The Storm God

Chapter 3788 Contract! (Please subscribe!)


Facing two powerful enemies, the anti-supervision king's head is very sad.

He is naturally very clear that in his current situation, it is impossible to be the opponent of the two.

And the savior I found after all my hard work...

But obviously drying himself out.


It's easy!

Nothing more than interests.

He also knows what the anti-supervision king has now.

If not, the other party and these people in front of them would not mobilize the crowd, but this is the last trump card of the anti-supervision king...

Therefore, to whom and how to give it, he must weigh it clearly, otherwise he may lose his wife and lose his army!

Of the two people in front of him, one of them has a grudge against him, while the other is not easy to mess with at all, and it doesn't look like he will keep his promise.


Almost immediately, the anti-supervision king ruled out the two of them.

In other words, the only person who can save him and cooperate with him is Aya!

At least, compared to the two people in front of me, they are very reliable. But the key question now is how to convince the other party?

Show your cards directly?

to be honest.

The anti-supervision king is a little unwilling.

That was its last capital, and once it lost it, with only one head remaining as its asset, it would inevitably decline quickly.

Not even an ordinary mechanical hunter.

It doesn't want to.


Still hesitating.

Otherwise, when seeing Aiya, the head of the anti-supervision king will directly propose cooperation and transactions.

And at this moment.

Facing Scarface and Orion who have malicious intentions...

The anti-supervisory king was discouraged.

no way.

No delivery!

In case Aya is really watching from the sidelines, with Scarface and Orion's cruelty, she will never let it go.

Wouldn't it be nice to wait until the two of them killed the head of the anti-supervision king, and then go out to snatch it?

There is no need to discuss cooperation with the anti-supervision king at all.

So far.

The anti-supervision king suddenly became anxious.

Controlling the protective force in the core area, while blocking Scarface and Orion's progress, they also quickly sent a message to Aya:

"what are you waiting for?"

"Could it be that you want the space-time shuttle device in my body to fall into the hands of other people? You just want to maximize the benefits..."

"I gave you the space-time shuttle device, as long as you can save me..."

"Other than that, there are no conditions!"

"Is that all right?"


For my own life.

The head of the anti-surveillance king directly fired the biggest condition.

It just wants to live!

For the rest, give what you want, no matter what.

That posture is called a low posture.


Aya remained silent.


Seeing this, the head of the anti-supervision king couldn't help being startled: "I have made the conditions so sincere, what else do you want?"

It was really hard to understand what was going on in Aya's mind.

Is it possible to really want to be a white wolf with empty gloves?


Isn't she afraid that I will blow myself up?

I'm really in a hurry, and no one will think about it when the time comes!

"There is one more condition!"

And at this moment, Aya finally replied.

The content of the message is very short: "In addition to the above, you have to stay with me and serve for three hundred years!"

Naturally, Aya wouldn't easily let go of such a good player as the anti-surveillance king.

Now that it's all here, why not just be more ruthless? I want the space-time shuttle device, and I also want your personal freedom!

Children only make choices!


"You, you still want me to work for you?"

"Aren't you afraid of me..."


The anti-supervision king was angry.

However, before it finished "speaking", Aiya interrupted directly, and replied: "I bet you don't dare, otherwise you wouldn't beg me so humbly, and I think with your current ability, It seems that the space-time shuttle device cannot be destroyed..."


The latter was immediately speechless.

It seems to be right, or the guess is basically correct. In short, the anti-supervision king at this moment is very helpless and pitiful.


It gritted its teeth.

Seeing that Scarface and Orion had already destroyed most of the defensive resistance, they were only a little bit close to breaking in.

In order to survive, the anti-supervision king had no choice but to agree to Aya's outrageous request, and quickly replied: "Okay! I admit it, come out and drive these damned guys away!"

"Not urgent!"

Aya laughed when she heard that.

But he said calmly, "In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, let's sign the contract first."


A red-gold contract document suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The document floated in front of the anti-supervision king's head, and it unfolded automatically, densely covered with some terms of agreement.

The head of the anti-surveillance king read the content almost instantly, and after confirming that there were no cheating clauses, he extended a mechanical tentacle and quickly wrote his name on it.


It doesn't matter what it's written in.

As long as it is voluntary, even if the anti-supervision king scribbles on it, the contract document will approve the agreement.

next moment.

The contract was established, and then turned into three golden lights, flying in different directions. And one of them is the head of the anti-supervision king.

Feeling his own existence, it seems that he has been planted with some kind of special shackles. Once he does not abide by the content of the contract, he will be punished.

He even secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now it's safe!

"very good!"

at the same time.

Aiya was also very satisfied with the recklessness of the Anti-Prison King. Seeing that Scarface and Olean had broken through the last barrier, they were about to hit the Anti-Prison King soon.

She smiled slightly, and then appeared in an instant in the anti-surveillance king mecha.


Aya was not polite to the two of them either.

Coming up was a terrifying wave of anti-matter destruction, blasting towards the two of them, completely blocking each other out, not daring to go any further.

after all.

That is the antimatter destruction wave!

In the entire universe, there are only a handful of forces that can compete with it.

Without full confidence, even the two of them dare not touch their edge lightly, lest they capsize in the gutter.

"It's you!"

At the same time, Scarface and Orion were not very surprised by Aya's appearance, obviously they had expected it long ago.

But anger is certain.

after all……

In order to prevent Aya and others from knowing what happened here, both of them took great pains, but it didn't work out, and they were still known by the other party, and they even took a step ahead of themselves.

Who can stand it?

Then, the two people who had some small plans for each other suddenly became united again.

And the target, of course, is Aya.

Obviously, compared with each other, the two are more reluctant to let Aya get the head of the anti-surveillance king, to be precise, it is the space-time shuttle device inside the head.

To know.

Aiya already has the body of the anti-surveillance king, and has also been transformed into the current female anti-surveillance mech.

If she gets the space-time shuttle device again, it will be terrible, and I and others will definitely be even more helpless.


At this moment, the two put aside their previous suspicions again, and worked together to deal with Aya.

Although Aya, who has the anti-surveillance mech, is very strong, and the anti-matter destruction wave is also very fierce, but Aya is only one person after all.

If the two of them can let go of their grievances and join forces to fight against the enemy, there is still a certain chance of winning. After all, neither of them is bad, and they are both masters and bosses with top combat power.

As for the head of the anti-surveillance king?


A poor little brother was directly ignored by the two big brothers. Its existence is just equivalent to a space-time shuttle device for the two of them.

Combat power or something is a joke. If it weren't for the space-time shuttle device, Orion would have blown up the planet long ago.


Even with the help of technology from Lonely Planet?

In the eyes of the two, the anti-supervisory king with only one head left is still a scum with only five fighting strengths.

Never mind.

The only enemy that really needs to be treated with caution is Aya!


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