The Storm God

Chapter 3765 High profile action! (Please subscribe!)

two days later.

Sinestro is ready.

Basically everything that Bai Xiaofei explained was done, including the remaining fighters who hadn't broken through to the expected level, all of them successfully broke through and completely assembled the elite troops.

The number of this troop is a full five thousand.

The fighters inside are at least as strong as the peak of the God Emperor Realm, that is to say, the level of the high-level final lamp, and the strongest ones have even reached the level of the top-level final lamp.

Converted to the level of strength in the space of reincarnation, it is about the level of the early stage of the Divine Sovereign Realm. Of course, it is only almost comparable.

And their boss, General Sinestro, who is also the commander-in-chief and general marshal of this mission, has completely reached the high-level level of the God Emperor Realm.

after all……

Before the breakthrough, he was already the top ultimate Lanternman. After the parallax monster was fused in his body, Sinestro's strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he became the top wave in a single leap.

Now with the help of Bai Xiaofei and the support of all kinds of top resources, it will naturally be improved to a higher level and become even more terrifying.

With the power of the double lamps, the parallax monster as an energy furnace, and the super magic weapon gifted by Bai Xiaofei, the comprehensive combat power of the current Sinestro is already comparable to the advanced level of the god emperor.

Even against a boss like Dakseid, he is definitely capable of fighting. Of course, this refers to the avatar, not the deity.

Because even Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to say that he would be able to beat Uncle Da's true self, that is a terrifying existence that could destroy the entire multiverse just by coming.

Bai Xiaofei can appear here safely, which means that his strength is definitely not as good as that of Uncle Da himself, let alone Sinestro.


This kind of strength is definitely more than enough for this mission. After all, the main goal of this mission is to attack the enemy, not to smash the enemy.

With Sinestro's powerful strength, unless there is an accident, there should be no chance of making a move.

the other side.

Aya was already eager to try.

Following Bai Xiaofei's order, trillions of mechanical legionnaires immediately swarmed out from the mechanical field.

Their target is the Death Star under the rule of the Black Lantern Corps. That is the most important base camp of the Black Lantern Corps besides OA.

The Death Star is some distance away from the Dust Star. If you follow the normal way, you will have to walk more than N million light-years, or even break 100 million.

Of course Bai Xiaofei would not allow such a thing to exist.

Timing is of the essence now.


Near the outer space of the mechanical field, Bai Xiaofei directly activated the strongest teleportation station.

After crossing the portal of the teleportation station, the endless mechanical legion warriors will immediately reach the star field near the death star.

And from here to the Death Star, it's much closer.

With the starry sky shuttle ability of the mechanical legion, it will take about a week to arrive, provided that there is no obstacle in the way.


Their mission this time is not a sneak attack.

If it is to let all the members of the Black Lantern know, otherwise how to attract the members of the Black Lantern stationed in other star fields to come to the rescue?

The same reason.

The same is true for the mechanical fortress on Apocalypse.

The main task of the elite troops headed by Sinestro is to do various things in the vicinity to attract the attention of Apocalypse.

It is best to hurt the enemy and scare him!

only if.

Apocalypse will deploy more troops to return to defense.

Bai Xiaofei made a rough calculation. At this moment, the high-end combat power of Apocalypse and Black Lantern Corps on Lonely Planet is almost as high as about 30%.

Coupled with the fact that they were dispatched just recently, and even almost reached the level of the four cities, this is definitely a terrifying number.

Because this means that whether it is the Apocalypse or the Black Lantern Legion, there will definitely not be too many high-end combat power that can be used in their ruling area and base camp at the moment.

Once encountering a large-scale super attack, it is bound to be stretched.

And Bai Xiaofei wanted this effect.


Whether it was the assembly of troops on Kruga, or the dispatch of mechanical legions on Dust, Bai Xiaofei had no intention of hiding anything.

He even sent someone to send the news out, so as to attract the attention and attention of both parties.

Of course.

key figures among them.

For example, Aiya and Bai Xiaofei did not reveal their whereabouts, but hid in it, preparing to make a secret.

It doesn't matter whether the enemy can guess or not.

at the same time.

The defenses on both sides of Kruga and Sanddust were also fully stretched, lest the enemy take advantage of their tricks and directly come to the bottom of the pot, which would be a sad reminder.

In the field of machinery, Zhou Tian’s star formation is directly running at full power. The power, let alone the ordinary young people, is enough for him to drink a pot even if a big guy like Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, comes. .

The defense of Kruga is also not weak.

Some top players, such as Mog, Walker and other super fighters, all stayed at the base to take charge of the overall defense.

At the same time, it is supplemented by the defense of the Void Defense Barrier, which can be described as impenetrable. Even if Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion come together, they can persist for a while.

In short.

For this plan, Bai Xiaofei spent all his money.

All kinds of resources have almost used up his savings, just for the treasure on the Lonely Planet, quite a success-or-success attitude.

And such a big action, the effect achieved is also very significant.


When Dakseid learned that Kruga had taken action, and tens of thousands of final lights acted together, he couldn't help frowning immediately, and secretly said: "This is what we did to Kruga before we planned to take revenge." Is it a sneak attack by adding stars?"

Then he dismissed the idea.

Because Dakseid knows that Sinestro is definitely not such a superficial person, and the other party must have some other purpose for doing this.

Especially Dust Star in the mechanical field, at the same time, dispatched trillions of mechanical warriors to attack the Black Lantern Legion at the same time...

This made him very concerned.

To know.

Dividing troops into battle is a test of one's own strength.

If you don't have a strong enough foundation and provoke two enemies at the same time, it is almost tantamount to seeking abuse, or even committing suicide.

Since the shot, it means that the other party must have something to rely on.

As for what it was, Dakseid couldn't think of it.


One thing he does know.

Those are the days of ease, and I'm afraid it will come to an end.

After three years of silence, this most elusive enemy finally turned into a tiger again and opened its fangs.

And I, as well as the Black Lantern Legion, are probably going to have a headache because of this.

"Send the order down!"

Darkseid, who couldn't think of a reason, could only take relatively conservative measures, and ordered his subordinates: "Let all the ruled areas be strictly guarded, enter a state of full combat readiness, and beware of enemy sneak attacks!"



at the same time.

On the side of the Black Lantern Corps, it was also a big headache because of the countless mechanical warriors attacking their ruled area.

on the Death Star.

The one responsible for all the main matters of this temporary base camp is none other than Apa, the elder who used to be the guardian of the green light of star OA.

And now.

He has completely surrendered to the black lamp, becoming the second guardian of the black lamp after Scarface.


Looking at the various information coming from his subordinates, Appa's face looked very ugly and depressed: "What are you doing? Is this for revenge? Damn it, why is it at this time!"

If it had been earlier or later, Apa would not have been so depressed, but he chose to launch the attack when a large number of elites in the Death Star were transferred away. This made Apa feel the deep malice from the world.


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