have not yet met their expectations still need some time to break through.

As for the fighters who have broken through, even surpassed expectations, Sinestro needs to leave this space right now and return to Kruga to start preparing everything.

Just wait for the rest of the people to break through, then they can move their troops northward and head directly to the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse.

Bai Xiaofei calculated it.

With the speed of the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion, they have enough time to prepare everything.

It doesn't matter even if the time is a little bit behind, at worst, he will directly open the gate of time and space and send Aya and others there.

after all……

The praying mantis catches the cicada, but the oriole follows behind.

Once the shield of the Lonely Planet is broken, the alliance between the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps will inevitably be broken.

It's not bad to let them fight each other for a while.

The dog bites the dog, and Aya and the others arrive a little late, but they can reap the benefits of the fisherman and catch the opponent by surprise.

Go early, maybe it will have the opposite effect.


Nor should we relax because of this.

In case some of them, who are more chicken thieves, come to secretly steal the chicken while everyone is fighting, it will be depressing.

Just in case, the necessary real-time monitoring and intelligence control must be absolutely necessary, and this task, Bai Xiaofei handed it over to the dream team undercover on Apocalypse.


Long Zhan and others of the Dream Team were also dispatched by Apocalypse to the Lonely Planet at this moment to serve as top cannon fodder. Once the Black Lantern Corps counterattacked, they would be sent on top.

I don't know.

This instead gave Bai Xiaofei a chance to spy on the other party.


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