The Storm God

Chapter 3775 Breakthrough! (Please subscribe!)

death star.

Appa's face was serious, nervous and terrified.


His current situation is not optimistic.

There are too many mechanical legions, and the Black Lantern Legion is defeated, so the battle is almost one-sided.

The defensive front around the Death Star seemed to be made of paper, and it would collapse completely if it couldn't resist a few times.

Seeing that the mechanical legion was getting closer and closer to the Death Star, Appa's heart was almost in his throat.

Although he doesn't need to be too concerned about taking the blame, Apa doesn't want to be in any danger. If the other party goes mad, he might suffer too.


"Where are the support troops now? How long will it take to arrive? Hurry them up again!"


The technicians are busy running around.

There was nothing wrong with the communication system at all, and the support troops were quickly contacted and received a reply.

"grown ups……"

"The support troops are rushing here now, and it will take about a day before the Death Star..."

"However, if the wormhole shuttle is turned on, the time will be greatly shortened, but the energy consumption for them is not a small burden..."

"Even if I arrived in time, I'm afraid I have to add something first..."


The technician explained the situation.

Because this involves a problem - energy consumption, and this kind of thing, little people of their level have no decision-making power.

Only Appa can decide.


Consider the current situation.

The technician guessed that Appa shouldn't care.

as expected.

After listening to the detailed report, Apa immediately said that energy is not a problem, but the problem is that the support troops must come as soon as possible.

"My lord, what do you mean..."

The energy of the Death Star has special uses.

Apa made such a decisive decision, which immediately made the technicians think of a certain possibility, and couldn't help asking.

"That's right!"

Appa doesn't deny it either.

Hearing this, he immediately said seriously: "That's what I meant. Although the energy of the Death Star is specially prepared for Lord Black Death, but at this time and at that time, if we lose our defense, these energy will also benefit the enemy... ..."

"Instead of that, it's better to take out a little to save the emergency. You just need to convey my meaning to the support troops. I will bear any responsibility!"


Apa has said so, and the technicians naturally no longer ink.

Immediately sent Apa's meaning to the past.

After the support team received it, they immediately expressed that they would rush back as soon as possible at all costs, hoping that the Death Star would be ready to meet it.


They are not supporting, but sending people away from thousands of miles away.


at the same time.

The star field outside the Death Star.

At a glance, countless mechanical warriors, like locusts, swarmed towards the death star at an astonishing speed.

As mentioned along the way, whether it is a planet with life or a planet without life, it will all be swept away by the nearby mechanical warriors to avoid being ambushed or something.

As a result, they liberated a large number of innocent people enslaved by the Black Lantern Corps.

These people were originally kept in captivity as materials for the energy extraction of the black lamp. Now after being rescued, they immediately expressed that they would fight the black lamp to the death.


The Mechanical Legion refused.

Not trusting them is one thing, and more importantly, these people are completely unsuitable for combat, not to mention their lack of physical ability, and they are all full of revenge.

When such people go to the territory of the Black Lantern Legion, it is not combat power at all, but an enemy, because the Black Lantern can absorb huge emotional power from them.

It can even infect them, enhancing members of the Black Lantern Corps.


No matter how much these people insist.

The mechanical legion treated them equally, rejected them directly, and concentrated and controlled these people, preparing to send them outside the rule of the Black Lantern Legion.

This can be regarded as weakening the strength of the Black Lantern Legion to a certain extent.

After all, with these people around, Black Lantern would be able to obtain a steady stream of emotional power, and it would be more troublesome to fight.

Without these people, it is tantamount to cutting off the enemy's food.

Even if this will slow down the speed of some mechanical legions, it must be persisted.


The vanguard of the mechanical legion arrived at the outer area of ​​the Death Star, and what greeted them was the defensive line of the Black Lantern Legion that Apa had laid out in advance.

A large number of Black Lantern members surrounded the Death Star, like a layer of jet-black biological shield, covering the Death Star so tightly that it could hardly be poured into it.

Although the strength of these black lantern members is generally mediocre, they form a very special formation when combined.

Ordinary mechanical warriors, firepower attacks on them are almost completely useless, like a cow in a quagmire, it has no effect.

"As expected of the Death Star, there really is something!"

Aya, who was always paying attention to the battle situation, also found something wrong here, and then laughed to herself: "But it's too whimsical to try to block my mechanical army with this alone!"

next moment.

At her behest.

Among the vanguard troops, the trump card force of the mechanical legion was directly dispatched - the super large mechanical monster squad.

Like Mechagodzilla.

You know, these mechanical monsters are purely mechanical versions specially developed to deal with the Black Lantern Legion.

It does not contain any biological technology, but its combat effectiveness is not inferior to the previous version, and it is even stronger in some aspects.

Because of purely mechanical reasons, there is no need to consider some biological characteristics at all, and the loading of high-tech weapons can be expanded to the greatest extent.

For example, high-frequency vibration cutting, electromagnetic pulse armor-piercing cannon...

Etc., etc.

Even if the enemy is a member of the Black Lantern.

Facing the attacks of these ultra-tech weapons, they cannot be completely exempted. After all, in a sense, they are still living things.

It's just a special species that comes back from the dead and has a recovery speed that ordinary people can't match.

But as long as it is a creature, basically it cannot be exempted from the damage of technology.

Especially super-tech weapons!

In short.

The mechanical legion came prepared.

The Black Lantern Corps defensive formation against Apa was not at all timid, it was mechanical monsters saying hello.


As the big brother character of the monster team, Mechanical Godzilla naturally does his part. He comes up with a super-powerful particle-breathing cannon.

Other mechanical monsters, such as Mechanical Radon and King Ghidorah, were also not to be outdone, and released their own big moves one after another.


Terrible fire attacks, like violent storms, descended on different areas of the Death Star in different forms.

The thick layer of defense array of black lamp members wrapped outside the Death Star was severely damaged immediately.

Among them, the most serious loss is undoubtedly the area attacked by Mechanical Godzilla. After all, the power of the particle breath cannon is definitely not covered. How to resist the highly compressed energy rays concentrated in one point?

Almost in the blink of an eye, a big hole was directly blasted out of this defensive zone, and then the big hole continued to deepen, advancing all the way, and finally was pierced by Mechanical Godzilla abruptly, and blasted to the mainland of the Death Star.

Looking down from the big hole, you can clearly see that the protective shield made up of members of the Black Lantern is extremely thick, almost several kilometers long. God knows how many members of the Black Lantern this thing is composed of.

However, no matter how thick it is, it is useless. Facing the ultimate attack of mechanical monsters, their defense can only delay a little time at best.

After a long time, it will still be shattered by the ruthless blast.

First came Mechanical Godzilla, followed by King Ghidorah, and then the flame demon Radon...

The monster squad's firepower attacks, one after another, began to take effect one after another, gradually tearing through the Death Star's black light protection.

follow closely.

A large number of sentinel hunters began to use these breakthroughs as their entry points, and rushed into the Death Star continuously.

The scene was very similar to the scene in "The Matrix", when countless mechanical squids rushed into the rebel base.

Shocking and brutal!


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