The Storm God

Chapter 3777 Seize power! (Please subscribe!)

The ultimate sentinel hunter is a special version of the mechanical warrior developed by Bai Xiaofei based on the ability of the alien gluttonous king of the super god universe, combined with the design principles of the sentry hunter.

Although it is not a super genetic warrior, it is equipped with void and anti-void engines, which can change the laws and rules of the local area to a certain extent.

Coupled with the fusion of various lantern energy sources, and the anti-matter destructive ability of the anti-supervision king, its combat power is very terrifying.

The key is that there are many of them.

A total of fifty units!


This is almost equivalent to fifty masters of the God Emperor Realm.

As for the support troops of the Black Lantern Legion, although they are large in number, their quality is somewhat uneven.

The strong are very strong, and the weak are very weak.

The strength of the tie is probably around the early stage of the emperor, but because of the ability of the mechanical warrior to defeat the black lamp, in fact, the combat power of the black lamp has to be discounted.


Although some are outnumbered, the end-level sentinel hunters are not panicked at all, and are even sure of victory.


One order.

All the end sentries have all started to fight.

They waited for their scarlet and murderous eyes, and rushed directly to the support troops just next to the Death Star without fear.

"Building a void energy field... Rewriting the rules... Overturning the laws... Locking the recovery function of the dead creature..."

"Forbid the power of darkness..."


As soon as it came into contact, the Ultimate Sentinel unleashed its strongest stunt, an invisible creature, completely repeating the local rules.

Pity the soldiers who supported the troops. They had just landed on the Death Star. Before they could figure out what was going on, some of them were trapped in the void energy field by the ultimate sentinel, and then they were instantly wiped out like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

It's not that they are weak.

It is the soldiers of these supporting troops who have already consumed too much energy due to the long journey.

This has just arrived at the Death Star, and nothing is clear about it, and each one is even weaker.

Caught off guard, surrounded by a group of ultimate sentinels, the result can be imagined, it is naturally very bitter and sad!


"Scatter all, don't be surrounded by enemies, rush directly to the energy furnace, recover the energy first..."

"Apa, where did you all go?"


The leader of the support force, seeing such a scene, was immediately horrified. While shocked by the strength of the enemy, he was also a little annoyed at Appa's incompetence.

Didn't you say that you will be ready for everything?

You just fix me like this?


I greet all female relatives of your family directly!

I don't know...

Appa is also confused at the moment.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the ultimate sentinel, who wiped out many support fighters in minutes, the person in charge of the death star was also dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Why are these mechanical warriors different from others? It seems like a special model specially developed for support troops...

Could it be that the enemy calculated all of this from the very beginning?

Think about it.

Appa couldn't help feeling a surge of despair.

Just like the situation OA faced before, this time, he felt powerless and deep fear again!


The little brothers around him were very sober.

After all, these people are all black lamps, their souls and wills are controlled by the ability of the Black Death Emperor, they are ruthless, and they have no fear or fear at all.

Seeing the enemy rushing towards the support troops, they even followed some soldiers of the support troops towards the direction of the energy furnace.

These younger brothers did not need Apa to issue orders, they directly mobilized the surrounding troops, and quickly launched sniping and interception.

The supporting forces were given some respite as a result.

But even so, after this moment of confrontation, the number of support troops has been reduced by about one tenth.

Many of the remaining people were wounded.

As members of the Black Lantern, they really couldn't understand why the damage these mechanical warriors inflicted on them would be so horrific, even with the ability of the Black Lantern, they couldn't recover in a short time?

This should not be ah!

Although the Sentinel Hunter's energy comes from different lantern rings, which have a certain restraint effect on the ability of the black lantern, but it's not so abnormal.

Could it be the latest special means against them?

The leader of the supporting force, seeing a large number of subordinates injured and unable to recover, suddenly frowned, full of doubts and puzzles.


He and Appa finally meet.

The ultimate sentinel outside lies in the confrontation between the soldiers. With the support of the base troops, their pressure suddenly dropped, but they still dare not be careless.


The leader no longer cares about absorbing energy, he urgently needs to know, what is going on?

Because no matter how he looked at it, this defense was like a trap, and he had to ask Apa for a reasonable explanation.

"I do not know either!"

Appa felt very innocent, and explained depressedly: "When we were fighting before, these guys never appeared, until you showed up..."


The leader is not an idiot either.

As soon as he heard this, he immediately understood that he, Apa and the others had been plotted against, and all of this was a conspiracy by the enemy!


"Even so, then there is nothing to say. Immediately give me the permission to use the energy furnace, and we must restore it immediately!"

"Otherwise, all that awaits us is death!"


The leader immediately made a decision.

At this moment, only by using the huge emotional power stored in the energy furnace can they recover quickly and even enhance their combat effectiveness.


Based on their current state, it's completely like a mantis' arm.

In other words, the leader and Appa wanted to go together. Of course, even so, if the higher-ups really want to pursue it, Apa will still have to take the blame.

Who made him the person in charge of the Death Star.

If something goes wrong here, he should be the first to be looked for. The others are at most a secondary responsibility, so don't worry about it at all.


If the support troops can turn the tide, maybe they are not only right, but also meritorious.

Thinking of this, Appa felt a little uncomfortable.

But at this juncture, he didn't care much about it anymore. He nodded when he heard the words, and directly handed over the authority to use the energy furnace to the leader of the support force, and said: "Whether the Death Star can be kept or not, it is all up to you." Look at you!"

"I know!"

After the leader received the permission to use the operation, he said in a deep voice: "But you can't relax and give up, listen to my order later, everyone must cooperate with us to fight!"

The eyes are determined, meaning: "Do you have any opinions?"

This is to understand the need to command combat power.


Appa was a little reconciled.

But for the sake of the overall situation, he shrugged helplessly in the end, saying that he had no opinion.

Who made him more than political, but he is not suitable for fighting at all, otherwise the Death Star would not have been played like this by Apa.

Although the leader's request is a bit excessive, it is the only way to save himself and even win at the moment.

Appa can only agree.

next moment.

The authority to command the battle fell to the leader of the support force, and he didn't write any ink, and immediately issued a series of battle orders.


Countless Black Lantern fighters began to act again.

First of all, the scattered members of the Black Lantern, under the command of the leader, immediately gathered towards the energy furnace.

Judging from this meaning, it is obvious that other less important areas must be abandoned, and the core of the energy furnace should be protected and defended.

Not only that.

The energy supply of the energy furnace was also directly transmitted to the support fighters under his command by the leader in the form of remote transmission and sharing, allowing them to immediately obtain sufficient energy to recover and increase themselves.


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