The Storm God

Chapter 3772 Defeat! (Please subscribe!)

"Boom boom boom!"

Numerous light and shadows, fire pillars, lasers and other long-range attack methods, such as violent storms, gathered fire and anger to shoot at the dozen or so figures in the center.

Such a situation is even more piercing than a thousand arrows piercing the heart.

To know.

Each of these attacks is very terrifying, as strong as a Kryptonian's physique, and it will hurt a lot if you get hit.

And it will be blown upside down and fly far away.

With so many different types of attacks, concentrated fire and furious shots, if it is hit, it is estimated that the enemy will be reduced to scum in seconds.


The premise is that the enemy is not too perverted.

Otherwise, no matter how many attacks there are, it will be like a mayfly shaking the tree, powerless.

In order to force the enemy to use their true skills, the surrounding sentinel hunters all put out their best.


This wave of concentrated fire is extremely terrifying.

And the enemies also seemed to sense the danger, and they made moves one after another, and they came up with big moves, all kinds of gaudy defenses or attacks, like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

In a blink of an eye.

The countless attacks and encirclement were torn apart by more than a dozen people with needlepoints against the wheat awns.

Even one of them beat them repeatedly, directly destroying many sentinel hunters, and their attack and combat power far exceeded the level of others.

"It's him!"

Aya, who was hiding in the dark, immediately locked on to this person.

After a careful analysis by the detector, it was found that the other party was a rather handsome guy, and his weapon turned out to be a skateboard!

That's right.

This person is none other than Orion.

Just now, facing the attacks of countless sentinel hunters, he naturally did not stay behind. Using the star skateboard as a weapon, he immediately deflected all the attacks and bounced back.

Many sentinel hunters were unable to react in time and were instantly destroyed.

Therefore, Aya also stared at him, and began to carry out various detections and analyzes, and the final result was that this person did not seem to be the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus.


Looking at the results of this analysis, Aya's face couldn't help but become more serious, because it means that the biggest threat is still hidden.

And if the other party didn't show up for a moment, it was as if a sword was hanging above their heads, which was very uncomfortable.

at the same time.

The skateboarder in front of him is quite strong.

Aiya quickly learned the identity of the other party through the database of the Hongmeng Dark System after a search——


The second son of Dark Lord Darkseid.

Among the new protoss, the supernova whose strength is second only to Darkseid, is powerful and scheming, and should not be underestimated.

"No wonder..."

Aiya suddenly realized that with such a master in command, the Apocalypse naturally has the confidence and qualifications to divide troops and fight.

Because Olean alone is enough to support a super army, after all, the opponent is a quasi-big boss.

it's not...

With Orion's attack, coupled with the assistance of more than a dozen masters around them, their group was like a tiger entering a herd, and immediately killed the surrounding sentinel hunters to pieces.

on the contrary.

The sentinel hunter's attack had no effect on these people at all. It was as if a group of people were surrounded by a layer of black hole protection. Any attack that landed on it would be immediately diverted away.

Some will even be bounced back.

The end is powerful and terrifying.


It had a considerable advantage before, and the mechanical legion, which was about to beat up the Apocalypse army on the command base, turned out to be smashed into a mess by the enemy.

Defensive battle formations and attack formations are all useless.

The enemy is like an invincible hammer, you just hit it hard, no mechanical warrior can resist them for a few rounds, they will fall apart and be hammered into slag.

It is no exaggeration to say.

In front of these people, a large number of mechanical warriors are like ants under the feet of dinosaurs. No matter how many you have, you can only be easily crushed and crushed by the opponent.

after all……

The two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.

How to fight this?


Seeing this scene, Aya was silent for a moment.

Her intuition told herself that it seemed that it was time to act by herself, otherwise, even if Olean led his team to sweep the battlefield, the advantage of the mechanical army would soon be completely wiped out.

It would be even more unimaginable if it spread to the Black Lantern Legion, causing the two sides to unite and fight two against one.


Aya was not in a hurry to act immediately.

She planned to wait and see what happened on the scene. Will there be any bigger changes, such as the Black Lantern Legion, are there any more powerful guys hidden?

If he made a move too early, and another big boss appeared from the other party, then he would be sadly reminded.

In short.

Aya doesn't want to be a praying mantis, she just wants to be a oriole.

that's all.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The battle situation on Apocalypse has undergone a huge reversal because of the appearance of Orion and others.


The huge losses in the early stage cannot be quickly and completely reversed by just a few of them.

This requires a process.

Therefore, Aya can continue to be patient, otherwise she would have shown up long ago.

And the other side.

The situation of the Black Lantern Corps was somewhat beyond Aya's expectations, because the situation over there was completely opposite to that of Apocalypse.

There were no more powerful bosses showing up at all, but the Sentinel Hunters, relying on their huge numbers, were closing in on them.


Some sentinel hunters should have completely replaced the position of the Black Lantern Corps, stood near the Lonely Planet, and launched an attack on it.


Seeing this scene, Aya suddenly revealed an expression of disbelief: "Could it be that I'm overthinking, there are no big bosses here at all? Apocalypse is just an exception?"

Doubts are doubts.

Before the matter reached the final juncture, Aiya still decided to endure it, and never show up unless it is absolutely necessary!

What if the other party is a peerless old woman.

To know.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is extremely good at hiding and using others, so he can't be fooled by him.

Aya secretly encouraged herself.

And at the same time.


In the camp of Apocalypse, their foreign aid force, a huge fleet headed by the dream team, suddenly descended on the vicinity of Lonely Planet through a super-large sonic boom channel.

"finally come!"

Seeing this, the top executives of Apocalypse were immediately overjoyed, each of them seemed to have been drugged, and their attacks became more vigorous.

Orion turned his gaze, glanced at the fleet that had just arrived, and said with a sneer, "These guys seem to be useful..."


The voice did not fall.

This own fleet, which had just arrived on the battlefield, aimed its guns directly at the Apocalypse fighters on the scene.


When countless people were stunned and hadn't come to their senses, all the fleets fired in unison in an instant, killing many Apocalypse fighters who were caught off guard.

"what happened?!"

Orion was dumbfounded for a moment.

Looking at his own fleet that was madly attacking his own people, his eyes were full of confusion and confusion: "Damn it! Those guys in Long Zhan are crazy, how dare they betray us..."

In addition to being furious.

He also had a ferocious face, wrapped in an unparalleled aura, resisting the attacks of countless artillery fires, and rushed directly to the fleet that had just arrived.

Not only him, but the rest of the dozen or so terrifying powerhouses are no exception.

And this time.

The surrounding sentinel hunters all cooperated with the fantasy team's defection, and launched a frenzied siege on the troops of Apocalypse.

What does it mean to take advantage of the fire to rob, and to add insult to injury?

This Nima is!


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