The Storm God

Chapter 3783 Gap! (Please subscribe!)


The rupture of the battle armor was naturally sensed by Darkseid, and also by Sinestro.

After all, both sides are top bosses, and such changes in details cannot be concealed from their perceptions at all.


The two stopped in a tacit understanding.

Sinestro's eyes were a little surprised and surprised, obviously he didn't expect his attack to be so powerful.

Darkseid was also stunned.


Then he laughed.


Darkseid looked at Sinestro's eyes, became more fiery and excited, grinned and said: "It seems that you are far stronger than I imagined, and you can actually break my armor..."

To know.

The current Darkseid's battle armor is not an ordinary thing, but one of the best artifacts in the universe.

Sinestro can break it into shatter marks, this kind of strength is enough to explain many problems, and it is also enough to make Darkseid look sideways.

At least.

This proves that Sinestro has reached almost the same level as Darkseid.


Just about the same.

Because the fragmentation of the armor doesn't mean anything. If the material of Sinestro's armor is also physical, then I'm afraid it would have been the same result long ago.

That can only show that Sinestro's strength is still very strong.

The rest don't count.

"I'm surprised too!"

Sinestro was a little happy, but immediately regained his composure and rationality, squinting his eyes and said: "It seems that your Apocalypse's technology is not very good."

Of course he also knows.

The shattered marks on the armor did not indicate anything.

Because Dakseid himself is the most terrifying and terrifying weapon, armor or something is not important.


Even so, that didn't stop Sinestro from pretending to be aggressive.

And Darkseid just smiled indifferently, and immediately took off the battle armor under Sinestro's stunned eyes.


Seeing Dakseid's behavior, Sinestro was full of puzzlement: "What's the situation? Is he going to fight me naked?"

It's no wonder that Sinestro was surprised, mainly because Darkseid's approach was a bit too unbelievable.

Who do you look down on?


What stronger cards does the opponent have?

For example, confident that your body is definitely stronger than the so-called armor, so why are you so unscrupulous?

"Come again!"

Darkseid doesn't care what Sinestro thinks.

After taking off the armor, he charged towards Sinestro again, and without the restraint of the armor, Dakseid's speed seemed to be faster than before.

"So fast……"

Sinestro was taken aback suddenly.

By the time he reacted, Dakseid had already rushed forward, and it seemed a bit late to do anything.


Sinestro is not vegetarian either.

In a hurry, the power of the Lantern Ring erupted directly, forming a volcanic eruption energy, which blocked and delayed Darkseid's offensive with an extremely strong impact force.

at the same time.

Sinestro transformed into an incomparably solid energy hammer, which was a blow to the head of Darkseid who was rushing forward.


The warhammer hit Darkseid firmly.

However, it was blocked by the opponent's left arm. What's even more frightening was that Sinestro's terrifying hammer hit Dakseid's unprotected left arm, and it had no effect at all!

Not only that.

Even while defending, Darkseid directly launched a counterattack against Sinestro, his right fist wrapped in the power of destruction, and hit hard.

"So strong!"

Sinestro frowned, full of seriousness.

He could feel that after taking off the battle armor, Darkseid's speed and strength had all improved a lot.

This is very unscientific.

Could it be...

The so-called battle armor is not used to strengthen Darkseid's defense, but is specially used to seal his strength?

Once the battle armor is separated, the combat power will be greatly improved? If that's the case, isn't it too perverted?

It turns out.

Sinestro really guessed right.

The two sides played against each other for more than N rounds in a short period of time. Compared with the close match just now, they are evenly matched.

this time.

Darkseid clearly had the upper hand.

Although Sinestro is wearing a battle armor, every time he is attacked by Darkseid, he will feel very uncomfortable. Obviously, the opponent's attack power has gradually approached the limit that the Lantern Ring Power Battle Armor can withstand instantly.

at the same time.

In terms of speed, it was completely different from just now.

Such a huge change, as well as the increase in strength, made Sinestro very depressed, and the pressure suddenly increased sharply.

And the biggest crisis he will face first is Darkseid's special skill - Omega Ray!

The omega rays at this moment are much more powerful than the previous ones, and Sinestro's energy rays are almost collapsed at the touch of a finger.

He is no match for others at all!

"What a terrifying power!"

"Is this the real power of Omega rays? Or, is it just to a certain extent, and it is far from the real peak destructive power?"

"How am I going to cope?"


Just one move.

Sinestro was completely passive and struggling.


lonely planet.

Whether it is the Apocalypse or the Black Lantern Corps, the chaotic and tragic battles are also continuing.

However, the situation of the two sides is somewhat different.

After Apocalypse launched the killing mode, each of them was like a lunatic, killing everyone at sight, regardless of defense and loss.

That's scary!

As for the Black Lantern Corps, it was more difficult and sad.

Facing Tianke himself, and the mechanical legion whose number is dozens of times that of his own, the friendly army has not moved for a long time...

It can be said that Heideng was retreating steadily, almost completely defeated.


crucial moment.

Scarface suddenly made a crazy decision.

"Transfer position!"




Good guy, he just gave up.

Then all the remaining black lamps rushed towards Tian Qixing's side, as if they wanted to take refuge in each other.


Aya was a little confused about Scarface's decision.

However, for this opportunity, she naturally would not miss it, and immediately sent people to attack the Lonely Planet's protective shield.

As for whether Black Lantern and Apocalypse will continue to fight on their own, or join forces to deal with him, Aya doesn't care at all.


The entire current situation is almost within her calculations.

The number of mechanical legions has far exceeded that of the enemy. Even if some masters pop up in the enemy camp, it will not affect the battle situation in a short time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Aya will naturally take advantage of it and dispatch mechanical warriors as much as possible to attack and investigate Lonely Planet.

As for Prince Orion of Apocalypse?


This guy is really strong.

Uncle Locke of the fantasy team has all awakened, and joined forces with Jiaoniang, Haotian and Fairy who came later, and failed to take advantage of the four-on-one...

It can be seen how terrifying the prince's strength is.

In terms of realm, it is definitely stronger than everyone else.


Not too strong.

Otherwise, the result would not be as it is now, but the situation where the four of Uncle Locke were defeated or died in battle.

In short.

in a short time.

This prince cannot escape.

Unless there is another top player in Apocalypse's camp, with the current huge advantage of the Mechanical Legion, it will definitely not disappear quickly, or even take a sharp turn.

What Aya has to do is to continue to hide behind the scenes, just in case, and at the same time use the maximum computing power to take the opportunity to crack and investigate Lonely Planet.

And at this moment.


Unexpectedly, a small gap suddenly appeared in a corner of a certain area of ​​Lonely Planet.

follow closely.

A special transmission signal came directly from the inside, and was immediately received by the soldiers of the mechanical legion, and immediately passed to Aya.


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