The Storm God

Chapter 3774 Kill! (Please subscribe!)

lonely planet.

On the other side, in the camp of the Black Lantern Legion.

Scarface's expression at the moment is very ugly, because their current situation is quite bad, and the front line is almost completely lost.


Some mechanical warriors have already rushed to the vicinity of Lonely Planet and started to attack the protective shield.

"Damn it!"

Scarface was so angry.

But there was nothing he could do about it, and then he received a report from his subordinates: "My lord, I just received a message from the person sent to Apocalypse. The other party was also attacked by the mechanical army, and the situation is not optimistic..."


"Compared to our situation, Apocalypse's overall situation is much better than ours because Prince Orion and a large number of other elite masters are in charge."

"At least for now, we still maintain the division of troops..."


Listen to the report of your subordinates.

Scarface became even angrier immediately, and gritted his teeth: "Damn it! Damn Apocalypse! It seems that they had planned it long ago, and they even sent Darkseid's second son. Facing the mechanical army, we lost again and again. They can still fight separately..."

Talking and talking.

She suddenly thought of an idea.


"According to the previous covenant, we have a common enemy. Now that the mechanical legion is coming, everyone should work together to deal with them!"


The subordinates were in a constant daze, completely unable to understand what Scarface was saying.

Seeing this, Scarface couldn't help but rolled his eyes immediately, and said speechlessly: "Idiot! I don't understand, what I mean is, since Apocalypse is our ally, he is obliged to help us share the pressure... "

After saying this, the subordinate understood, and his eyes lit up immediately, and he said excitedly: "Your Excellency is wise, this subordinate will arrange it now!"


Turn around and leave.

Immediately afterwards, a group of troops was separated from the forces of the Black Lantern Legion, and while coping with the attack of the Mechanical Legion, they approached the range of Apocalypse Star's strength.

This move immediately caught Aya's attention.

"Want to join forces against me?"

"Hehe, don't even think about it. Since I dared to come this time, how could I not be fully prepared..."

"Or are you just trying to borrow a knife to kill someone?"


For the actions of the Black Lantern Corps.

Aya sneered all over her face, but she didn't have any intention to stop it, because it didn't make any sense at all.

For Aya now, there is almost no difference between dealing with two separate enemies and dealing with two enemies together.

on the contrary.

If some of the troops on Apocalypse's side were allocated to the Black Lantern Corps, although it could relieve the pressure on the Black Lantern Corps to a certain extent, it would also weaken their own defensive capabilities.

For Aya, this is not a loss at all.

Even so, why block it? Let them join forces, Aya wants to see what tricks these people can play!


Apocalypse here.

Orion is still smashing the fleet's defenses.

He doesn't believe it anymore, with his own strength, can he still be the guardian of a fantasy team? What a joke!


Almost the moment Uncle Locke made a move, Olean knew who was against him.

Then, seeing that his attack was blocked, the second prince's temper also came up, and he asked others to deal with Haotian and the goblin, while he himself just got up with Uncle Locke.


Olean made frequent shots.

But they were all resisted by Uncle Locke with all means. Although not completely resisted, some fleets were destroyed, but Prince Orion obviously did not accept such a result.

What he wants is complete crushing and destruction.

For those who dare to betray themselves, they must be destroyed no matter what, otherwise where will they put their Apocalyptic face?

And at this moment.

A troop from the Black Lantern Legion had already broken through the shackles and came to the strength range of Apocalypse, and quickly found several familiar high-level combat forces, and told the other party the meaning of Scarface.

to be honest.

The higher-ups ignored the Black Lantern Legion.

After all, the other party is also the enemy of Apocalypse, and the alliance between the two parties is entirely to deal with Bai Xiaofei and prevent the other party from meddling in the affairs of Lonely Planet.

Now that the other party has come to call, and their situation is not optimistic, how can they care about whether the Black Lantern Corps will die or not.

But on second thought, no.

If the Black Lantern Corps fell, wouldn't the efforts of the others be in vain?

So far.

The senior management immediately panicked.

So he quickly left the fight and rushed to Prince Orion's side, wanting to tell his master about the matter.

During this period, he encountered many troubles, but in the end he finally met Prince Orion through luck and strength.

"grown ups……"

The higher-ups didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly informed Prince Orion about the Black Lantern Corps, meaning that they could no longer stand idly by, otherwise something bad would happen.


After listening to his subordinate's report, Prince Orion's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, veins popped out, and his handsome face was extremely distorted and ferocious.

"Damn mechanical legion!"

"It's actually playing us around like crazy. If you don't make a move, it's enough. It's quite possible to use such a big move as soon as you make a move!"

"Do you really think our Apocalypse is made of mud?"


Anger is burning.

And Prince Orion's aura is also rapidly going berserk.

At this moment, he is like a volcano that is about to erupt. The terrifying momentum and power are brewing rapidly. Once it erupts, the consequences will be disastrous!


Prince Orion still held back.

His face quickly returned to calm, as if he had completely changed himself, and the power riot stopped instantly.

All murderous intent and anger were hidden.

The whole person was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "Very good, do you want to play? Then I will accompany you to have fun!"

"Pass down the order, give up all plans to conquer, and devote all your combat power to killing the enemy!"


Hearing this, the senior executives under his command were stunned: "This... my lord, what do you mean..."

"Don't worry about the Lonely Planet's protective shield anymore. If the mechanical legion wants to fight, let them fight. You have only one mission, and that is to kill!"

"I'm going to make these damn scraps come and go!"


The voice did not fall.

Prince Orion rushed out like a shooting star, aiming directly at the battleship ahead.

He stepped on the star skateboard, like a surfer, without any attack and defense, because he himself is the strongest weapon.

As if treating himself like a cannonball, with unstoppable terrifying power and power, he slammed into Uncle Locke's protective shield.

"not good!"

Inside the fleet.

Uncle Locke's eyes froze for a moment, and while exclaiming, he turned around and left without any hesitation.


He can feel it.

Orion on the opposite side is completely crazy, and turned himself into an attack and rushed towards his protective shield. How can Uncle Locke defend against this?

It's clearly a slap in the face.

Uncle Locke doesn't think he can handle the fact that he doesn't play cards according to the routine, and acts recklessly based on his strength and terror.

So I chose to evacuate immediately.


before fleeing.

He didn't forget to put on Jiao Niang either.

The moment he hugged Jiao Niang, Uncle Locke immediately applied multiple buff effects to himself and Jiao Niang, and immediately awakened, turning into an angel state, just to escape Orion's clutches smoothly.

next moment.


The huge battleship exploded instantly.

The terrifying impact and shock, as well as the power of annihilation, swept everything. The surrounding fleets, like foam swallowed by ultra-high temperature flames, were melted into slag in a blink of an eye, without a whole body.

And the angel figure incarnated by Uncle Locke was blown out in embarrassment, hugging the girl who was protected by a heavy protective shield.

Behind them, the figure of Olean, like a shadow of death, followed closely, chasing after them!


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