The Storm God

Chapter 3781 Probing! (Please subscribe!)


Darkseid is strong.

However, Sinestro is no longer what he used to be, his strength has improved tremendously, and he is fully confident that he can fight against the opponent.

As for whether you can win?


It does not matter.

The key is to block it for a while.

After all, their mission here this time is to cause trouble for Apocalypse, so that the other party can't get away to take care of Lonely Planet's affairs.

It's just that Sinestro never expected that Darkseid would come to the scene in person, but even so, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Just do it.


After hearing what Sinestro said, Darkseid on the opposite side laughed immediately, as if there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

He chuckled even more in his mouth and said, "Sinestro, although your strength has improved a lot, the gap with me is still negligible. Do you want to fight me? You are still a little bit close!"

The voice did not fall.


Immediately, two horrifying scarlet lights that continuously twisted and bent were suddenly released from Dakseid's eyes.

It is like having a consciousness of its own.

Running in various directions in the void, making it difficult for people to distinguish the direction of its attack, but Sinestro could sense that the opponent's target was him.


This is the moment.

Sinestro felt a great fear inexplicably!

The kind that is a matter of life and death!

"Omega rays!"

In an instant, Sinestro realized, is this the destructive power that Darkseid is most proud of?

It was really terrifying.

No need for any bells and whistles, as long as the two rays are fired, it doesn't matter, because it will track and hit the enemy by itself.

What's even more abnormal is that so far, no one has been able to resist Darkseid's omega rays without any damage.

Darkseid released such a trump card when he came up, and what the implication was, Sinestro understood almost instantly.

He is testing himself!

If you can't even withstand a single hit of an omega ray, then you are naturally not qualified to be Darkseid's opponent.

Think here.

Sinestro narrowed his eyes for a moment.

Are you so confident?


Who is the opponent?

That is the Dark Lord of Apocalypse.

The owner of the Omega effect, a terrifying existence that no one can compete with, can you not be confident!


I am not vegetarian either.


Realizing that he seemed to be underestimated, Sinestro didn't intend to hide his strength immediately, and immediately started the full-power combat mode.


Two terrifying emotional forces swept across the sky and stars like a volcanic eruption.

But these forces did not cause any impact and oppression on the surroundings. Instead, after a burst of extreme expansion, they contracted back to the limit again.

And this time.

Sinestro's body immediately undergone earth-shaking changes. Two different colors and emotional power, one yellow and one green, merged into his body and armor in a nearly perfect posture.

The super fusion version of Parallax Demon + Ultimate Green Lantern made its grand debut at this moment, followed by two energy rays, one yellow and one green, spraying out from Sinestro's eyes respectively.

Of course.

This is not Sinestro's eye magic.

It's just a form of energy attack using the eyes as the launching part by borrowing the lamp ring and its own power.

In fact.

Not only the eyes, but other parts of the body can do this. The reason why Sinestro did this is to save face in front of Darkseid.

In addition, using the eyes to emit energy rays will not affect the attack and combat of other parts of the body.

In short.

The reason is not important.

The point is, are these two energy rays powerful enough to resist Darkseid's omega rays?

If it can't be done, then of course it's all useless.

It doesn't matter where you shot it from, it doesn't matter. On the contrary, Sinestro has proved that he is absolutely qualified to fight Darkseid.

To this.

Darkseid was also curious.

Therefore, he did not take the initiative to attack, but looked ahead with great interest. The two omega rays and the two energy rays of Sinestro's emotional power had a passionate collision.


Regardless of the fact that both sides are rays, they seem small and seem to have no power, but this is actually not the case.

at this point.

It can be seen from the terrifying concussion impact and tearing force that erupted immediately after the two sides collided.

Fortunately, the people around had seen the opportunity early and had already evacuated from this area. Otherwise, the shock aftermath of the two forces colliding would have shocked many people to death.

But even so, the terrifying spreading impact still made many people who were closer to him feel extremely uncomfortable.

It was like being hit on the chest with a sledgehammer out of thin air, and almost missed GG on the spot. Even if they endured it, most of them were seriously injured and vomited blood.

Only a very small number of strong people can be completely immune, as if nothing happened, but their faces are not relaxed.


The stronger the strength, the more you can feel the horror of these two forces and understand the gap between them.

Then, without exception, these people all thought again and backed away from the distance, obviously worried about the current distance, for fear that Chi Yu would be affected by the next battle.

And this also fully demonstrates one thing -

Sinestro is awesome!

At least.

The two omega rays released by Darkseid were easily blocked by energy rays.

As for the two sides, in this wave of contests, how much effort was used, the horror is only known to them.

"very good!"

Darkseid smiled.

Seeing that Sinestro blocked his own omega rays, he was not surprised but happy, and grinned at the corner of his mouth: "In this way, I can exercise my muscles and bones well, I hope you will be more resistant to beating, don't be beaten by me twice or twice." Beat to death, that would be too boring!"

while speaking.

The big guy clenched his fists with excited hands, making the sound of bones rubbing and moving, just like Dakseid's mood at the moment.


Facing Darkseid's contempt, Sinestro showed no weakness: "Coincidentally, this is what I want to tell you too."

next moment.

There is no ink on either side.

No more nonsense, just an exchange of eyes, and they all moved tacitly, and their bodies were like lightning, and they rushed towards the opponent thunderingly.

Not only that.

The two of them cooperated very well in this second wave of contest, they didn't use any fancy skills, it was just a contest of pure physical strength.

The kind that punches to the flesh.


To be honest, in terms of body shape, Darkseid is more dominant. He is tall and burly, and he looks stronger than Sinestro.


Sinestro wasn't given for nothing.

Although his figure is a little weaker than Darkseid's, the power given by the double lamp ring is also as terrifying and powerful as the vast sea.

In a real fight, it would not lose to Darkseid at all.


The fists of the two collided together.

But what came out was not the sound of physical collisions, but terrifying explosions and roars. Obviously, the attacks of the two were not punches and kicks in the ordinary sense, but both contained extremely terrifying mighty power.

The coercion and impact caused by the collision with each other is not weaker than the one just now, and even worse.

As for the result of the fist fight between the two sides...

They are not close friends for the time being.


Neither of the two retreated even the slightest bit, which shows that in the strength test just now, the two sides were almost evenly matched.

Of course, one attack doesn't mean anything, it depends on stamina, explosive power and so on.


The two who failed to separate the results in one blow looked at each other, and immediately launched a second attack.

at the same time.

The younger brothers and the army of both sides also see that the two bosses have fought each other, so they can't be idle.

So they all started their hands one after another and continued the fierce battle before.

However, unlike just now, both sides stayed away from the surrounding area where Sinestro and Darkseid were located in a very tacit understanding.

Obviously, he was afraid that if he didn't pay attention, the fish in the pond would be harmed, and he wouldn't even know how he died.


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