The Storm God

Chapter 3766 Violence! (Please subscribe!)


Apa, who was covered in a black mist of death, gritted his teeth fiercely, as if wanting someone to swallow him alive, and said in his heart extremely upset: "Why should I be responsible for others' trouble?"


This kind of words, he just thought about it in his heart, but no matter what he said, he was responsible for being perceived by the Black Death Emperor, and he would definitely not have good fruit for him.

After all, compared to Scarface, he, the rebellious guardian, has little right to speak.

Dare to say bad things about Scarface behind his back, the result can be imagined.


What matters is not the past.

The question now is how to solve it.

If he really wanted to get rid of something wrong, Hei Sidi didn't care what the reason was, he only focused on the result.

The black lamp energy construction of the Death Star has just been completed, and it is currently in the trial operation stage. There will be trillions of emotional forces gathered here at any moment. If something goes wrong, Apa has no doubts that the Black Death Emperor It will definitely make your life worse than death!

So far.

Appaton was under a lot of pressure.

Afterwards, he stopped thinking about the problem of getting rid of the pot scar, but directly put the center of the matter on how to deal with it.

"Where is the enemy now?"

Apa asked the technicians under his command.

It is worth mentioning that not all members of the Black Lantern are combat-oriented, and they also have different divisions of labor and occupations.

For example, those around Apa, most of them are scientific and technological personnel with little combat effectiveness, who are responsible for the operation and development of some technological equipment in the base.

The only difference is that these people are all dead.

They don't need to eat or rest, as long as the power of death is enough, they can continue to work.

"My lord, now a considerable part of Dust Star's mechanical legion has arrived near the middle star field in the area we rule!"

A technician replied.


Apa was taken aback when he heard the words, and dared not say anything: "They are all near the middle star field? How could this happen?"


In the Death Dark Star Field ruled by the Black Lantern Legion, each planet will build a base station to connect the power of death and the power of darkness, forming an effect similar to a formation.

Ordinary enemies cannot move forward without destroying the base station of the planet. As a result, the mechanical legion directly crossed the outer star field and came directly to the middle star field.

It's almost next door to the Death Star.

This makes Appa very strange.

"grown ups!"

The technician explained: "According to the detection and analysis, the enemy should have used super-large space wormhole equipment, and the soldiers of the mechanical legion all appeared near the middle star field out of thin air..."


Appa fell silent for a moment.

It's not that he doesn't know about super-large space wormhole equipment, but he has never seen that guy use it.

after all……

This thing is very resource intensive.

The greater the number of teleportation targets, the more terrifying the resource consumption, so generally speaking, even if the super power has this ability, it will not easily build and use this equipment for teleportation across time and space.

Because of that consumption, most people simply cannot bear it.

Just like Apocalypse.

Is the boom channel of the mother box awesome?

The equipment that can directly airdrop fighters across the vast sea of ​​stars is almost the only one in the entire universe.

But it turned out.

When Apocalypse goes out to fight, it generally rarely uses the teleportation ability of this equipment, and even if it is used, it is only a small part of the teleportation.


Is it their technical inadequacy?

of course not!

But the consumption, even the Apocalypse, can't afford it.

The key is not necessary.

Why spend terrifying resources on teleportation when it can be rushed by ordinary means? Just to save that fixed point of time?

Feel sorry!

Most of the new protoss of Apocalypse are long-lived races, and they don't care about the so-called key of time at all.

They would rather spend more time than waste such terrifying resources, because in their view, this is definitely not worth the candle.

It is very likely that they have worked so hard to win a world, and the income they have obtained is not enough to pay for the consumption of this teleportation.

That is, loss-making business!

Only a fool can do such a thing.

Not only Apocalypse, but also the Black Lantern Corps. It's not like they don't have similar means of transmission.

Why not?

Can't afford it?

Of course not, but there is absolutely no need for that.

You know, the members of the Black Lantern Corps are basically dead people, and they don't even have the so-called concept of time.

What are they looking for?

But for any action plan that does not need to consider the time factor, they will naturally not waste their energy to save time that has no meaning at all to them.

Just fly over and you're done.

The results of it!

Bai Xiaofei didn't play his cards according to the routine at all.

The trillions of mechanical legionnaires actually teleport as soon as they say it. The total amount of energy consumed during this period is definitely an astronomical figure.

At this moment, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he thought that the top executives of Sanddust Star would agree to such a crazy move.

While secretly thinking about the other party's madman, he couldn't help mentioning the enemy's distress: "If so much energy is used in other places, how much value should it be able to create, but in the end it is used on the road..."

"It's violent!"


While sighing.

Apa was also a little envious, jealous, and said to himself, "Why isn't so much energy my own?"

"If I had this level of energy, I wouldn't have fallen to where I am now. God is really unfair..."

"grown ups!"

at this moment.

Another technician suddenly said: "The enemy's vanguard is approaching the nearby planet, do you want to send troops to meet it?"

"Attack your head!"

Appa immediately scolded angrily: "Didn't you see the number of enemies? How can they be dealt with by the Black Lantern Warriors of a mere planet? Pass my order, put all your strength on guard, and quickly transfer important supplies , strive to minimize losses..."

As a result, the words were not finished yet.

I heard another technician next to me suddenly say: "Report, sir, the planet has been completely captured by the enemy, and the contact has been completely cut off..."

On the device display in front of him, there was a huge black network, and one of the nodes was completely blank at this moment.

This means that the planet represented by this node has completely fallen, and the base station has either been destroyed or completely intercepted.

Seeing this scene, Appa was taken aback for a moment.

"How could it be so fast!"

You know, it's a planet, and it's a dark and dead planet ruled by the Black Lantern Corps. No matter how strong the enemy is, it won't be possible for me to kill it without even finishing a single order, right?

They are not made of mud!


The technicians beside him were not in a daze because of this, and continued with their work. After one wave of operations, one of them replied and explained: "My lord, according to the final data analysis, the enemy seems to have restrained the attack this time." Our strength, coupled with being caught off guard, and being outnumbered, that's why..."


Appa remained silent.

Immediately afterwards, it grasped the key point of the problem and restrained our strength?

It shouldn't be!

Didn't they say they were mechanical legionnaires from Dust Star? They are not afraid of our infection at most, how can they restrain our strength?

Could it be that the model has been improved, as well as the energy furnace?

"Send me the details!"


next moment.

Appa got the detailed data report.

Seeing the fluctuations in the power of heterogeneous emotions clearly marked on the message, Apa's eyes widened suddenly: "It's really improved!"


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