The Storm God

Chapter 3768 Uncle Da makes a move! (Please subscribe!)

the other side.

Sinestro led his subordinates through the super-large teleportation array, and soon appeared near the mechanical fortress ruled by Apocalypse.


No nonsense.


"Attack freely, pay attention to formation, and stay alive!"

"All give me the strength to breastfeed!"

"Let's vent!"


In an instant.

Countless lantern fighters, like locusts crossing the border, launched a carpet-like bombardment of the planet under the rule of Apocalypse.

One planet after another was captured and destroyed.


Sinestro and the others didn't stop either.

No one even saw how miserable the ravaged battlefield was, so they rushed to the next target quickly.

Their goal is the mechanical fortress.

The location of the mechanical fortress is located at the core of the star field ruled by the Apocalypse star, surrounded by stars, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The appearance of Sinestro and others was very abrupt.

All of a sudden, it appeared directly in the hinterland of the star field ruled by Apocalypse, and then launched a frenzied attack.

At that time, the nearby planets were blinded.

By the time they reacted, Sinestro and the others had already crossed the blasted planets and headed directly towards the mechanical fortress.

"not good!"

"Their goal is the mechanical fortress, sound the alarm!"

"At the same time, seek help from Apocalypse!"

"Hurry up!"


People suddenly panicked.

Although the defensive force here is also very strong, but this time Sinestro brought too many people.

And each of them is a top powerhouse.

Those who make a temporary attack here to stop them, facing a large number of top powerhouse attacks, are simply a drop in the bucket, and it doesn't help!

It is no different from sending them up one by one!

Even more terrifying.

On Sinestro's side, there will be more strong players in the future, and they are continuously entering the battlefield.


Unlike the first time it appeared.

With the accurate coordinates provided by the vanguard, the spatial nodes of the follow-up troops will be completely different.

It is closer to the mechanical fortress!

Looking at this posture, no matter how stupid people are, they can tell that the enemy is clearly prepared and determined to destroy the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse.

This is not allowed!

The person in charge of the defense of the mechanical fortress immediately summoned troops when he saw this situation, organized manpower, and prepared to intercept.

Of course.

With the previous confrontation and the lesson of being wiped out instantly, they learned how to behave this time. They no longer confronted Sinestro and others head-on, but directly launched long-range artillery harassment.

A large number of masters carried out long-range fire strikes, and the effect was still somewhat. At least some people were successfully delayed.


Compared to the huge number of Sinestro and others, these people who have been dragged down are really a small number.

It's not a drop in the bucket.

It's not that Apocalypse is not strong, but that their number is too small. Even with the addition of technological battleships between the planets, it is completely useless for Sinestro and others.

Seeing such a scene, all the people in charge immediately raised their hearts to their throats, extremely anxious and nervous.


They all saw it.

If there is no change in the situation, then according to the enemy's advancing speed, I am afraid that it will not take long before they will completely break into the mechanical fortress.

Such a terrifying number of top fighters is like a flood of beasts attacking the mechanical fortress. No matter how strong the latter's defense is, it will not be able to resist for a long time.

The final result can only be complete destruction.

Unless the Apocalypse comes!


The contact with Apocalypse was connected.

When the people over there heard that the Mechanical Fortress had been attacked, and the number of enemies was far beyond imagination, and even a boss like Sinestro showed up in person, they immediately became anxious.

follow closely.

The matter was uploaded quickly, and it was directly brought to Darkseid.


Darkseid sits on the throne.

When he heard that the Mechanical Fortress was besieged by Sinestro and the others, his face was slightly stunned, and he suddenly said: "So that's it, their target turned out to be the Mechanical Fortress..."

next moment.

The dark lord made a decision: "Send the order, and all nearby forces will return to defense immediately, and the mechanical fortress must be kept at all costs!"


The younger brother under his command turned and left.

And Darkseid himself stood up astonishingly.

"grown ups?"

The counselor next to him asked doubtfully, "You mean..."


Darkseid's rocky and domineering face showed a rare smile at this moment: "I regretted not being able to fight against Sinestro in the last Kruga star battle, but this time the opponent fought How can I not see you when they come to your door?"

It was made clear that he would meet Sinestro in person.

As for the deployment of troops, Dakseid didn't take it too seriously, because he himself can stand up to countless super generals.

That is.

The biggest difference between Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion is that the boss here took action himself.

And the latter, the big guy behind him, is still trapped and unable to fully show up, so he can only choose the taller one from the short ones under his command to deal with the sudden and major crisis.

As for which side is more reliable?

This is hard to say.


at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei and Aya also started preparations.

Both the mechanical legion and Sinestro have already set off, and they have even started a confrontation with the enemy, invincible.

But it is unknown whether the enemy will act as planned, but no matter what, it is bound to attract great attention from both sides.

And this is the opportunity for Bai Xiaofei and Aiya.

Aya is mainly in charge of the Lonely Planet side. As long as there is friction between the two sides, or the combat power is obviously weakened, she will take advantage of it.

Bai Xiaofei lives in seclusion behind the scenes, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, like a brick, which can be moved wherever it is needed, and is also Aya's biggest protector, guarding against the attack of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus who is hiding in the dark.


Battle reports came from the front line.

Among the high-end combat power of the Black Lantern Corps, there is a group of people who are rushing from afar. If there is no accident, those people should be the elite fighters that Scarface is going to take to Lonely Planet.

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled with satisfaction, and said: "It seems that the plan here is going very smoothly, after all, the Black Death Emperor has not yet fully awakened, and without a super boss to take action, they can only divide their troops to fight like this... "

It was Tian Qixing's side that made Bai Xiaofei a little worried.


It's completely different from the Black Lantern Corps over there.

Dakseid is well-known for his combativeness. Once he learns that the mechanical fortress has been attacked, he will probably take action himself.

And he alone can stand up to many super warriors.


What are you afraid of?

Bai Xiaofei just thought of this, and news came from Sinestro, saying that there was no large-scale mobilization of soldiers on Apocalypse, but ordinary soldiers gathered a lot.


Someone suddenly became depressed.

Speechless in his heart, he said: "Looking at the situation, there is an 80% chance that Darkseid will make a move himself!"

But it doesn't matter, the current Sinestro is not what it used to be, so what if Darkseid came in person?

Still not cowardly, just tough!

And as long as Darkseid can't solve Sinestro in a short time, the crisis of the mechanical fortress will continue.

At that time, other people will inevitably panic. As long as the enemy's position is in chaos, Bai Xiaofei will take advantage of it.

The only difference is that the pressure on Aya on Lonely Planet's side is heavier than planned.

To this.

Aya could only smile wryly and shake her head.

"That's all!"

"Everything is fate, let's make it difficult, this is just a chance to test the power of my brand new mech."

"I hope those people won't be too cowardly..."


In the anti-surveillance king's cockpit, Aya said excitedly.


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