The Storm God

Chapter 3770 Orion! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing that the situation was not good, Scarface suddenly jumped up in anger, and cursed in his heart: "Damn Kelugah! Damn mechanical legion! They must have planned it for a long time, otherwise such a terrible thing would not come out all of a sudden. The number of machines, and it is an enhanced version of the type that kills us!"


There are quite a few Black Lantern Corps.

But compared to the mechanical legion that keeps emerging from the cracks in time and space, it is nothing.


The other party also beat himself to death.

Such a battle cannot be fought at all. If it goes on for a long time, the Black Lantern Legion will definitely suffer, and even the regiment may be wiped out!

Scarface is still very self-aware.

Although there are still many masters on her side, those masters have missions and can only be used to conquer the defense of Lonely Planet.

If it is used to resist the mechanical army, then she will lose the biggest hole card of this action plan, and at the same time attract the attention of Apocalypse.

But if they are not used, I am afraid that the Black Lantern Legion will be completely defeated by the Mechanical Legion in a short time.


"what to do?"

At this moment, Scarface's first reaction was to ask for help.

But then she came back to her senses, asking for help? To whom? Appa from the Death Star? Depend on! That guy just wanted to leave some masters with himself not long ago.

He hasn't solved his own troubles yet, how can he help me!


Depend on!

All in all.

Could it be the conspiracy of the other party?

The purpose is to keep us from being free, so that we can take down Lonely Planet in one fell swoop. After all, we and Apocalypse repelled them together before.

"Damn it!"

Scarface, who had figured it out, suddenly became even uglier. He frowned and said, "If this is the case, then this operation will be dangerous. The other party obviously planned it long ago. What should I do?"

"Could it be possible to ask for help from the Black Death Emperor?"



at the same time.

In the command room on Apocalypse's side.

All the high-level people are also very anxious about the current situation.

Because even if they have already dispatched some super combat power, the number of mechanical legions is too much.

The rest are simply defenseless.

so on.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the mechanical legion will take advantage of it and attack the vicinity of Lonely Planet.

"what to do?"

People are running around in a hurry.

Someone even shouted angrily: "Where are the people from the Black Lantern Legion? Why don't you see them attacking? Could it be that they want to reap the benefits?"

The voice just fell.

Just one person replied with a wry smile: "You have misunderstood them. According to the information just sent back, the situation of the Black Lantern Corps is even worse than ours..."

As for why it's bad, everyone is not a fool.

It is well known that the mechanical legion is dead against the black lamp. Now that there are so many mechanical warriors popping up near Lonely Planet, whoever is the most depressed is undoubtedly the black lamp legion.

Thinking of this, everyone's mood suddenly became even worse.

Because they all realized that this was by no means a coincidence, but a premeditated attack and action by the enemy.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to dispatch such a terrifying amount all at once.

Once the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse was also attacked, it was not difficult for everyone to guess the intention.

To make it clear is to isolate them, so that they have no one to turn to and can only rely on themselves to deal with the immediate problems.

Think about it.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at the leading man.

This person's name is Orion, the will of the new protoss, but he also has another identity, that is, the second son of Darkseid.

That is Kalibak's younger brother.

This operation was led by Orion, with absolute control and dominance.

His ability is very special, it is a kind of power called the power of the stars, given by talent, even if it destroys the universe, it is no problem, and it can even match the Omega effect.

at the same time.

Orion also has a star skateboard, which has multiple functions such as flight, teleportation, energy shield, and energy launch. It can also be linked with the mother box, which is very powerful.

All of this has long made Orion's terror and terror. Among these strong men, Orion is undoubtedly the strongest, not one of them.

Coupled with his identity and status, everyone surrendered to him without any dissatisfaction or meaning.

Just like this moment.

The situation of Apocalypse in Lonely Planet seems to be very bad, everyone is having a hard time making a choice, and they don't know what to do.

But as long as Orion gave the order, no matter what kind of action they took, even if it was a stupid behavior, they would never say anything else.

It can be seen from this.

How terrifying is Orion's influence among the Apocalypse warriors.


There was a moment of silence.

In the hope and anticipation of everyone, Orion finally reacted. He smiled slightly and said in a deep voice: "They are all just jumping clowns, don't worry about them, keep attacking!"


The prince's decision was to continue with the mission.


Although everyone respects Orion's decision, considering the current situation, some people can't help but worry: "The enemy will not let us do what we want, right?"

The implication is, do we just let the enemy attack, and we don't fight back at all?


Olean said with a smile: "The reason why they appear here is to stop us and get the benefits for themselves."

"I mean, some of you, go ahead and use the strongest attack to overcome Lonely Planet's defenses..."

"And others are delaying the enemy's footsteps. After all, no one knows how many people we have come this time. As long as you hide well and act fast enough, we will win the final victory!"


Speaking of which.

Olean paused for a moment, and then said: "Also, aren't those members of the fantasy team coming here?"

"Give them an order to let them arrive at the scene as soon as possible at all costs. With their support, they can survive for a while."


A plan can be described as dense and seamless.

At the very least, everyone couldn't find any faults at all, so everyone nodded in support.

Then there is division.

Among them, those with stronger attack and firepower were sent to attack the Lonely Planet shield, and the rest were responsible for delaying the enemy.

As for Orion...


Unexpectedly, the prince did not join any team, but stayed in the command room alone leading some guard members.

In Orion's words, it's just in case of a rainy day.


Seeing this, everyone was immediately puzzled.

what's the situation?

A rainy day?

What does your lord mean, maybe the situation will change?

How can this be……

To know.

There are only three largest forces in the universe today: the Apocalypse, the Black Lantern Legion, and the alliance formed by other forces.

Almost all the members of the three major forces are present, what kind of changes will happen?

Could it be...

Some of the smarter ones quickly thought of something, their eyes were shocked, and they dared not say anything: "Will there be a more powerful big brother coming to the scene?"

"Who knows!"

Orion smiled and said: "It's always right to be careful, you just act according to your respective plans, and leave the rest to me!"



A certain star field near Lonely Planet.

In another dimensional space, Aya drives her gigantic female anti-surveillance King Mecha, hides in it, and enjoys watching the show.

at the same time……

From time to time, they will also direct the actions of their subordinates so that they can deal with the enemy more efficiently.

Aya, who is behind the scenes, is quite comfortable.

I almost didn't eat popcorn.



She noticed something unusual.

When the monitoring and detection device controlling the anti-surveillance king carefully sensed it, Aiya immediately knew something was wrong.

Someone in the Apocalypse camp secretly evacuated?

What are they going to do?


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