The Storm God

Chapter 3776 Terminal sentinel! (Please subscribe!)

"Damn it!"

"How can the combat power of this mechanical legion be so terrifying? So many black lamp joint defenses can't handle it, the sky is going to kill me, this is..."

"Why haven't the support troops arrived yet?"

"Hurry me again!"


Seeing the sentinel hunters descending from the sky, Apa was completely panicked, and while sweating, he quickly ordered his subordinates to say.

"grown ups……"

The technician said embarrassingly: "The support force seems to have entered the wormhole for a shuttle, and our communication capabilities cannot communicate..."


Appa became even more angry.

He couldn't help but punched the instrument next to him, and roared angrily, "Then quickly find a way to stop those damn machines from approaching!"


The technicians were helpless.

Even you, a big brother, can't do it. What can we do?


Thinking about it, I absolutely dare not say anything, otherwise Apa will definitely send them to the west in an instant.

These technicians can only rely on their own knowledge and ability to make a dying struggle with the help of the many defensive artillery fires of the Death Star.

to be honest.

As one of the base camps of the Black Lantern Corps, the Death Star's defense capabilities are still very good.

Even Bai Xiaofei's Sentinel Hunter couldn't be completely immune to the opponent's attack and damage. When he just arrived and rushed in, he encountered an extremely powerful fire attack and suffered heavy losses.


The biggest advantage of sentinel hunters is their large number!

One or two may not be a big deal, but if there are a large number of sentinel hunters, the situation will be very different.

After the initial baptism of artillery fire and the sacrifice of some of their companions, the sentinel hunters behind have promptly shared the important data and information obtained by their companions at the price of sacrifice.


Switch modes quickly one by one.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the sentinel hunters behind all switched to the mode and state of restraining the fire of the black lamp.

follow closely.

The Black Lantern Corps is struggling.

Their cannon fire sniping, the power was greatly reduced in an instant, and it blasted towards the mechanical army. Just now, it was like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves, but the next moment it turned into a water gun, which could hardly cause any damage except for physical resistance.


All subsequent sentinel hunters have all been set up in a defensive mode that can restrain the fire of the black lamp.

Coupled with the huge number, the defensive ability formed by combining together is a horror.

The enemy's attack is coming, it's just a drop in the bucket.

This made Appa very bad.


While scolding.

Apa didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly ordered: "Stop using that damn technology artillery, it's useless at all, except for the energy furnace and the command room, send me all the base guards!"


The boss gave the order, and the younger brother naturally dared not disobey.

Soon, new instructions were conveyed, and then batch after batch of black lantern fighters flew from the ground to the sky.

Before the people arrived, their various attacks blasted into the sky like colorful fireworks, blocking the mechanical legion.

"Apa, this guy still has a bit of eyesight!"

Aya, who observed this scene, couldn't help curling her lips, and said with a smile: "I actually saw the coping principle and mode principle of the sentinel hunter, and directly used countless black lights to attack freely to solve the situation in front of me..."


"The disparity in the number of the two sides is too great. Even if you see it, it's useless. It won't take long for my mechanical legion to completely dominate. At that time, do you have any tricks?"

"Speaking of which, why is the Death Star's support force not yet available?"

"The movement is too slow!"


In the end.

Aya's tone was full of displeasure.

After learning that Scarface had sent some members of the Black Lantern to support the Death Star, Aya took countermeasures.

Specially reserved some super-like sentry hunters as a surprise for Apa and others, but after fighting for a long time, the support troops still haven't arrived.

This made Aya very dissatisfied.

Bad review!

And the other side.

The battle situation on Lonely Planet's side is also very bad on the side of the Black Lantern Corps, because Apocalypse simply ignored their plea for help.

It's not that Apocalypse doesn't care about loyalty, but Apocalypse is too busy.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be in a hurry to start killing mode directly, even ignoring Lonely Planet's defense.

And such a move also caused huge trouble and crisis to the mechanical legion, and a large number of sentinel hunters were killed and destroyed.

The progress of attacking Lonely Planet slowed down instantly.

after all.

Tian Qixing didn't free his hands before, and he was caught off guard, which is why he was so miserable.

Now, the opponent has completely given up defense and directly adopted a reckless killing and counterattack mode. The pressure of the mechanical army can be imagined.

But even so.

Aya still didn't have the idea of ​​showing up.

Because in her opinion, now is not the time to play by herself, so wait until both sides are beaten and there are really no tricks and cards, or a stronger guy is exposed.

And now...

Among the enemy forces, the most dangerous existence is undoubtedly the second prince of Apocalypse, Olean.

However, the prince is currently being attracted by Uncle Locke and Jiaoniang, running around the universe, so there is no need to worry too much about any changes in the short term.

On the contrary, the situation of the others is not so good.

Just like Haotian and Fairy.

at first.

The two of them can still take some advantage.

But as the counterattack of the enemy's killing mode began, the defense was completely ignored, and the enemy's terrifying combat power was fully demonstrated.

Ordinary enemies, the two don't care.


The masters around Orion are another matter. Coupled with the fact that there are few enemies, it is naturally more disadvantageous.

Fortunately, there are countless sentinel hunters around the two as support and assistance, which can be regarded as making up for some disadvantages to a certain extent.

It's still the same sentence just now.

In a short time, there will not be too much danger.

at this point.

Haotian and Fairy also understand.

Therefore, they just play, run all kinds of things, and don't confront the enemy head-on at all, the purpose is to delay time.

Because with the passage of time, there will only be more and more sentinel hunters. When this battlefield is full of mechanical legionaries, even if they don't take action, these sentry hunters alone can grind the enemy to death!

In short.

They are confident.

On the contrary, the enemy is a little impetuous and furious.

I was aggrieved at first, but now I finally let go and prepared to kill, but the enemy ran around the world and didn't fight you head-on.

Who can resist this?


death star.

There are more and more sentinel hunters attacking the interior of the planet.

Seeing that even the members of the Black Lantern were about to be unable to defend, finally, the support troops that Apa and Aya had been thinking of arrived at the most critical moment through the wormhole.

The support force has the exact coordinates of the Death Star.


The place where they appeared and descended was directly inside the planet, near the headquarters and the energy furnace.

Coincidentally, this area is also the area with the largest number of Sentinel Hunters and Black Lantern members and the most intense fighting.

One wants to capture the thief and the king, while the other is desperately defending.


Support troops suddenly appeared.


"These bastards are finally back!"

"There is help now!"


Appa almost cried with joy.

And in the same way, Aya, who was hiding in the dark, also beamed with joy, her smiling eyes were bent: "It's almost here, let me wait!"

"End-level Sentry, it's time for you to make your debut!"

"Move out all, leave no one behind!"

"Direct annihilation mode!"


Following Aya's order.

In the dark sky shrouded by countless black lamp defenses, a group of sentinel hunters with extremely unclear appearance suddenly broke into the torn gap.

And these are the surprise gifts that Aya specially prepared for the support troops of the Death Star.


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