The Storm God

Chapter 3787 Ridiculous! (Please subscribe!)


Aya was silent.

Although the anti-supervisory king's head said it was reasonable and flawless, it was obviously impossible for her to fully believe it.


There are still many doubts about this.

For example, Lonely Planet is a garbage planet, so why are there so many dark technologies in it?

This point, the anti-surveillance king's head did not explain clearly, it just said that it accidentally discovered it when it came...

To this.

Aya said hehe.

In short, she half-believed what the anti-monitor king's head said.

The key decision-making power for this matter does not belong to her, but Bai Xiaofei has the final say. Therefore, after understanding the situation here, Aiya immediately informed Bai Xiaofei through the Hongmeng Dark System.

Bai Xiaofei knew everything, and didn't understand to make a decision.

Instead, tell Aya that there is no rush for now.

Let's wait.

What are you waiting for?

Of course, when Prince Orion of Apocalypse and Scarface, the guardian of the black lamp, arrive at the scene.

If what the anti-supervision king's head said was true, then the two of them would inevitably fight for it.

At that time, Aya only needs to escape into the space of different dimensions, and just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and maybe she can reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

The premise is that the anti-surveillance king's head will not betray Aya.

And once it leaks Aya's existence, it means it has bad intentions, and Aya naturally doesn't have to save it.

It is to take advantage of the opportunity.


If the anti-surveillance king's head behaves well and cooperates with Aya to reap the fish, then Bai Xiaofei is willing to believe it and give it a chance.

Moreover, the other party must agree that Aya will take out the space-time shuttle device in the head of the anti-surveillance king afterwards.

After all, that's what they came for.

It is impossible to give up this ultimate goal because of the anti-supervision king's head asking for help. You know, that is a very good thing.

It has unimaginable benefits to Bai Xiaofei and the space-time shuttle, no matter what, Bai Xiaofei must get it!

And all of this, you can't tell the anti-supervision king's head in advance, otherwise the other party will follow suit, and it will be a sad reminder.


Aya simply chose to remain silent.

She said that she had to think about it carefully, and during the period of thinking, it is best not to disturb her with the head of the anti-supervision king.


Then he escaped directly into the different-dimensional space and disappeared.

And at the same time.

Outside the core, Prince Orion and the guardian of the black lamp, Scarface, continued to go deeper, looking for the core area.


The luck of the two is very bad.

Along the way, all kinds of destruction and damage were done, but the more I walked, the more I felt that something was wrong, and I still couldn't find the right path.


The poor two found themselves lost.


Just get lost.

Because the low mechanical passage is too chaotic, coupled with various attacks and obstructions, the two of them are in a mess...

Where they ended up, they didn't know.

The key point is that there is no guidance at all.

Can this not get lost?


The two had to stop.

Then the four eyes met, and they all saw the depression, anxiety, and irritability in each other's eyes.

Scarface spoke first: "Your Highness, Prince Orion, we seem to have lost our way. What can you do?"


Orion shook his head directly.

In fact, his first thought was to completely blow up this planet with his absolute strength!

No matter what kind of mess he is, it will be blown up.


He also understands.

That was just his own words.

If you really want to do this, maybe even the treasure hidden in it will be destroyed, so you can only think about it, but you can't really do it like this.

So he had to continue to bear this anger.

Annoying just thinking about it!

at the same time.

Prince Orion looked at Scarface.

Frowning, he said, "Your guardian created the anti-surveillance king, and you also discovered the information. All of this was almost created by the other party. As a guardian, don't you have nothing to do?"

He suspected very much that the scarred female guardian in front of him was hiding from him, deliberately not finding the right way out.

But unfortunately, Olean has no evidence.

"Yes, there is..."

Scarface seemed to have sensed Orion's suspicion, and said with a wry smile: "But it will take a certain amount of time and manipulation. There were so many traps and ambushes before, and all kinds of obstacles emerged one after another. There is no chance at all!"

"And when everything stops, we're completely lost. Since you have nothing to do, then I'm not going to be polite. Let's solve the mystery now!"


Scarface doesn't care how Orion reacts.

The black lamp ring in his hand instantly released a terrifying and strong death force, which turned into countless tentacles and directly integrated into the surrounding mechanical devices.

follow closely.

The countless mechanical devices that stopped changing their movements just now began to move unnaturally.

It's like a program is poisoned, and the logic is chaotic. It becomes this way for a while, and then becomes that way for a while.

Completely out of shape.

that's all.

The chaotic changes of the mechanical devices lasted for about 5 minutes, and finally they all stopped.

And all the terrifying death power released by Scarface returned to her ring at this time.


Prince Orion asked.


Scarface nodded and explained: "I have used the power of the ring to hack into the programs of these mechanical devices, and found the correct path from them. Next, let's go this way..."


She just finished speaking.

In the direction pointed by the finger, the mechanical devices in front of them automatically moved out of the way, and collapsed from the middle, forming a passage.

Orion was overjoyed.

Without saying a word, he flew in directly along the passage.

Scarface followed.

after all……

They have fallen too far behind.

Time is running out, and it is useless to talk too much. Now that the correct path has been found, it is natural that the top priority is to get there as soon as possible.

As for the ultimate ownership of the baby?

we'll talk about it then!


within the core area.

The head of the anti-surveillance king soon knew everything that happened in the outer area, and immediately became anxious: "No, they have already broken the obstruction I set up, and they are rushing here now!"

This was naturally for Aya.

But unfortunately...

Aya didn't care at all.

Even, the more anxious the anti-supervision king is, the happier she is, because the more so, the more she can see certain facts.


She remained silent with peace of mind.

No matter how the anti-supervisory king's head urges and asks for help, he just keeps silent and pretends that he does not exist.


There was an explosion suddenly.

In the end, Prince Orion and the Guardian of the Black Lamp had their faces scarred, and the two also arrived at the core area smoothly, and saw the head of the anti-supervision king.


"Unexpectedly, the once mighty anti-supervisory king will be reduced to this day. I must feel very aggrieved, right?"

"Remember those scars?"


It was Scarface who spoke.

Seeing the anti-surveillance king with only one head left, and the countless lines under the neck connected to the core of the planet, with nowhere to escape, she felt very refreshed.


The scar on Scarface's face was given by the king who defeated the prisoner.

Now, Feng Shui is turning, the former anti-supervision king has been reduced to this point, only one head is left, and he is suffering endlessly.

But she has become the guardian of the black lamp, her strength is not what it used to be, and she is in front of the head of the anti-supervision king...

Scarface's mood can be imagined.

With such an opportunity, she must of course satirize the anti-supervision king to avenge her disfigurement.

And Prince Orlean didn't think so much.

The first time he saw the head of the anti-surveillance king, his catalog was exhausted, and he began to accumulate strength in secret.

I don't know if it's the head of the anti-surveillance king, or the unknown enemy who entered before, or the scarred face beside him.

Or, all of them!

In short.

His idea is simple.

The baby in this head can only be mine!


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