The Storm God

Chapter 3791 Form an alliance! (Please subscribe!)


A certain barren and strange star field.

Scarface and Prince Orion, with their eyes wide open, were both stunned. What's going on? I was fighting with Aya just now, why did I come here suddenly?



Or some kind of special means?


This is the real world!

We were teleported here instantly by the enemy without anyone noticing...

Who did it?



If she really has this ability, why didn't she use it in the first place, but wait until now? It must be the backer behind her!

As for who is the backer?


Is this still a guess?

Apart from Bai Xiaofei, I am afraid there is no one else!


Thinking that Bai Xiaofei could so easily bring the two of them into an unfamiliar space, and he didn't even notice the other's shadow...

The two were hit hard.

To know.

They are also considered top-level combat power. I thought that there was not much distance from that level.

Even if there is still some gap, it should not be too big.


Bai Xiaofei instantly taught them how to behave.


And just when the two of them were depressed and depressed, the surrounding void suddenly trembled, followed by a direct beehive.

Among the countless prismatic cavities, some of them shattered directly, and then huge warships flashed out of them instantly.

It is the fleet of Apocalypse!

"not good!"

Seeing that the person coming turned out to be the fleet of Apocalypse, Scarface's complexion suddenly became very ugly, and he secretly began to gather strength.

Once Tianqixing has any hostility and wants to kill her with more bullying than less, Scarface will run away immediately.

As for Prince Orion, when he saw his own fleet, he had a similar thought in his mind.


He discarded these thoughts in an instant.

Because Olean now knows very well that although killing Scarface will indeed allow Apocalypse to gain some advantages in a three-legged situation, it will lose greater benefits.

Doing that would only make Bai Xiaofei cheaper in vain!

Only the sincere cooperation between the two parties is the kingly way. After all, Bai Xiaofei has obtained the space-time shuttle device in the head of the anti-surveillance king, and his strength will inevitably become stronger and more terrifying in the future.

If the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion were still fighting each other at this time, it was conceivable that in the near future, Bai Xiaofei would definitely defeat them one by one and die miserably.

Only when the two families put aside their previous suspicions and cooperate sincerely can they fight against the growing Bai Xiaofei's forces.


If the Black Lantern Legion doesn't know how to praise, then Prince Orion doesn't mind concentrating his forces in advance to wipe them out completely!

The three-legged situation, now, is also time to change it. As for whether to cooperate to become one party, or eliminate one, and completely become two parties, the difference is not big!

It's just that the latter is a little more troublesome.


The boom channel flashes.

Immediately afterwards, a burly and domineering figure walked out of it. It was Orion's biological father Darkseid.


"How will you be here?"


Orion just wanted to explain.

But Dakseid suddenly frowned and said: "Lonely Planet has completely failed? Bai Xiaofei got the head of the anti-surveillance king?"


Orion lowered his head in self-reproach.

Guilt explained: "That guy has been hiding behind the scenes, and by the time we reacted, it was too late."

"And the opponent's strength is too strong, Scarface and I didn't even have a chance to react, so we were directly expelled here..."


Speaking of which.

Prince Olean, who was once mighty and thought he had caught up with his father, was suddenly full of frustration.


Dakseid heard the words, but did not respond.

He just turned a pair of eyes that couldn't see any emotion, and looked directly at Scarface next to Olean. Scarface was so frightened that his hair stood on end, and he couldn't help but put on a defensive posture immediately.


He sneered.

Darkseid finally spoke: "Don't be nervous, if it were the previous situation, with such a good opportunity, I would definitely kill you."

"But now, doing that will only benefit the enemy in vain. For the common benefit, let's form an alliance and cooperate!"

"The more in-depth kind!"


Scarface remained silent.

He obviously didn't believe that Darkseid would be so kind.

Even if what Darkseid said is true, after all, this person in front of him is Darkseid, the most notorious Lord of Hell and Darkness in the universe!

Who dares to underestimate his wisdom!

If you really want to treat this guy as a good person, then you are a fool!


Scarface is ten thousand unbelievers.

Even if forced by the situation, Apocalypse had to ally with the Black Lantern Army, he must have the spirit of 120,000.

Otherwise, it might be sold and returned to the other party to count the money!

"This matter is so important that I can't take the lead."

Scarface didn't explicitly refuse, but said that he would go back and report the situation to Heishidi. As for whether to form an alliance, it depends on the meaning of the above.


Dakseid nodded slightly, and then ignored the scar face, and with a thought, the boom channel flashed again.

However, before leaving, he still left a sentence for Orion: "You are not responsible for this loss, work hard in the future, and strive to wash away today's shame as soon as possible!"


This is obviously Gu Li's own son.

When Orion heard the words, he was immediately moved and cheered up again, and immediately after he heard Darkseid's last sentence before the teleportation: "You will be responsible for the alliance with the Black Lantern Army." Bar!"

next moment.

Darkseid disappeared.

And the huge Apocalypse fleet also turned around in an instant, and entered the wormhole shuttle space again.

Obviously going home.

after all……

The battle on Lonely Planet is basically over.

Bai Xiaofei got the space-time shuttle device, but anyone with a slightly normal mind would not stay in place and wait for others to snatch it.

It's also lonely when Darkseid is gone.

Instead of mobilizing the masses and spending a lot of time and effort for a waste of time, it's better to go home and rectify the mess, and plan future countermeasures.

And after the fleet of Apocalypse leaves.

Scarface looked at Prince Orion, frowned and said, "Are you sure you want to go back to Dark Star (OA Star) with me?"

The subtext is, are you not afraid that we will refuse to cooperate and form an alliance, and then take you, the Prince of Apocalypse, as a hostage, or kill you directly?


Orion was fearless.

Looking at Scarface with squinted eyes, he said with a smile: "Because we have a common enemy, unless you are sure that you can deal with him..."

"But I believe that you didn't!"


A confident look.

Scarface was very depressed, because the other party was really right.

Scarface is just saying that, after this battle, the Black Lantern Corps suffered heavy losses. Not only did their hard work for a long time be in vain, even the Death Star was involved.

This exposed many problems of the Black Lantern Corps.


Lack of strong enough top combat power.

On the other hand, on Bai Xiaofei's side, the accumulation and growth of strength is simply beyond imagination. Now that he got the head of the anti-surveillance king (the space-time shuttle device), it would be even more powerful.

One ebbs and another, in the future days of the Black Lantern Legion, it is conceivable that the precipice will become very uncomfortable.

At this time, fight with Apocalypse again?


What a joke!

That's completely because he thinks he's lived too long, so let's do it with the brains that want to die! Not to mention the Black Death Emperor, even her scarred face would never do that.

Only the sincere cooperation between the two parties can compete against Bai Xiaofei's capital!

So far.

Scarface couldn't help but smiled wryly.

If you really miscalculated one step, you will fall behind step by step. This time, you can't admit it or not!

Bai Xiaofei, just wait for me!


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