The Storm God

Chapter 3778 Collapse! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing the killing of the ending sentinel on the Death Star, Aya was not only not happy, but was unbelievable.

what's the situation?

Is this the level of Death Star's support troops?

Just kidding!


Looking at their situation, it seems that the energy consumption is due to the wormhole shuttle, so it is now such a useless wood?

That was a real disappointment.

I also want to see the combat power of the ending sentinel, how brave they are in front of these guys, I'm afraid I can't see it according to this situation...

Aya shook her head helplessly.

As for the water?

Feel sorry!

That word doesn't exist in her database!

After all, this is war, not a joke. Even if Aya wants to observe the battle performance of the ending sentinel, she will not take it seriously.

There will be plenty of opportunities to test in the future, and this time is not bad!

But just when Aya was about to look away in disappointment, and re-observed the battle on Lonely Planet...


On the side of the energy furnace of the Death Star, a burst of extremely terrifying energy fluctuations suddenly burst out, and the soldiers of the support troops who rushed over followed, each and every one of them became fierce like chicken blood.


The tyrannical power of some people directly broke through the void energy field built by the end sentinel, broke the restrictions and constraints of special rules, and regained the abilities they should have.


Aya couldn't help being taken aback.

She quickly opened the detector and conducted a detailed investigation on the energy furnace of the Death Star, but was surprised to find that the energy furnace was open at this moment.

It not only provided the soldiers who supported the troops with enormous emotional strength, but even provided the Death Star's black light defense layer covering the sky with extremely terrifying power blessings.

This caused the attack power of the mechanical monsters in the outer space to be blocked instantly, and the torn gap and hole were also recovering quickly.

If the other party really succeeds, the invasion of the mechanical legion will be completely terminated, and at the same time, the troops that have already invaded the interior of the Death Star will completely lose their support.

Think here.

Aya couldn't help but secretly praised: "It's really courageous. It actually gave up all other areas and just protected the energy furnace and command base. It seems that it is going to give it a go!"

While admiring, I didn't forget to issue new orders to the sentinel hunters, increase firepower, and continue to attack!


The mechanical monsters immediately worked harder.

Faced with the continuous strengthening of defenses such as Hei and other protective layers, they also gave up the idea of ​​​​dividing troops into battle, and directly gathered in one place to concentrate their forces to conquer one point.

The terrifying and destructive power formed by the combination of more than a dozen mechanical monsters is indeed powerful and terrifying, even the current enhanced version of the black lamp shield cannot withstand it.


There were more than a dozen breakthroughs, but now it directly becomes one, which also weakens the progress of the mechanical army's invasion.

In order to maximize the benefits, all the invading mechanical units were simply replaced with the top sentinel hunters.

Their mission is to rush into the Death Star, and then launch a suicidal blow to the enemy's energy furnaces and command bases.

Even if it is self-destruction, it cannot make the enemy feel better.

in addition.

It is to assist and support the end sentry as much as possible, and fight against the support force fighters after energy recovery.

Aya guessed that the person commanding the battle now may not be Apa, but the leader of the support force.

after all.

The fighting styles of the two are very different.

And this immediately aroused Aya's strong interest: "It seems that the combat power test of the end sentinel can continue again."

Inside the Death Star.

The Black Lantern members of the supporting force were surrounded by thick black mist, like gods of death, not knowing what was going on.

On the opposite side of them is a relatively small number of end sentries. The two sides are facing each other, without any nonsense, just do it.

Compared to just one-sided.

Now that the situation is different, the recovery of energy, and even the soldiers of the support troops after the increase, suddenly failed one by one.

Even if it is the end sentinel, using anti-void and other technologies, it cannot completely suppress the opponent's ability.

at last……

The most effective fighting method for both sides is still head-to-head.

Black Lantern relies on his own inexhaustible strength, without fear of casualties and mistakes; while the ending sentinel has advanced technology and can suppress the opponent's ability to a certain extent...

All in all, it's evenly matched.


Relatively speaking.

Or the Black Lantern Legion is more popular.

After all, there are so many of them, and the end sentinels don't have much advantage, so it's obviously a bit difficult for them to be outnumbered.


The top sentinel hunters arrived in time, and while attacking the energy furnace and the command base, they also provided some support and assistance to the end sentry, which greatly alleviated the disadvantage in numbers.

However, the fighting situation between the two sides has also resulted in a certain degree of stalemate.

at the same time.

As time goes by.

The energy furnace supplied more and more energy to the black lamp, and the situation of the sentinel hunters began to become more and more bad.

In a short period of time, several end sentries have been sniped and mutilated by the enemy's support troops.


It's not easy for the enemy either.

Before the end sentinels were destroyed, almost all of them started to self-destruct. Even if the terrifying power could not completely wipe out the surrounding black lights, it would definitely injure them and create opportunities for their companions.

In short.

There were casualties on both sides.

It all depends on who can't withstand this huge consumption first.

"It's still too bad in terms of quantity!"

Aya analyzed the data on the battlefield and came to a conclusion: "The comprehensive combat power of the end sentinel will definitely not lose to the black lamp, and it can even suppress the opponent to a certain extent, but the advantage is not obvious, and there is still a lot of room for improvement... ..."

However, this result has already made her very satisfied.

after all.

The black lantern support troops in front of them are all first-class masters. Even if the advanced final lantern comes, I dare not say that they will definitely win.

The final sentinel can achieve such a result, which is already a good box list.

Aiya believes that as long as the shortcomings of this time are modified and upgraded in the future, the 2.0 version of the end sentinel will definitely be stronger.

As for now...


Aya looked at the time and the general situation of the battle on Lonely Planet, and felt that it was almost time to end.


She immediately issued an order to the Death Star.

Immediately afterwards, a very miniature sentinel hunter, mixed with the top sentinel hunters, invaded the Death Star together.


After these mini-sentry hunters arrived at the designated location, they instantly grew to a terrifying level.

Each of them seemed to be giants of the sky, and all the weapons on their bodies were aimed at the black defense in the sky.

The most important thing is that these weapons are still antimatter destructive waves that can easily destroy and kill the black lamp!


Hundreds of giant sentinel hunters fired at the sky in unison. The power was simply terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Appa and the leader immediately widened their eyes, full of horror and disbelief.

It's not that they don't want to stop this.


It's too late.

By the time they reacted, those antimatter destructive waves had already bombarded the black lamp defense layer in the sky.


The terrifying and terrifying antimatter instantly tore and annihilated all obstacles in front of it, and directly tore the Death Star's black lamp defense out of many huge Wupeng holes.

next moment.

Countless sentinel hunters, as well as huge mechanical monsters, swarmed in along the big hole.

At this moment, the Death Star's outer defenses completely collapsed!


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