The Storm God

Chapter 3793 Fusion! (Please subscribe!)

small universe.

On some uninhabited planet.


The figure of Bai Xiaofei appeared suddenly, and he said to himself: "Is it necessary to go to a planet with no one to merge?"


The one who answered him was Xiao Hei, the spirit of the space-time shuttle.

He explained: "Although the space-time shuttle device is a product of technology, the mystery it contains contains a huge mystery of the time system..."

"When merging, there will inevitably be some uncontrolled space-time disturbances, which will inevitably affect the surrounding things..."

"Boss, think about it, what if there is someone passing by at this time, who is suddenly affected and turns into a child, or worse, directly returns to the liquid state..."

"Can you bear this?"


When Bai Xiaofei thought about it, it was true, not to mention human beings, even other things would not work.

To know.

Everything in the small universe was carefully constructed by Bai Xiaofei, and he didn't want to change all of them when they merged.


Thinking about it, Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt something was wrong: "Xiao Hei, why did you change back to the past instead of the future?"

"Forget about people. If it's something that can go to the future, it should get better."

"For example, some technological products should be more advanced in the future. If there is such a change, then I am too happy!"

"However, what you mean seems to be..."


He was very puzzled by this.

Hearing the words, Xiao Hei didn't give a shit, and gave the answer directly: "Boss, the past is something that has happened and is fixed, so there are traces to follow, as long as you trace back along the path, you can go back..."

"But the future is different!"

"Take a certain node as an example. It is like a seed. Although it grows upwards, it can branch out into countless branches..."

"Those are all possibilities in the future. Without the intervention of external factors, all kinds of futures exist almost at the same time."

"It's like Schrödinger's cat, but this thing is more complicated and troublesome than that one. The power of time without order is generally difficult to tell the future of things."

"It can only take a certain node and development path in the past as an example, and repeat the process of this period, instead of randomly selecting one from countless futures, because that involves deeper forces and many factors. At the current state and level, it is still impossible to achieve..."

"So the best way is to come to the uninhabited star domain space and avoid all troubles as much as possible!"


Xiao Hei explained it in detail.

When Bai Xiaofei heard the words, he seemed to understand but half understood, suddenly felt the power and terror of the power of time, and his heart was filled with awe.


Nothing to say, open directly.

Under Xiao Hei's guidance, Bai Xiaofei began to integrate the mysteries of the space-time shuttle device, and the whole person quickly entered a mysterious and special illusion.


outside world.

Koruga star.

After receiving the news from Aya, Sinestro immediately notified everyone, so that everyone should go out as little as possible.

Even if you have to go out, you must send more people to ensure safety, so as not to encounter revenge from the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion.

As for other civilized galaxies and galaxies, they have also launched the highest level of vigilance and defense to prevent the invasion of the two evil forces.

at the same time……

The sentinel hunters in the mechanical field will also support the partners in the alliance free of charge and help them survive this crisis as much as possible.

Many people understand this.

But there are also some people with ulterior motives who want to take advantage of this opportunity.


Regarding those messy things, Sinestro and Aya have nothing to do, as long as the overall situation is not in trouble.

After all, human beings are not perfect, but all human beings have emotions and desires, and it is impossible for them to control everyone.

As long as these people are obedient and obedient and don't cause trouble for them, everything else is fine, the overall situation is the most important thing!

And it is strange to say.

I thought Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps would soon retaliate, but a month passed in the blink of an eye, but nothing happened.

This made Sinestro and Aya very puzzled.

"what's the situation?"

"Could it be that those guys have changed their sex? Or maybe they were scared of being beaten by us, so they didn't dare to take revenge?"

"But it doesn't make sense!"


Both of them agreed that the reason why Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion did not retaliate must be plotting some bigger scheme.

But what it is, nothing is known.


Nothing can be found out about their dark threads and undercover agents. Obviously, after the fantasy team's backstab incident, Apocalypse has once again strengthened its personnel management.

As for the Black Lantern Corps?


There are almost all dead people there, and they are all under the control of the Black Death Emperor. How can they install dark lines and undercover agents?

Although there are not no living people, most of them are controlled puppets and efforts, which are used by the black lamp to absorb energy, and they have no access to any high-level secrets at all.


Sinestro and Aya can be said to have black eyes.

However, based on a comprehensive analysis of the situation learned from other sources, the two still sorted out some useful clues.

The conclusion is that the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion have indeed formed an alliance, and the most direct evidence is that the Black Lantern has appeared many times in the Apocalypse's ruling chassis.

And both sides seem to be working on something.

Apocalypse's mechanical fortress has returned to its former size in a short period of time, and has even become stronger than before.

Sinestro believes that the key lies in the mechanical fortress.

He also sent people to investigate, but without exception, they all failed. None of the people who went there came back alive.

Either he was killed on the spot, or he was infected and turned into a black light.

It's useless to go to the mechanical sentinel.

Even worse!

It was directly used as parts, adding bricks and tiles to the mechanical fortress. It made Sinestro and Aya very angry.


After talking about the situation outside, Sinestro suddenly changed the subject, looked at Aya, and asked, "Didn't the sir tell you to study the fusion of Mobius and Xiao Wang?"

"The experiment has been going on for more than a month. How is the progress? Are there any results? Maybe we will rely on him to break the deadlock in the future!"

"After all, antimatter energy is very special, and its ability to restrain black lights is even higher than ours."


Speaking of this.

Aya was instantly excited.

His eyes lit up and he said, "Haha, the experiment is going very smoothly. If there are no accidents, we will be able to enter the trial operation stage in about half a month..."

"Now, Xiao Wang's body has been built, and the core energy furnace has almost been transformed."

"As long as the transformation of the cage that imprisoned Mobius is completed, and there is no problem in putting it into the brand-new anti-surveillance mecha, then we can carry out actual combat drills and operations."

"Well, am I doing well?"


Acting like I'm good at it.


Sinestro gave Aiyabi a gesture of praise, and sincerely praised: "If this is done, your contribution will be great, and sir will definitely not treat you badly when the time comes!"

"That's natural!"

Aya smiled confidently.

at this moment.


A piercing alarm suddenly came to mind.

Aya quickly called up the monitor and found that the source of the alarm was not the mechanical field, but the location of Lonely Planet.


"What's the situation? I don't remember any detection devices installed there? Could it be arranged by Xiao Wang?"

"Xiao Wang, take a look, what's going on?"


Aya was puzzled, and quickly contacted Xiao Wang.

As a result, Xiao Wang became anxious immediately when he saw it, and exclaimed: "Boss Aya, I installed this alarm on Murphys, the God of Dreams, as soon as he returns to this world, he will remind me..."


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