The Storm God

Chapter 3792 Xiao Wang! (Please subscribe!)

lonely planet.

Regardless of the situation of Orion, Scarface and the others, anyway, the Anti-Prison King and Aya here are very depressed.


Aya looked at Bai Xiaofei with some complaints: "I was enjoying the fight, but you sent the enemy away when you came up..."

That way, just like a little bitter woman.

And the anti-surveillance king was depressed because he suddenly realized that he was too weak. Compared with Bai Xiaofei's terrifying ability, it was nothing!


Excited after depressed.

Following such a boss, the anti-supervision king feels that it is not impossible, as long as he performs well, the future achievements are also limitless!


It dare not neglect.

Hastily used his abilities and began to eliminate those Apocalypse fighters and members of the Black Lantern on the planet.

The leaders of the two forces have left, and the remaining younger brothers are naturally much easier to deal with.

not to mention.

Orion and Scarface also sent a message to the survivors here, don't be fearless, evacuate quickly!

Otherwise, wait to be liquidated.

Therefore, the anti-supervision king quickly wiped out all the outsiders around the planet without much effort.

Bai Xiaofei sensed it, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he used his ability to directly transfer the entire Lonely Planet into his own small universe.

so far.

This is completely safe.

Even if Morpheus, the God of Dreams, returns immediately, all he will be left with is an empty space in the Star Domain.

Looking for Lonely Planet?


Let's find Bai Xiaofei first and defeat him.

"here it is?"

As the ruler of Lonely Planet, the anti-surveillance king also felt the difference in the surrounding starry sky instantly, and his face was full of doubts and shock.

Bai Xiaofei explained: "This is my universe, where I am the absolute master, you can rest assured of your safety!"


The anti-supervision king was amazed.

There is such an ability, it seems that I am ignorant!

At this time, Aya said: "Sir, what are you going to do now? Just open its head and take out the space-time shuttle device inside?"

while speaking.

He also looked at the anti-supervision king with malicious eyes.

The latter suddenly became clever, and hurriedly said: "Well, don't bother, I will take out the space-time shuttle device..."


A dozen or so delicate mechanical tentacles emerged around.

In an instant, the anti-surveillance king's head was broken down into several large pieces, and the core part was undoubtedly the anti-surveillance king's consciousness storage device and the space-time shuttle device.

The anti-surveillance king's controller, the mechanical tentacles, took out the space-time shuttle device, but did not restore his head.

Instead, he used the suddenly changed mechanical parts to recreate a simple mechanical body for himself.

The appearance is that of a burly and strong man.

The space-time shuttle device was held in the palm of the anti-surveillance king, and his hands were sent to Bai Xiaofei reluctantly, flatteringly said: "Boss, it will be yours from now on!"

A wave of operations left Aya dumbfounded.

so dog licking...

She was completely convinced.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about these things, he stared straight at the space-time shuttle device, very satisfied with the anti-surveillance king's performance.

"very good!"

"Xiao Wang, you are very good at getting things done. For the sake of your self-consciousness, I can't let you suffer too much..."

"Aya, give him some rare metal materials and rebuild his body. The current one is too bad!"


Aya nodded subconsciously.

Bai Xiaofei took over the space-time shuttle device, and immediately felt a profound and inexplicable information pouring into his primordial dark system.

In the face of its terrifying and powerful computing power, the control ability of the space-time shuttle device is also being rapidly deciphered.

at the same time……

The space-time shuttle completely fused with Bai Xiaofei also sent an idea that this object can be fused with the main body to perfect its time-space shuttle ability.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately: "Sure enough, it's not what I expected, and what's more, it's the time system that's hardest to control. It's a big profit this time!"

According to the prompt of the space-time shuttle, the time-space shuttle device of the anti-surveillance king has the strongest ability to travel in time.

It was exactly the same as Bai Xiaofei's prediction.

With him, Bai Xiaofei can more easily comprehend and master the law power of the time system, and strengthen himself.

Not only that.

After the successful fusion of the space-time shuttle device, Bai Xiaofei's space-time shuttle function will also be greatly improved.

Although it is not enough to upgrade on the spot, it is almost the same.

That is.

As long as Bai Xiaofei works a little harder.

His space-time shuttle can cross the 6th level and be promoted to the 7th level domain level.

Such a good thing, how can you dislike him?

Compared with the consumption and casualties of this battle, the latter is almost completely negligible.


What should be rewarded should be rewarded.

Although the mechanical legion doesn't need to worry about it, the alliance army on Kruga must reward and comfort them no matter what.

this matter.

Bai Xiaofei handed it over to Aya to do it.

Aya nodded to express her understanding, and said: "Sir, after this incident, Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps have suffered such a big loss, I'm afraid they won't let it go, if they unite to take revenge on us..."


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he narrowed his eyes immediately, and said, "I've considered this too, but I don't have time to take care of them for the time being, can discuss with Sinestro, before I leave the customs, first Shrink your strength, try not to go out as much as possible, if you encounter an enemy, retreat if you can..."

"I see!"

Aiya then looked at the anti-supervision king, the mechanical strong man who is now renamed Xiao Wang, and said: "What about him? How to arrange it?"


She also knows the level of this product.

Although he no longer has the powerful body, technology, and space-time travel device, Xiao Wang still has some abilities.

If you let it go, it will inevitably be a bit violent.

The best way is to make the best use of everything and arrange something for this product, such as conducting some experiments or something...

And these all have to be decided by Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei naturally understood what Aya meant.

Hearing this, he was silent for a while, looked at the uneasy Xiao Wang, and suddenly smiled and said, "Alright, I just had an idea before, so you should study it carefully during this time."

"If it succeeds, this little king might become one of the top fighters among us!"


The implication is that you can do whatever you want.

Aya was overjoyed.


Xiao Wang (the anti-supervision king) is a little confused, what's the situation? How can I become a top fighter?

Two bosses, I just joined and I am still a newcomer. I don't understand anything, can you explain it more clearly?

This makes me very confused!


Bai Xiaofei didn't care about him.

Smiled at Xiao Wang, then turned around and disappeared and left.

Xiao Wang turned to look at Aiya, Aiya jumped out of the anti-surveillance mech, waved at Xiao Wang, and said mysteriously: "This is not a place to talk, come with me, I guarantee you will like it..."


hear this.

Xiao Wang couldn't help being even more puzzled.

But he followed Aya very honestly, left Lonely Planet, and came to Aya's laboratory.


He saw the imprisoned Anti-Monitor Mobius.

"This person is...?"

The first time Xiao Wang saw Mobius, he felt an extremely powerful anti-matter force, and he almost lost his sense of proportion due to his excitement.

Aya explained: "This is the anti-surveillance king of another universe. I plan to transform him into a special energy drive device and install it in your new body. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Xiao Wang's eyes widened in surprise.


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