The Storm God

Chapter 3789 Vent your anger! (Please subscribe!)


The anti-supervision king who feels ignored by others is very depressed.

But it also knows that its current state is really not good, except that it can use the energy of the planet to cause some small troubles.

It is simply not realistic at all to pose a threat to experts like Scarface and Orion.


If it is willing to risk everything and use the power of the space-time shuttle device, it can still pose a certain threat to the two of them.

Just like how they dealt with the Oneiroi Lord Murphys before, if they can't be killed, they can't be exiled?

It's just that the cost of doing that is too high.

With the energy possessed by the anti-supervision king now, most of it will completely collapse and die, which is not worth the candle!


It has now joined Aya's side and has become someone else's younger brother. Although it will be hard work in the future and become a younger brother who works for others, it may not have a bright and beautiful future.


The king of anti-supervision is unwilling to use the final killer move.

Otherwise, it wouldn't humbly sign that unequal sale contract with Aya.


But this does not mean that the anti-supervision king can swallow this breath. After all, he has a backer now, and he is no longer the lonely person who was bullied by others and has no one to come forward.


It said directly to Aya: "That...boss, boss, I don't know if I should talk about an immature idea..."


Aya was slightly taken aback.

While defending against Scarface and Olean's counterattack, he also took time to look at the head of the anti-surveillance king, and said doubtfully, "Let's hear it."

"It's like this, your mecha used to be my body. Although it has changed a lot now, the core essence has not changed much. If I enter it, it will definitely be able to fully display its strength..."


Aya was silent.

She finally understands, the anti-supervisory king guy has said so much, but it is nothing more than one meaning——

Let Aya give it a chance to drive her former body and now the anti-surveillance mecha, and teach Scarface and Orion a lesson.

Who made the two of them ignore it just now.

at the same time……

This is also a nomination certificate.

After all, the anti-supervision king has just joined, and he has no credit at all. After he goes, he will inevitably be disgusted by others.

As for the space-time teleportation device, that doesn't count at all, but the reward for saving the life of the anti-supervision king.

At that time, without the space-time shuttle device, what else will the anti-surveillance king have? There is only one head!

Just like this, can you still expect to be reused?


It doesn't believe it itself!

Therefore, the current king of anti-surveillance, just like to perform well, so that Aya and others can see their abilities.

In this way, even if there is no space-time shuttle device in the future, it can still occupy a good position, at least it will not be forgotten.

at the same time.

I can also give a lesson to Scarface and Olean who ignored me, so that the other party will know that I am not so easy to bully.

It's all in one fell swoop.

To this.

Aya hesitated.

It's not that she doubted the loyalty of the anti-supervisor king, so she signed a contract document. As long as the anti-supervisor king dared to have the slightest intention of betrayal, she didn't have to do it, and Dao would automatically punish him.

What Aya hesitated was that this was his mecha.

Although the previous body was indeed the body of the anti-surveillance king, but now it has completely changed its appearance, how can a younger brother who just joined it be able to control and drive it at will?

To know.

Aya is not an ordinary life.

It is one of the strongest artificial intelligences. In a sense, this anti-surveillance mecha is equivalent to another body of Aya.

She is naturally unwilling to be entered and manipulated by another person, even if the other person's suggestion is reasonable.

Could it be that without the anti-supervision king, could he still lose to those two?

What a joke!

This is a mecha that I carefully designed and built!

Although the previous body was indeed the body of the anti-supervision king, but now it is a completely new version.

Even the anti-surveillance king may not be more familiar than Aya!

Because the inside of the mecha incorporates a lot of super black technology from other universes, it is more complex and terrifying than the body recognized by the anti-surveillance king!

Leaving aside the issue of Aiyale's reluctance, even if Aya lets the anti-surveillance king drive and control it, it may not be as good as Aya's driving.

That being the case, then why do you still agree?

Think here.

Aya immediately stopped hesitating.

He replied directly with a cold snort: "Now it is my mecha and body, and has nothing to do with you. I have taken it, but I don't need it."

"Instead of worrying about this and that, you might as well focus on other places, such as those enemies outside!"


After finishing speaking, it doesn't matter how the anti-supervision king reacts.

Aya drove the anti-surveillance mecha, and once again fought fiercely with Scarface and Orion.

have to say.

The strength of the two is still quite terrifying.

Aya's one against two is indeed somewhat reluctant. Even though she can gain some advantage by relying on the antimatter destruction wave, the enemy's attack should not be underestimated.

If he was distracted any more, he might overturn the car.


Refuse to rebel against the queen.

Aiya didn't think about anything else anymore, and drove the anti-surveillance mecha, devoting herself to the battle.

It happened to be able to take this opportunity to test the performance and combat effectiveness of the anti-surveillance mecha, and at the same time buy time for the anti-surveillance king, which can be said to kill multiple birds with one stone.


But the anti-supervision king is very sad.

Especially when it saw that Aya was driving the anti-surveillance mecha, one against two, also did not lose the wind, and even used a lot of super black technology methods that he had never heard of or seen before, it had to admit , Aya was right.

I have nothing to do with that mecha anymore.

Even if Aya lets her drive and operate, it is probably useless, because she is not familiar with how awesome this modified mecha is!

Instead of letting myself grope, it's better to let Aya go.

So far.

It can't help but feel a little lonely.

It feels like being abandoned by the times, except for the space-time shuttle device, it is almost useless!

Does such a self really have a future?

Doubt it!


There is one thing that the anti-supervision king can be sure of.

That is what it is now, and it urgently needs to vent, otherwise the heavy negative emotions will definitely blow it up.

And the target of venting has naturally shifted from Scarface and Orion to the countless Apocalypse fighters outside Lonely Planet, as well as the members of the Black Lantern Corps.

I can't beat these two top bosses, and I can't take care of you trash and little ones? Bring it all to me, you!

next moment!

Lonely Planet's ultimate shield is suddenly revoked.

This made Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion, who were still attacking outside, stunned on the spot.

But before they had time to be happy, the entire Lonely Planet seemed to come alive. The countless machines on the ground instantly turned into terrifying and huge tentacles.

From a distance, this planet looks like a huge mechanical octopus, and the Apocalypse fighters and members of the Black Lantern surrounding it are countless small fish and shrimp...

The size gap between the two sides can be described as a difference between clouds and mud.


Lonely Planet, which has been under attack for a long time and has never fought back, finally erupted completely. Countless mechanical tentacles suddenly slapped over, crushing countless enemies on the spot!

no way.

Although these Apocalypse warriors, as well as the members of the Black Lantern, are very capable, Lonely Planet is even more terrifying!

The defense was canceled, and all the power was put on the attack, gathering the anger of the entire planet...

This is not something ordinary people can bear!


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