The Storm God

Chapter 3769 The Great War Breaks Out! (Please subscribe!)

lonely planet.

This huge mechanized planet is still facing crazy attacks at this moment, but the attackers are completely divided into two waves.

One is Apocalypse.

The other is a member of the Black Lantern of the Undead Legion.

Lonely Planet used to have star rings, but now they don't have them, and they were blown up by both sides.

Now it is a bare planet.

Except for the huge blue and corrugated protective cover, it is completely impossible to see anything inside from the outside.

Because the inside is completely covered by a layer of extremely thick billowing black clouds, and these black clouds are also the energy transmission channels of the protective cover.

It can also be clearly seen from the outside that there are billowing thunder and lightning storms, which erupt in certain locations from time to time.

That is the performance of the interior of Lonely Planet, which is delivering energy to the defensive cover. It also means that the damage of the protective cover has almost reached its limit. If the energy is not replenished in time, it may be conquered.

And after these months of constant attacks, both the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps have also discovered some flaws in these performances, and are now gathering strength to prepare for a tough attack on Lonely Planet.

Fight for an end!


Wishes are beautiful.

But the reality is cruel. The Black Lantern Legion's calculations are very good, but they don't want to encounter accidents.


The number of people who rushed over was far less than expected by about half.

This made Scarface very depressed.


At this moment, they haven't officially broken with Apocalypse, so they don't have to worry about weakening their power and being taken advantage of by the other party.

After arriving at Lonely Planet.

Scarface didn't start the plan right away, but secretly gathered a group of powerful Black Lantern members, and secretly moved to an inconspicuous location on Lonely Planet, ready to act when he saw the right opportunity.

In short.

Absolutely cannot be noticed by Apocalypse.

Otherwise, the cooperation and tacit understanding between the two parties will be broken in an instant, and even become mortal enemies to each other.

That was not what Scarface wanted to see.

Even if she would come to this point in the end, she hoped that it would be after her plan succeeded, not before she did it.

To her delight, Heileng's actions were very secretive.

Did not attract the attention of Apocalypse.


The battleship that Apocalypse suddenly arrived yesterday, and the wave of Apocalypse team that was approaching Lonely Planet made Scarface faintly realize that something was wrong.

"Could it be that the other party has already found out, but they are just pretending to be stupid. On the surface, they don't know anything, but in fact they have already planned everything?"


This action is crucial.

Scarface didn't dare to gamble, so after making preparations, he immediately dispatched some people to investigate the situation at Tian Qixing.


However, Tian Qixing said that the high-level executives were holding a meeting recently, and they did not receive any outsiders, so they were sent back.


After Scarface heard about it, his brows furrowed even deeper.

Her intuition told herself that Apocalypse must be plotting something, and it is very likely that, like herself, a large number of experts have been secretly gathered to prepare for a ruthless attack on Lonely Planet.

This is not feasible.

If they take the lead, then my plan will be over soon?

Think here.

Scarface suddenly became anxious.

But just when she was about to desperately order her subordinates to concentrate their firepower, she was about to launch a fatal blow to Lonely Planet's protective shield.


The nearby star field of Lonely Planet was suddenly torn apart with huge cracks in time and space.

follow closely.

In the bewildered eyes of Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion, countless sentinel hunters swarmed out like locusts crossing the border.


"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, both the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps immediately knew that something was wrong.

While cursing inwardly for bad luck, they immediately sounded the alarm.

Almost instantly.

The troops from both sides who were desperately attacking Lonely Planet just now turned their guns and aimed at the sudden mechanical army.

The movements were neat and tacit, completely inconsistent with the previous calculations and scheming, and it was obvious that they had returned to the previous cooperative state.

And the mechanical legion is not afraid.


Long before the enemy reacted, they launched an attack directly, and countless mechanical legions fired together. The firepower...


It was as if countless heavenly fires descended, pouring down on both sides directly.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, many unlucky ones who were unable to counterattack were sent to see God by this wave of super-wide coverage attacks.

There was even a part of the firepower that hit the Lonely Planet's protective shield, but it did not cause any damage, only a slight ripple.


The war broke out completely.

On Apocalypse's side, in the high-level control room, the person in charge who was preparing to take action suddenly became very angry when he saw this situation.

"Damn it!"

"Why did these guys come here suddenly? Could it be that something leaked out? Forget it, no matter what, we can't let them get close to Lonely Planet anyway. Let's put the plan aside for now and deal with these damned scumbags first!"


Orders were delivered quickly.

Immediately afterwards, super combat powers were dispatched one after another.


They quickly discovered the difference between these mechanical warriors. Compared with the mechanical warriors they had seen before, these were obviously stronger.

Ordinary demons, even destroying demons, can't take advantage of these mechanical warriors at all.

Without super combat power, he could only watch helplessly as his younger brother was completely devoured and destroyed by trillions of mechanical legions.

As a last resort, they can only jump out to block the enemy.

after all.

No matter how good a mechanical warrior is, it can't compare to super combat power.

Because the two sides are not of the same order of magnitude at all, for example, the modified Kryptonians who have unlocked all the gene locks will definitely be able to fight against ten thousand.

Even an upgraded mechanical warrior is nothing more than a slightly troublesome toy in front of these Kryptonians.

A super hot sight, or a super freezing breath, can wipe out a large number of mechanical warriors like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves.


This refers to the general mechanical warrior.

For example, some elite sentinel hunters are not so easy to be solved, and even a combination of three or five can cause certain troubles and troubles to these super combat powers.

after all.

Their abilities are ever-changing, and their power energy is also super powerful. Just simulate the kryptonite radiation frequency that restrains the Kryptonians, and they can suppress the enemy's ability to a great extent.

If it were an ordinary Kryptonian, they would not even be able to last a round in front of these elite sentinel hunters.

That is to say, these enhanced versions of Kryptonians who have been transformed and upgraded can still withstand it a little bit. After all, with the further development of gene locks, their abilities have gradually become unaffected by kryptonite.

And Apocalypse had already expected this, almost every Kryptonian wore special armor.

Under the protection of the armor, the influence of kryptonite is weakened to the extreme, unless there is any damage.

In short.

Both sides have cards.

One is super strong in quality, while the other is extremely large in quantity and unpredictable in ability, with thousands of combinations and perfect understanding.

The two super combat powers confronted each other, and the fight was fierce and hot. In a short period of time, it was absolutely impossible to tell the winner.

And on the other side of the Lonely Planet.

The Black Lantern Corps also felt uncomfortable, and even compared to what happened to Apocalypse, they were even more disadvantaged and inferior.

no way.

Who made the mechanical legion almost completely overcome them.

The immortality and terrifying infection ability that the Black Lantern Legion depended on for survival are almost completely useless in front of the mechanical legion.

How do you tell them to fight?


It's just tough.

The kind that is super desperate, if it is done well, it may be one for one, or if it is not good, it will be N for one.

The most difficult thing is that even in terms of numbers, the Black Lantern Legion is completely inferior to the vast mechanical legion!

This is very sad.


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