The Storm God

Chapter 3773 Dream battle! (Please subscribe!)


Orion took the lead and was invincible.

All the way back, no attack or artillery fire could stop him at all, and soon he rushed to the battleship.

He waved his hands vigorously, and there was a sea-like terrifying force, which turned into a stream of light that filled the sky, like the stormy waves of the Nine Heavens Milky Way, instantly descended from the sky, and bombarded and smashed towards the battleship in front of him.

But at the critical moment.


The sky above the battleship suddenly condensed into a huge golden shield form out of thin air, protecting all the battleships in it.


The two forces collided directly.

Although the incomparably huge golden shield looks a little weak, compared with the power of the huge waterfall like the nine-day galaxy, it looks like a little rabbit in front of a lion, but it relies on its tenacious will to resist all the obstacles forcefully. shock.

And the price is that there are more and more cracks in oneself.

And with the impact of the power of the waterfall, its position is also dropping rapidly, and it is rushed to the top of the battleship almost instantly, and it is about to hit it.

In terms of the terrifying power it is currently enduring, even if it is only a little bit hit, it is estimated that this battleship will be blasted to pieces in an instant.

Seeing so.

Murderous intent flashed in Olean's eyes, and the strength in his hands became stronger.


And inside the battleship.

The owner of the golden shield, Uncle Locke, couldn't bear it because of too much pressure, so he spurted out a big mouthful of blood.


Long Zhan exclaimed worriedly: "How are you, are you okay?"


Locke gritted his teeth: "I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful. With my improved strength, I can't hold it for too long. It seems that we underestimated Apocalypse too much!"

The fantasy team also knew of Orion's existence, but none of them had heard of the second prince's strength.

Now that I have experienced it myself, I can't help but be surprised.

"Let me go out and fight them!"

Haotian couldn't stand the loneliness the most, seeing the situation was not good, so he said: "Olean can't bear it anymore, if we add other experts, we will be completely passive..."

He only worries about the members of his own team.

As for the other Apocalypse fighters controlled by them...

Feel sorry!

Die or die.

Anyway, Haotian doesn't feel bad at all.

If it wasn't for maximizing the benefits of the backstab, Uncle Locke wouldn't use his strength to protect the battleship.

It would be nice to let Orion and the others beat their own people directly.

The blind situation is critical, Hao Tian couldn't bear it anymore, after all they are not soft persimmons, how could they be beaten passively all the time.

"That's right!"

The goblin also agrees with Haotian's opinion very much.

Hearing the words, he agreed: "Although the fleet we brought this time is quite a lot, it is nothing compared to the overall situation."

"According to Orion's terrifying strength, he probably won't be able to last for too long. It mainly depends on us to restrain him..."

"Uncle Locke, you..."


The implication is that if you can support it, you can support it, and if you can't, you can withdraw. Anyway, they are just some tool people who are being used. If they die, they will die.

Of course Uncle Locke knew this too.

Doesn't he want to maximize the benefits? After all, the fleet is very large, and it was one of the main forces to deal with the Black Lantern Legion before.

With the fleet here, no matter how they can delay and block the forces of Apocalypse for a while, if they rely on just five of them, the things they can do are too small.

And the reason why they got cold feet and turned against each other was completely Bai Xiaofei's intention.


The time is almost here.

It doesn't make much sense for them to stay on Apocalypse.

For one thing, the fantasy team is not welcome on Apocalypse, and even if they are assigned some tasks and positions, they will be monitored and excluded.

It is almost impossible to squeeze into the inner circle. Even if there is hope, it will definitely be a very long process.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have that much time to wait.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, has been hiding away, and it was also a kind of stimulation for Dream Team to backstab him suddenly.

The Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, who might be able to stimulate him, leaked his feet.

after all……

The Dream Team is the most respected figure under Murphys, the God of Dreams, but now they turned into Bai Xiaofei's younger brother collectively.

If any boss encountered this kind of thing, it would be impossible for him to be a bottleneck. As long as Morpheus, the God of Dreams, leaked a little bit of mood swings and flaws, Bai Xiaofei was confident that he could find out where the other party was.


Looking at the situation on the Lonely Planet side, Apocalypse actually hides a super combat power like Orion.

Bai Xiaofei immediately instructs Long Zhan and others of the Dream Team to carry out backstabs, and surprise Tian Qixing at the critical moment.


Long Zhan and others dare not neglect.

While the fleet was on its way, they used various methods and abilities to directly control some of the leaders, and then used black technology to tamper with the orders of other cannon fodder and characters...

that's all.

A fleet was almost completely controlled by the fantasy team, and those that could not be controlled were wiped out by several people.


Those are just a few.

Who made the fighters of this fleet deal with the Black Lantern Legion, so most of them are the products of mechanical transformation.

Unlike ordinary monsters and other products, it is easier to be tampered with and controlled. Otherwise, if it is an ordinary monster, it is really difficult for the fantasy team to control.

Closer to home.

Wait until the fleet reaches a certain distance.

Long Zhan and the others arrived at the Lonely Planet directly through the explosion sound. Seeing that the situation on the scene was very delicate, they immediately launched a backstab, causing the power of Apocalypse to suffer a huge blow in an instant.

But I didn't expect that Orion was so terrifying, he almost destroyed half of the fleet by himself.

If it wasn't for Uncle Locke's protective shield at the critical moment, which resisted Orion's attack, I'm afraid these people would have to die.

"That guy's strength is definitely above ours!"

Uncle Locke frowned and said: "You must be very careful when you go out, don't fight him head-on, hide as much as you can, your main task is to solve other troubles."

"As long as we can persist until the Mechanical Legion breaks the balance of the scene, so that the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion can't stop the master's plan, we will be successful..."


The goblin and Haotian nodded together.

Afterwards, the two rushed out fully armed, and found the master guards next to Olean who came one after another.

Jiao Niang stayed in the battleship to protect Uncle Locke.

And Dragon War...

He has other tasks.

Although the boss was also very worried about the safety of his team members, but for the sake of the overall situation, he could only leave with determination and rushed to the other side of the battlefield.

There, a wave of powerful Apocalypse fighters continued to smash the protective shield of Lonely Planet, and compared with before, their destructive power was more powerful and terrifying.

after all.

These people got foreign aid.

Today is different from the past, the quality has been greatly improved. Coupled with the analysis of the flaws obtained before, the intensity of the destruction can be described as a world of difference.

Although there was only one person in Long Zhan, he didn't intend to duel with these people, but to prevent them from continuing to move.

Just create some trouble around, and you can achieve your goal.


The premise is to solve the surrounding troubles first.

Around the sabotage force, some elite soldiers from Apocalypse are responsible for protection. The main task is to prevent foreign enemies from breaking in.

Although they are not top-notch experts, they are all elite talents selected by thousands of people, such as the cloned Kryptonian with a relatively high genetic level, and the more mature Destroyer...

Etc., etc.

In short.

The task of Long Zhan is not very easy.

If he wanted to stop the enemy's actions, he had to solve these troubles first, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to get close.


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