The Storm God

Chapter 3784 Enter! (Please subscribe!)

"This is……?"

Aya was stunned for a moment.

This strange signal made her feel familiar, because Aya had been exposed to similar information in the body of the anti-supervision king.


Compared with those, the current one is undoubtedly more complicated.

It seems that it has undergone some kind of special encryption, even an artificial intelligence as strong as Aya, it is difficult to crack it in a short time.


Aya had a feeling.

This message seems to be sent to him specially by the mysterious existence in Lonely Planet. As for why?

Feel sorry!

There is too little information now, and Aya has no way of judging. The only thing she can do is to decipher this signal as quickly as possible.

at the same time……

The situation here.

Aiya didn't dare to hide it, and quickly notified Bai Xiaofei.

In fact, without Aya's report, Bai Xiaofei had already intercepted that signal by relying on his own ability.

Although Bai Xiaofei is not an intelligent life, he has powerful and special abilities, and he can also do things that only intelligent life can do.

To know.

The Hongmeng Dark System was created by Bai Xiaofei.

However, even he couldn't decipher it immediately. After listening to Aya's report, Bai Xiaofei said that he already knew it.

And said to Aya: "Since the gap in Lonely Planet has been opened, you can go in and have a look."


Aya wanted to say something.

But Bai Xiaofei directly interrupted: "You don't have to worry about things outside, don't you still have me?"


Aya was speechless.

She also understood the meaning of the boss very well. Now Lonely Planet, no one has entered the past. If Aya can enter first, she can take the lead.

As for the war outside?

Feel sorry!

That doesn't matter.

So what if we lose? You know, the purpose of their coming here is to explore the situation inside Lonely Planet.

As long as the truth can be found out and related benefits can be obtained.

That's the winner.


Aya also no longer inks.

Immediately followed Bai Xiaofei's order, and rushed over before the gap in Lonely Planet completely closed.

Of course, everything is done in stealth.

In this way, the gap between the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps can be avoided, and the ambush in the Lonely Planet can also be prevented.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.


And at the same time.

Apocalypse and the leaders of the Black Lantern Corps are not blind or idiots either. A gap suddenly appeared in the Lonely Planet's protective shield, and they almost sensed it immediately.

As for whether they noticed the special message, that's another matter. In short, after seeing the gap open, it closed at an astonishing speed, and the people on both sides were immediately anxious.

"Everyone in the vicinity, concentrate on attacking that gap!" Prince Orion was the first to explode.


Extremely violent!

At this moment, he completely gave up on the four Uncle Locke of the fantasy team, and rushed to the gap at the fastest speed while giving the order.

The scarred face on the other side is no exception.


None of them are slow.

Aya drove the anti-surveillance mecha, and within a few seconds after entering, they rushed to the vicinity of the gap.

It's just that at this time, the gap has been closed quite small.

Simply not enough to get them in.


Unwilling to give up at this point, Prince Orion and Scarface immediately used their own power to bombard the gap indiscriminately.

Don't say it.

This search is really useful.

Visible to the naked eye, the gap that had shrunk to the size of a teacup immediately stopped shrinking under the ravages of two terrifying forces.

Not only that, but the terrifying power even tore it apart abruptly, making the gap bigger and bigger!

The notch is now like a surprisingly stretchy piece of rubber.

Prince Orion and Scarface wanted to pass through the gap, but the hole was too small, so they could only use all their strength to tear and expand the gap so that they could pass through it.

If it was just the strength of one person, it might not be possible to achieve this level, but now the two of them are working together, and they can really do it.


The gap is enlarged by the tear.

When it became as big as a washbasin, and the internal resistance shielding could be sensed, completely showing a hollow hole, the two immediately rushed into the gap at the speed of light without saying a word.

Prince Orion was the strongest, so he rushed in first, followed by Scarface.

But when the others rushed over and wanted to follow suit, it was already too late. After a strong pull, the contraction force of the gap had already been pressurized to the limit.

After losing the joint power of Prince Orion and Scarface to hinder it, it immediately shrank and recovered at an astonishing speed.

Almost instantly, the gap completely disappeared.

Without the gap, the protective shield returned to its almost invincible appearance, no matter how hard the people behind it tried, they couldn't get a single bit of damage.

Not only that.

On the mechanical legion's side, under Bai Xiaofei's order, they stopped attacking directly and began to gather and retreat.

after all.

Aya has successfully entered the interior of Lonely Planet.

The plan was far smoother than Bai Xiaofei expected. Now that the goal has been achieved, the rest of the assistance and feints are naturally unnecessary.

But this scene deeply stimulated the survivors of Apocalypse and Black Lantern Corps, and they were extremely upset.

"You want to leave after coming?"

"Leave all these damn scraps to me!"


Some people didn't know whether they were venting, or they felt a little flustered when they saw the mechanical legion retreating, and they even started chasing the mechanical legion.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was not used to it at all.

Since these people wanted to die, he kindly wanted to help them, and with one order, the mechanical warriors who hadn't gathered around rushed over immediately, beating them violently.


The world is quiet.

Seeing that the mechanical legion was so fierce and tough, even if they retreated, they would never hesitate. Many people who originally had ideas but were a step behind were suddenly frightened and dared not act recklessly again.

The same goes for the Black Lantern Corps.

after all.

Among the people present.

The Black Lantern is the weakest, and now without the leader of the guardian Scarface, the combat power of the Black Lantern Legion has plummeted.


These black lights wisely did not stop the mechanical legion from evacuating, but hid obediently, waiting for Lord Scarface's call and return.

However, Apocalypse suffered heavy losses because of this.

After suffering a loss, some high-level warriors quickly stepped forward to stop the team from acting recklessly, which prevented the tragedy from continuing to happen.


The main reason was that Bai Xiaofei was not interested in them.

Otherwise, these two waves of enemies have no leader, and it would not be difficult at all to destroy them.

Isn't it because Bai Xiaofei was worried about Aya and was attracted by the battle between Sinestro and Darkseid at the Mechanical Fortress?

Someone hiding in the dark secretly watched the show, watching with relish, while commenting:


"That's right. It seems that Sinestro's improvement in closed-door training during this period is quite effective, and it's even able to meet Darkseid head-on without losing the wind."

"Unfortunately, there is still some gap after all."


Who is Bai Xiaofei?

That's a super boss with the Eye of Primordial Mist.

Ordinary people may not be able to tell whether Sinestro or Darkseid is stronger or weaker, but Bai Xiaofei is not.

Especially after Darkseid took off his battle armor, even Bai Xiaofei was shocked and moved by the sheer power revealed.

It can be seen that the opponent is awesome and terrifying.

And the result...

Indeed, as Bai Xiaofei expected, after some initial rounds of confrontation, Sinestro quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Even Dakseid completely grasped the rhythm of the battle, and began to be led by the nose by the enemy.

after all.

Darkseid is too perverted.

No matter how Sinestro attacks, it will not be able to break through the defense of others. On the contrary, if it hits the upper hand, it will be very painful and uncomfortable...

The gap between the two sides is so big, how can we fight?


Sinestro's defeat is over.


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