The Storm God

Chapter 3767 Take the blame together! (Please subscribe!)

As a guardian.

Apa's research on the power of the Lantern Ring is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people, so it can be seen at a glance that the power energy used by these mechanical warriors is completely different from the previous Green Lantern energy.

According to the analysis report, it seems to be a heterogeneous energy produced by mixing several different lamp energy sources.

It's okay if it's just like this, the key is that this heterogeneous energy has a strong restraint effect on the death of the black lamp and the power of darkness.

This is what shocked Appa.

"Could it be..."

At this moment, Appa suddenly thought of a possibility.

In the past, although he had also seen the Colored Lantern Corps face off against the Black Lantern Corps, and it seemed to have a certain restraint effect.

But Apa never thought about it carefully, and thought it was the joint effect of the major light groups, just like the combination of green lights and blue lights can erupt stronger power.

But today, after seeing that the mechanical warrior can rely on different lamp ring energy sources to restrain the black lamp's ability, Appa had an epiphany.

"It turns out that everything before is not a coincidence, but the fusion of different lantern ring abilities can restrain the ability of the black lantern!"

"Otherwise, the mechanical warriors wouldn't be able to defeat the Black Lantern Legion on that planet so easily. The opponent obviously came prepared!"


After the shock.

Appa began to worry immediately.

On the monitor, there are densely packed mechanical legion soldiers, the number is like a frenzy, and the end can't be seen at a glance!


The mechanical field's move this time was completely aimed at the death star.

Not only is the manpower well prepared, but even the power of restraint is fully prepared, so they can be invincible and make rapid progress!

Although the Black Lantern Legion's rule area is very wide, the number of Black Lantern members under its command is also extremely large, even terrifying.


Facing the mechanical legion that can restrain themselves, it is still a disadvantage, because their infection ability, immortality and recovery ability have been weakened to the extreme, and they cannot exert their due combat power at all.

The only thing they can rely on is the ability that the infected person possessed during his lifetime, but such people do not account for a large proportion in the entire Black Lantern Corps.

The key point is that most of them were brought to Lonely Planet by Scarface, and there were only more than 3,000 people left behind on the Death Star.

Three thousand VS trillions...


How to fight this?

In an instant, Appa became a little timid.

Then, while ordering his subordinates to guard against death, he sounded the alarm and entered a state of full defense and alert. At the same time, he immediately sent a distress message to Scarface.

Although it's a bit embarrassing, it's better than losing your life, right?


Why don't you ask for help like the Black Death Emperor?

Depend on!

Do you even need to think about it?

That's the big boss behind the scenes. As a younger brother, a fool would go directly to the big boss for help until he experienced complete despair.

Because that would make you look pretty useless.

Even if they successfully overcome the difficulties, they will definitely be despised by the big boss afterwards, and even become unpopular and reduced to marginal members.

Although Appa was panicking at the moment, he was not stupid.

after all……

This is not just my business.

If Scarface dared to refuse, then Apa would dare to run in front of Hei Sidi, sue Scarface, and dump all the blame on the other party.

Even if Scarface responded, and even sent troops to support, Apa would not suffer at all, after all, he found support.

Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, this matter is the fault of two people. At most, it is his side who suffers a little bit. After all, is it the one who asks for help?

The two of them took the blame together when they failed, and defended successfully, and Apa just got a little less credit.

It's worth it no matter what.

In short.

As the former guardian of Star OA, Apa is well versed in tactics, and has already calculated the pros and cons of it thoroughly.


the other side.

In the cosmic starry sky, Scarface is rushing to the Lonely Planet with a large group of elite Black Lantern members.


The black light ring on her body rang.

Scarface opened it suspiciously, and it turned out to be that old fellow Apa.

"whats the matter?"

Frowning and opening the communication, Scarface said with displeasure, thinking that this guy, doesn't he know that he is on his way?

Is there anything we can't talk about later?


This old guy, if he can't give me a satisfactory explanation, I must give him a little shoe in the future!

"The big thing is bad!"

Appa is too lazy to talk nonsense with Scarface.

After the communication was connected, he directly informed Scarface of the great danger facing the Death Star in a very exaggerated tone.

at the same time.

To prove that I am not lying.

Apa also pointed the camera function directly at the control room, and Scarface was shocked to see that in the control room, on a large number of monitors, groups of mechanical warriors were invincible, sweeping the scene of the Black Lantern Legion ruling the planet.

"Damn it!"

Scarface's face suddenly changed drastically, and he was surprised and angry: "How can those scrap copper and rotten iron have such terrible combat power?"

"The technicians have already analyzed it."

Appa looked anxious on his face, but he was extremely happy in his heart, explaining: "All the mechanical warriors seem to have used several kinds of different kinds of energy mixed with the ability of the lamp ring, and that kind of power is very powerful for black people. The ability of the lamp seems to be very restrained, and the number of opponents is extremely amazing, so it is so unbearable..."

The implication is that I am here to ask for someone, but not to inform you. Anyway, you already know the matter, so you can watch for yourself.

It can be regarded as throwing the blame directly on Scarface.


Scarface suddenly felt bitter.

They're all foxes of a thousand years old, who doesn't know who's ghostly thoughts.

Therefore, when she clearly understood Apa's calculations and the current situation facing the Death Star, she felt MMP in her heart!

"Damn mechanical field!"

"If you don't come sooner or later, you just want to make a move at this time. You are sincerely making trouble with my old lady, right?"

"What should we do now? Return to defense, or continue to move forward?"

"It's a dilemma!"


Scarface suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

The matter of Lonely Planet was personally explained by the Black Death Emperor, and it is a task that must be completed.


The Death Star also has special strategic significance, and it must not be easily given up, otherwise it will definitely hinder the follow-up plan of the Black Death Emperor.

As the loyal servant and spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor, the scarred face and the natural way of the Black Death Emperor's terror made him even more distressed and entangled.

Apa and his like are completely incomparable with Scarface.

after all.

Apa is just a dispensable tool person, some secrets are not known, and if something really happens, the other party is at most a secondary responsibility.

But her scarred face is the main person in charge!


The pressure on Scarface at the moment.

It is definitely bigger than Appa, and the choice is more difficult.

After struggling for a moment.


Scarface still decided to send some people back to defend the Death Star. Although the situation on Lonely Planet is also very serious, considering that Apocalypse lacks the ability to restrain the Black Lantern Corps, it can be a little more worry-free.

The Death Star is different.

The Mechanical Legion was not afraid of the infection of the Black Lantern, but now that they have the alien energy of the Lantern Ring, the ability to kill the members of the Black Lantern is very difficult to do.

Coupled with the superiority in numbers, the situation of the Death Star can be described as extremely dangerous and severe.

Moreover, there is also the newly established Black Lantern energy transfer station on the Death Star, which is of great importance. Once frustrated, it will definitely affect the entire plan of the Black Death Emperor, so there must be no mistakes!

The two powers harm each other whichever is less.

In contrast, how to choose, a fool can tell the difference.


Scarface separated almost 40% of the Black Lantern members and ordered them to rush back to defend against the Death Star.

At the same time, they immediately issued an order to other planets ruled by the Black Lantern Legion to quickly support the Death Star at all costs.

And she led the remaining 60%, about 4,000 top elite black lamp fighters, and continued to rush to Lonely Planet to perform missions.


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