The Storm God

Chapter 3779 Paralysis! (Please subscribe!)

"It's over!"

"It's all over!"

"what to do?"

Seeing that the shady defense of the Death Star was completely destroyed by the enemy, countless mechanical warriors in outer space are flocking to them.

Apa's face was ashen, desperate.


The face of the leader is not much better.

However, compared to Appa, he is obviously calmer and calmer. After all, he is a black lamp, and he is still very different from a living person like Appa.

"You can't just give up like this!"

"We haven't failed completely yet. Their purpose should be the energy furnace. We have to find a way to transfer the energy..."

"Even if it cannot be transferred, it must be completely destroyed!"


The leader immediately came to a conclusion.

Then, regardless of Apa's reaction, he directly began to direct the battle.

After all, he is still the commander-in-chief in name.

Appa is a display.

With or without him, there is almost no difference.


If Apa can go into battle, it will still be of some use, after all, this guy has gained a lot of benefits from the Black Death Emperor.

In a real fight, even if you check your combat experience again, you will still be a master.


The authority of the leader is not enough.

Even though he intends to let Apa go into battle as a top combat force to delay the energy transfer, he doesn't have enough deterrent power.

To know.

The leader's current intelligence authority was given to him by Apa.

To put it bluntly, Apa's level is still higher than that of the leader, how can the latter command a leader who is bigger than his own?

It's not realistic at all.


Even if Appa had joined the fight, the outcome wouldn't have made much of a difference.

Because Apa has been in a high position for a long time, the leader is also very clear about his combat ability.

Except that it can consume a little more of the enemy's mechanical warriors, it doesn't actually have much impact on the overall ending.

After all, the strength gap between the enemy and us is too great. The destruction of the Death Star is almost inevitable.

Sooner or later.

And the leader's responsibility is to transfer as much energy as possible from the energy furnace before it is completely destroyed.

Otherwise, it will only make the enemy cheaper in vain.

Although the energy of the energy furnace is different from the energy of ordinary lamp rings, theoretically speaking, other lamp rings cannot absorb it, but the leader dare not gamble.

What if the enemy has any way to convert the energy of the energy furnace?

In short.

If you can't get it yourself, you must not let the enemy get it.

Now, the leader has made two-handed preparations. On the one hand, he dispatched some powerful Black Lantern members to absorb the energy of the energy furnace full-time and use it as a humanoid storage and transfer device.

Try to transmit the energy of the energy furnace to other black lamps through its own black lamp ring, and finally send it back to the OA star base camp.


It is to let some people install detonation and destruction devices in the energy furnace, and if the situation is not good, it will be detonated immediately.


Naturally, the obstruction of the mechanical legion is indispensable.

But at this moment, the Black Lantern members of the support force are all as if they have been beaten to death. Under the last stand + the unlimited supply of energy from the energy furnace, they are difficult and brave.

Even if the final sentinel came, it would be difficult to tell the winner in a short time, or even be completely suppressed.

In the end, relying on the advantage of numbers, the enemy can be suppressed and defeated, but there is more than one key enemy.

The opponents all gathered together to form an iron wall. No matter how many mechanical legions there are, no matter how fierce their firepower is, it will be difficult to quickly conquer them.

"It's not right!"

Seeing the enemy's resistance so strong, Aya immediately sensed something was wrong, and analyzed with a frown: "Could it be that the energy of the energy furnace is being transferred?"

follow closely.

She immediately commanded and dispatched more mechanical warriors with strong combat and attack power to the energy furnace, launching a saturated attack on the enemy's defense.

Under the brutal and domineering attacks of countless mechanical warriors, the iron wall composed of black lights was finally broken.


They are still one step too late.

The leader's subordinates have already successfully transferred part of the energy furnace's energy and installed a self-destruct device.


Seeing that the defense collapsed and the enemy attacked forcefully, the leader immediately gave the order to self-destruct without any hesitation.

at the same time.

He also immediately tore apart the space, dragged Apa and other important technicians into the wormhole tunnel, and fled.


The terrifying explosion on the Death Star swept across the sky in an instant.

The terrifying huge black mushroom cloud, like the incarnation of death, directly engulfed countless mechanical warriors.


Even the entire planet itself was destroyed by most of it.

Seen from distant outer space, this planet shrouded in darkness and death is like a seed that suddenly bloomed.

That scary mushroom cloud of flowers is even bigger than the entire planet. The terrifying concussion impact directly affected the outer space.

The countless mechanical legions densely surrounding the Death Star, in front of this terrifying impact, were like fallen leaves swept by a strong wind, causing heavy casualties in an instant, and shattered into parts in space.

But the worst is undoubtedly the Death Star.

Because of the self-detonation of the energy furnace, its power and subsequent impact were too great. After the initial explosion power, the entire planet was overwhelmed and began to fall apart and go to destruction.

The countless members of the Black Lantern that remained on the Death Star were also devastated by this destructive power, leaving very few left.

And this is just an appearance.

To know.

The Death Star is an important central connection point of this star field. Now that the energy furnace is blown up, the Death Star is also cracked. It is conceivable that the Black Lantern Legion's death and darkness rule network in this star field will suddenly be destroyed. Then completely paralyzed.

This impact, can be big to go.

If the mechanical legion turns around and starts to invade and mop up this star field, before the death and dark network is restored, it will be as effortless as a grandfather beating his grandson!


Aya, who realized this, was immediately moved.

As for those damaged mechanical warriors?

Feel sorry!

She doesn't care at all.

Who let the family have a mine, rich and powerful.

Moreover, this loss is nothing at all, not a drop in the bucket, but the value and benefits it brings are incomparably astonishing.


All Aya had was excitement and excitement.

However, Aya was not dazzled by the victory. Compared to the liberation of this star universe, he still has more important tasks to do.


While doing missions, if you can create a little trouble for the enemy and earn some extra money along the way, that's totally fine.

Therefore, Aya immediately issued a new order: "Chasing down those members of the Black Lantern with the energy of the energy furnace, if you can catch it, catch it, if you can't catch it, kill it!"

In short.

Never make things easier for the enemy.

Except for the chasing troops, the rest of the mechanical warriors use the center of death as the base point to carry out radiation sweeps around, invading and saving the planetary civilization ruled by the black lamp.

Don't ask for any gains, only one goal.

Completely hurt the black lamp!

at the same time……

The news of the destruction of the Death Star was also immediately sent to Lonely Planet by Aya, and it was broadcast to all the Black Lantern members present on the spot.

Especially Scarface.

In an instant, the guardian of the black lamp was so angry that he almost vomited blood!


Scar's face was ashen, his veins were bulging, he gritted his teeth and said, "You idiot, you actually gave the master's Death Star to..."

this moment.

How can she care about directing the battle?

Immediately contacted Appa, who had been sent back to support the leader of the Death Star, and asked what was going on?

in the heart.

Scarface still didn't want to believe all of this.

She stubbornly believed that this was completely a trick used by the enemy to attack her, and it was not true at all.


When the connection is connected.

Seeing Apa and the leader's ugly expression like a dead mother, the pitiful scarred face, my heart suddenly felt a little bit...


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