The Storm God

Chapter 3782 Break Armor! (Please subscribe!)

"Boom boom boom!"

Fierce fighting broke out again.

The Lantern Corps warriors of Keruga Star, the masters of Apocalypse Star, and countless destroyers fought frantically, and the battle was very tragic.

Someone is dying almost every second.

There is Apocalypse.

There is also the star of Kruga.

after all……

They are all flesh and blood!

In such a terrifying large-scale war, unless it is a top expert who is as powerful as Sinestro and Darkseid, no ordinary fighter can guarantee that he will survive to the end.

Originally, Apocalypse was at a disadvantage, and the lantern fighters from Keluga came prepared, and there were a lot of them, so they were completely suppressed and beaten.

However, Darkseid came.

Although not many masters were brought, the cannon fodder-like Destroyer brought a considerable number.

This injected a fresh blood force into the Apocalypse army, which was in a bad situation, and could entangle and resist with the lantern fighters again.

At least……

In a short time, they don't have to worry about it.

And the only ones who can really decide the direction of the battle are the bosses of each other, that is, Sinestro and Darkseid.

In the fierce duel between the two, whoever can win the final victory will be able to lead his army and defeat the opponent.

at this point.

Everyone knows it.

In addition, the purpose of the lantern group coming here is to provide cover for Lonely Planet, not for pure destruction.

So in the face of the current situation, everyone did not fight the enemy too hard, but just exerted their combat power as much as possible.

It is good to be able to destroy and kill the enemy, but it is not too forceful.

The main thing is to procrastinate.

after all……

This is not my own territory.

The fight became more and more fierce, and the one who suffered heavy losses was always Apocalypse, just like what the opponent did on Kruga before.

The premise is that no matter the outcome of the Lantern Corps fighters, they will be able to raise their bodies in the end. Otherwise, if too many people are killed, the ending will only be regarded as a loss for both sides.

In short.

The lantern fighters are very sensible and restrained.

Without the leadership of the boss, Sinestro, their ensuing battle would be fierce, but very steady.

On the other hand, Apocalypse is not very satisfactory.

It's not that the opponent is stupid, anxious, and doesn't know how to restrain himself, but that there are too few masters in the opponent's leadership.

Most of the defensive forces are puppets like Destroyer. You must know that this kind of thing basically has no self-awareness, and will only follow the order form.

To put it bluntly, I just don't know how to advance or retreat.

Anyone who digs a hole on the side of the Lantern Group, the Apocalypse Star Destroyer on the other side will be fooled almost 100% of the time, and then they will be ambushed by the Lantern Heroes and completely killed on the spot.

This annoyed some high-level officials of Apocalypse.

But helpless.


They could only grit their teeth helplessly and continue to persevere, and then put all their hopes on their master Darkseid. As long as the boss wins, none of these bastards can think about it.

But it's a pity.

The ideal is full, but the reality is cruel.

In the minds of many Apocalypse executives, Darkseid, who is terrifyingly powerful and almost invincible, has met his opponent this time.

I thought that Sinestro would lose quickly, but unexpectedly, this guy fought back and forth with Darkseid, looking decent.

At least in a short period of time, they can't see the hope of winning, which makes the high-level officials of Apocalypse very shocked and unbelievable.

"How can it be?"

"That Kruga star guy can actually be with your lord..."

"We must be dreaming!"


Some people can't believe it.

Some people think that this is nothing.

The reason why Sinestro hasn't fallen is because the lord hasn't used his full strength yet, and he is enjoying the fun of fighting at this moment.

Otherwise the battle would have been over long ago.

In short.

Do not worry.

Where are you going now.

There is no need for them to worry about the adults' affairs. The only thing they need to worry about is how to block the attack of these lantern men and protect as many bases and equipment as possible of the mechanical fortress.

after all.

These are all important resources to deal with the Black Lantern Legion.

It was built with great difficulty, but it can't be completely destroyed by these damn lantern men!

Think here.

Immediately, someone proposed to concentrate their strength.

There are too many enemies, and they are scattered too widely, and they are easy to be defeated one by one by the opponent, especially those destroying demons...

They know how to attack one by one, and they don't know how to advance and retreat. It's so easy to calculate.

But if all the power is concentrated near the mechanical fortress, a lot of trouble can be avoided.

This moment.

Some think tanks on Apocalypse have also noticed that the lantern fighters on Keruga seem to be delaying time intentionally.

And the opponent's goal is the mechanical fortress.

In this way, the problem is relatively much simpler, they only need to focus on protecting the mechanical fortress.

As for the others?

Feel sorry!

If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

Apocalypse is as powerful as the sea, rich and powerful, so he doesn't care at all!

As long as the core bases of the mechanical fortress are there, there is no need to be afraid even if the surrounding subsidiary bases are all destroyed.

With Apocalypse's ability, it won't take long to recover.


If the core base is destroyed...

That would be bad.


The core base of the mechanical fortress was built with all the black technology treasures and energy from Apocalypse.

If it is really going to be destroyed by the enemy, although Apocalypse can be rebuilt, it will take a considerable amount of time and process.

Compared with the construction of the surrounding affiliated bases, it was completely different, so the high-level officials did not have any objections, and immediately agreed to the proposal of the military think tank.

next moment.

Apocalypse's combat forces began to quickly shrink back to defense.

Countless destroyers acted as the outermost cannon fodder and defense, interfering with and hindering the enemy's attack, while the higher-level combat power was responsible for the protection of key locations, even if they died together with the enemy, they would not hesitate.

No matter how the enemy ridicules and calculates, they just won't go out.

To die is to die in the defensive position!

Don't say it.

This trick really works.

It's not that the large numbers of Lantern Corps fighters didn't think about breaking the game, but they all failed without exception, and even lost a wave because of it.

at last……

The lantern group is also helpless.

Seeing that the main combat power of Apocalypse is all huddled in the core area of ​​the mechanical fortress, they refuse to come out no matter what.

And they couldn't attack, and the cost of storming was heavy.

Had no choice but to give up.


It's not completely off.

Instead, the main target of the attack was directly transferred to the subsidiary bases around the Apocalypse mechanical fortress.

Anyway, they have a large number of people, and it is not impossible to divide their troops into battle. In a limited time, they can do as much damage as they can cause to the enemy!

Maybe the damage is too much, and the enemy can't help but jump out.

No matter how you count it as a lantern group, it’s not a loss.

And the other side.


The battle between Sinestro and Darkseid is also gradually escalating.

The two sides fought more and more bravely, and the power they used became stronger and stronger. As mentioned above, the power of the shock and shock destroyed how many nearby stars.

As the protagonists, the calmness from the beginning of the battle has gradually become serious, even dignified.

Especially now.

After enduring countless bombardments from terrifying forces, tiny cracks appeared in the battle armor on Dakseid's body for the first time.

On the other hand, Sinestro's battle armor was still intact.


This is not to say that Darkseid's armor is not as good as Sinestro's, mainly because the two armors are not of the same type at all.

Sinestro's battle armor is completely condensed by the power of the light ring, unless the enemy's power explodes, it is too much stronger than the light ring in an instant, or the light ring has no energy, otherwise it is almost impossible to break the defense.

on the contrary.

Darkseid's armor is a physical armor.

No matter how rare the material is, there is a limit after all. Ordinary attacks may not be able to destroy it, but facing the destruction of a strong man like Sinestro, it will inevitably reach the limit and collapse after all.


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