The Storm God

Chapter 3785 Guidance! (Please subscribe!)

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work?"

To be honest, Bai Xiaofei was not surprised by the result of the battle between Sinestro and Darkseid.

After all, the strength of both sides lies there.

Well analyzed.


Darkseid's strength, after all, was beyond Bai Xiaofei's expectations, especially the opponent's physical fitness and defense!


That battle armor is not used for defense, but is specially used to confuse opponents and seal one's own strength...

I am Nima!

Why does this plot feel so familiar!

Is that really Darkseid?

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei still made a comparison between himself and Darkseid in his heart, and then he was surprised to find that in terms of physique, he was at most a tie with Darkseid.

This is outrageous!


Nor is it unacceptable.

After all, Darkseid is not a weak chicken either. Whether it is the background or the setting, he is one of the absolute overlords of the DC universe.

It is reasonable to have such a level of strength.

not to mention……

The other party has also been in contact with a guy like Morpheus, the God of Dreams. God knows if the other party has obtained any treasures from the heavens and the world, or some sky-defying skills from the latter.

In short.

Darkseid must not be underestimated.

Although Sinestro's improvement is very gratifying, compared with this ultimate villain boss, there is still a big gap.


After realizing the result of the duel between the two sides, Bai Xiaofei lost the desire to watch the show, and then sent an instruction to Sinestro:


"Aya here has successfully entered Lonely Planet, there is no need for you and Darkseid to continue."

"Let's work harder in the future!"


The implication is that you are not the other party's opponent now, and it doesn't make any sense to continue.

To this.

Sinestro was taken aback for a moment, followed by a wry smile in his heart.

Yes, he was not surprised, because Darkseid was really strong, and Sinestro could feel it himself. If he continued to fight with the opponent, he would definitely be the loser.

Don't say anything else.

Just exhausting the means, but completely unable to break through the defense of others, this is enough to make people desperate. It really deserves to be the terrifying existence that almost wiped out the OA star.

The me now is far from being the opponent's opponent.


You can't tell in the future!


Without any hesitation, Sinestro immediately gave the order to retreat to his subordinates.

And he himself gradually moved away from Darkseid's attack.


Darkseid is proud.

Seeing that Sinestro seemed to be out of fighting spirit and was about to admit defeat and retreat, he did not pursue or obstruct him.

Instead, he looked at Sinestro strangely, as if he was waiting for an explanation.

"My mission is accomplished."

Sinestro didn't hide it either, as if to repay Darkseid's generosity, he explained with a smile: "I have to admit, I am not your opponent now, but I will definitely surpass you in the future!"


In front of Darkseid, he tore apart the space and walked away.

Darkseid frowned and remained silent.

the other side.

The countless lantern fighters near the mechanical fortress have also left the battlefield and evacuated towards the space portal in the starry sky.

The defensive forces of Apocalypse, although they don't know why the mechanical legion clearly has the upper hand, they suddenly chose to withdraw.

But they are not easy to mess with.

Take the opportunity to fight back immediately.


at this time.

An order from Darkseid instantly stunned everyone: "Don't chase after me!"


Everyone was stunned.

I can't figure out why this is. Could it be that there is something hidden in it?

The person in charge of the mechanical fortress came to Darkseid immediately, and while blaming himself, he also expressed his doubts.

Darkseid frowned and explained: "Their real purpose is not the mechanical fortress, but somewhere else."


At this time, Darkseid had also come to his senses, the chaos on the Mechanical Fortress was just a cover for Lonely Planet.

However, he didn't get angry or depressed because of this, but looked towards Lonely Planet with rather expectant eyes.


Inside Lonely Planet.

After Aya entered with the anti-surveillance mecha, she immediately started investigation and analysis, preparing to delve into the secrets of this planet.

Although she is in a different-dimensional space, she can observe all the conditions of this planet.

on the contrary.

The existence on this planet may not necessarily be able to sense her existence.

At least……

Prince Orion, who entered the Lonely Planet later, and Scarface, the guardian of the black lamp, were completely unaware of Aya's existence.


After the two entered, they immediately launched an investigation.

But the result surprised them.

"what happened?"

"No one found it. Could it be that the Mechanical Legion didn't find this gap? It shouldn't be..."

"Or the other party used some special method to hide it?"


Both sides were puzzled.

After searching for a while and making sure they couldn't find anything, the two gave up completely and parted ways.

One checked to the south, and the other flew to the north.

Aya didn't pay attention to the two of them.

While silently investigating and researching the entire planet, she patiently deciphered the signal information received before.


Hours passed.

Aya was depressed to find that this planet is very strange.

After researching and researching, there is still no discovery. The terrifying protective shield seems to have appeared out of thin air.

Even with Aya's ability, she couldn't find its source at all.

This is incredible!


That signal message, after continuous deciphering by the Hongmeng Dark System and her, was finally completely deciphered.

And its content is a latitude and longitude coordinates.


After Bai Xiaofei learned of this result, he was also very surprised, and then said to Aiya: "I can't care about that much, you should first look along the coordinates, and be careful!"


Aya nodded.

Then he drove the anti-surveillance mecha, and drove all the way to the exact position of the message coordinates.

follow closely……

"Ka Ka Ka!"

There was a sound of mechanical starting.

It was an ordinary mountain below, but it seemed to have sensed Aya's arrival, and it started to change automatically, and it turned into an extremely deep mechanical cave in a blink of an eye.

The cave is bottomless and has the ability to block some signals, even Aya cannot detect and explore it.

Without any choice.

Aiya could only pretend to be brave, and drove the anti-surveillance King Mecha, and flew towards the interior of the mechanical cave.

And not long after she entered, Prince Orion and Scarface, the guardian of the black lamp, also arrived here very quickly.

At this moment.

The mechanical cave has begun to close and recover.

For ordinary people, it is really difficult to find the correct path to enter among the countless changing mechanical parts.

But it's a pity that Prince Orion and Scarface are not ordinary people. The two bosses directly blasted all the transformation parts of the mechanical cave into scum by relying on their extraordinary strength.


They are like humanoid excavators.

All the way down in an extremely brutal and savage way, they continued to go deeper, regardless of the loss of consciousness standing in front of them, it was difficult to resist the strength of the two of them, and they were destroyed in an instant.

But Aya, who entered first, has followed the guidance of the mechanical cave at this moment. After descending to a certain level, she began an intricate journey of twists and turns.


She came to a special control room that she didn't know where it was, and met the mastermind behind everything——

The head of the anti-surveillance king...!


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