The Storm God

Chapter 3771 Strong debut! (Please subscribe!)

to be honest.

Although the current situation of Apocalypse is slightly better than that of the Black Lantern Corps, it is still not optimistic.

At this time, shouldn't all the combat power be put in to resist the enemy's attack?


Instead of doing this, Apocalypse separated part of its combat power and ran to other places.

This is outrageous!

"Could it be..."

But right after, the smart Aya immediately thought of why the other party did this, and clearly wanted to take advantage of the chaos to open the protective cover of Lonely Planet!


After reacting, Aiya suddenly smiled.

He secretly said in his heart: "Apocalypse still dares to divide his troops to fight in such a difficult situation. This is obviously because he has absolute confidence in his own strength."

"Could it be that there are some big bosses in it?"

"Who is the one?"


While pondering.

The movements of Aya's hands were not idle.

While commanding the mechanical legion calmly and continuing to launch crazy attacks on the enemy, he began to investigate and analyze the situation of Apocalypse.

And under the investigation of the powerful dark matter network of the Hongmeng Dark System, Aiya soon found a terrifying and powerful existence with very secret energy.

The comprehensive evaluation given by the system is that this person is extremely dangerous!

The strength is second only to Darkseid!

The color, blood red!


"I didn't expect Apocalypse, besides Darkseid, to have such a master, it's a bit unexpected."

"But who will it be?"


This moment.

In Aya's mind, many figures flashed in an instant.

Those figures were all the information of high-level personnel of Apocalypse obtained from undercover agents, but unfortunately, after comparing them, Aya found that they were not at all.

"Could it be Morpheus, the God of Dreams?"

"It shouldn't be..."


Aya suddenly thought of the disappearing boss of the reincarnation space. The strength of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was comparable to that of Darkseid. Maybe he was the hidden person.

"Could it be him?"

A guess is a guess, but Aiya is not sure who the person inside is, because if something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.


"We have to find a way to test it out. If it's Morpheus, the God of Dreams, who has a good relationship, I won't have to go to him."

"If not, then it will be troublesome."


Where the heart moves.

At the scene of the battle, tens of thousands of elite sentinel hunters rushed to the command base of Apocalypse like a swarm.

The purpose is to force the big guy hiding in it to take action, so as to identify the other party's identity.


Wishes are beautiful, but reality is also difficult.

Because there are countless demon-like armies around the base, and they are also elite-level destroyers and transformed Kryptonians.

Although these Kryptonians are not native aborigines, but cannon fodder and characters created by gene cloning, their strength is probably only about the level of Dachao, but they are superior in quantity.

The defensive front formed by this kind of fighters, the effect can be imagined, ordinary characters, never want to get close.


An elite sentinel hunter is definitely not an ordinary one.

Their materials are special, and their capabilities are ever-changing, and they have a real-time cloud sharing function, so their actual combat capabilities are far beyond imagination.

Even against the cloned Kryptonians, it is not too much.


They can perfectly simulate the radiation frequency of kryptonite.

In this way, even if the cloned Kryptonian has modified armor protection, as long as the armor is broken, the strength of the Kryptonian can be affected and weakened to a certain extent.

The same goes for the Destroyer.


The cost is not without.

That is, before that, a large number of sentinel hunters will be hit by the cloned Kryptonians and the Destroyer.

Losses are inevitable.

after all.

This is war!

In the blink of an eye, the armies of the two sides clashed vigorously, and countless figures fought bloody battles in the vast starry sky, fearless of death.

In the blink of an eye.

There were countless corpses and mutilations on the battlefield, including those from Apocalypse and mechanical legions.

The two sides suffered casualties from each other, almost exactly the same.

But in general, the mechanical legion is more popular. After all, they are all machines. Even if the body is destroyed and only one head is left, as long as the energy and circuits are not completely destroyed and can still function, they can continue to fight. .

But clone Kryptonians, and Destroyer are different.


Their strength is very strong.

But no matter how strong it is, it is still a creature, and its fatal weakness has been mastered by the enemy. Once the armor is accidentally damaged, affected and suppressed by the ability of kryptonite, it will become a target, and the sentinel hunter will use the strongest attack to focus fire.

To know.

They are not machines.

Injuries will bleed, missing arms and legs, which will affect the combat effectiveness, and even serious ones will die on the spot.

The key point is that the number of fighters on the Apocalypse side is certain, but that on the Mechanical Legion side is endless.

Countless cracks in time and space are like white holes, yearning for massive mechanical warriors all the time.

One ebb and flow, the situation can be imagined.

If it weren't for the soldiers of Apocalypse, they were all brainwashed by control, they didn't have their own thoughts at all, they were like machines, they could only execute orders, and they were not afraid of death. He had raised the white flag to surrender a long time ago, or fled away.

But even so, the situation on Apocalypse is quite bad.


The defensive front around the command base was torn apart by a large number of mechanical warriors at a huge price.

Immediately afterwards, countless sentinel hunters swarmed in.

The command base fell instantly.

The gap was quickly torn and expanded, and the battle formation was instantly damaged and fell apart, like a collapsed levee, which was out of control.


They could no longer withstand the attacks of the Sentinel Hunters.

The gate of the command base was blasted to pieces by a group of sentinel hunters with long-range attacks in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of mechanical warriors swarmed in.

"It's done!"

In different space-time dimensions.

Seeing this scene, Aya's eyes lit up immediately, and she said excitedly: "Phew... I finally got through, now I can finally know who the other party is."

next second.

Before the smile on Aya's face completely swayed.


The terrifying and violent explosion that broke in was accompanied by unparalleled impact and shock, and directly shattered a large number of sentinel hunters outside the command base into countless mechanical parts.

at the same time.

With the complete collapse of the command base, more than a dozen strong figures of different shapes appeared in front of Aya immediately.


Aya was stunned for a moment.

I rely on!

It's not just one person, but so many masters are hidden?

The analysis of her detection device showed that these people were not weak, and almost all of them were at the level of top-level finalists.

And the attack just now came from one of them.

That is.

The behind-the-scenes boss that Aya has been thinking about all the time seems to have not made a move, which makes it difficult for her to determine which of these is the most terrifying existence.


None of this matters anymore.

After all, the other party has already shown up now, and there is nowhere to escape.

And the number of mechanical legions is so large, as long as people are sent to besiege these guys, they will not be able to find out the details of the other party.

Aya thought so, and did so.

next moment.

More mechanical warriors surrounded them.

A small part of it is responsible for solving the few cloned Kryptonians and Destroyer, and the remaining huge part is responsible for testing the dozen or so figures who just made a strong appearance.

Facing the overwhelming bombardment, Aiya didn't believe that the other party would not make a move. As long as the other party made a move, no matter how small the attack was, with the horror of the Hongmeng Dark System, no matter how he could analyze some clues.


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